Who to believe? Juncker breaching diplomatic protocol and leaking a private dinner conversation to trash Theresa May; or May doing her usual schoolmarmy barking orders at the EU as if they were her civil servants. Does Juncker’s snarl indicate supreme confidence or underlying panic and fear? Is May’s steely disdain a cover for a devilishly clever plan or is she relying on luck to pull a rabbit out of the hat? The poor voters are left none the wiser – and at the end of it all could be raining a plague of curses on all their heads. As in the US and French elections – the mainstream don’t much like either choice.
Maybe it is part of Pluto in Capricorn’s slow and inexorable grinding down of the old politics and forms of government.
None of the main players look happy moving ahead and it’s not a zero-sum game where one side wins and the other loses. Both could/will suffer considerable losses.
Michel Barnier, 9 Jan 1951, 4.40pm La Tronche, France, EU Chief Negotiator, looks mighty confused in 2017/18 with tr Pluto square his Neptune, conjunct his Capricorn Sun and trine his Mars/Pluto; with a catastrophe opening up under his feet this October to Jan 2018; and highly agitated and insecure through 2018.
Martin Selmayr, 5 Dec 1970, Juncker’s Head of Cabinet, has his up moments this year, but is fending off brush-fires in 2018/19, feeling devastated – with tr Uranus opposition his Mars, tr Pluto square his Mars/Uranus and his Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Neptune.
Oliver Robbins, 20 Apr 1975, the UK civil servant known as Mr Brexit, will be a key player. He’s bullish through 2017 and 2018; but into 2018 has his Solar Arc Sun opposition his Neptune which will produce a nasty sinking feeling; and an edgy tr Uranus conjunct his Sun.
David Davis, the UK Cabinet Minister who is Brexit Secretary, is walking into tr Pluto conjunct his Mars in 2018/19 which is cornered, enfuriated and impotent.
[From a March 24 Post]. Davis’s relationship chart with Barnier, is showing signs of strain, discouragement, devastation and some mighty outbursts in 2017/18; with worse in 2019. Davis’s relationship with Theresa May isn’t easy at best with a composite Mars opposition Pluto square Sun Mercury, and is ploughing through heavy, depressed and disruptive waves in 2017/18.
Although Theresa May will have no direct negotiations with Barnier, she’s clearly setting the agenda, and her relationship with him will be highly-strung, and stressed this year; and in a complete upheaval in 2018/19 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Uranus and tr Uranus opposition the composite Saturn.
Her relationship with Juncker is most at odds in 2018.
Neither Juncker or Barnier are exactly fans of UK Inc. The relationship between Juncker/UK has an impatient, hostile composite Saturn opposition Mars square Venus; with a fight-for-control composite Sun quincunx Pluto; and Pluto being on the focal point of a T square to Uranus opposition Node, which doubles up on the intransigence between the two sides. Late 2017 will be especially frosty as tr Saturn is conjunct the Sun; with irritability and dislike growing in 2018/19 with tr Saturn conjunct Venus, square Saturn and Mars.
Barnier is also instinctively drawn to seeing the UK as a pushy entity that needs put down, with a composite Jupiter Pluto conjunction in a disruptive square to Uranus. There’ll be a good deal of jockeying for position in 2017/18 with tr Pluto trine the composite Jupiter; suspicion and paranoia from tr Neptune opposition Saturn in 2017; bad temper over the New Year as tr Saturn squares the composite Mars; and separated initially in 2018 by tr Uranus conjunct the composite Moon, and more so in 2019 when tr Uranus opposes Neptune.