Jessica Chastain, the ever-busy American actress – past successes include Zero Dark Thirty, Interstellar, The Martian, The Tree of Life, Zookeeper’s Wife – has seven up and coming projects, including in the X-Men film series and playing Tammy Wynette in a biopic, as well as running her own production company, which promotes diversity in film. She is reticent about her private life and childhood having been brought up poor by a single mother until her stepfather turned up; though after her sister’s suicide from drug abuse she is vocal about mental health issues, as well as gender and racial equality.
Born 24 March 1977 10.44 pm Carmichael, California (astro com) she has a pro-active Sun Aries as well as Mercury and Venus in Aries in her performing 5th house; with an entrepreneurial, inspirational Fire Grand Trine of Saturn in Leo trine Neptune trine Mercury, with Mercury opposition Pluto – confident and intense. She has an easy-going Jupiter Moon in her 7th opposition her secretive Scorpio Ascendant.
She married this year in June to her long time boyfriend Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo, an Italian sports-fashion executive which fits with her having tr Saturn now moving through her first quadrant, often when there is more focus on a personal life. She’s clearly not cutting back on her work schedule but may be less high-profile for a while.
If his birthdate of 10 Nov 1982 is accurate, then he’s an ultra-charming Sun Venus Jupiter in Scorpio, ideal for his career, though an odd mix with an Aries. His Mars squares her Sun, Mercury and her Saturn squares his Mercury Sun which is also less than ideal. Their relationship chart has a passionate composite Venus Mars conjunction; a power-couple and idealistic Jupiter trine Neptune, sextile Pluto; with a possessive and transformational Pluto square the composite Sun Mercury and probably Moon.
The wedding chart hints at too much work, not enough warmth.