Sergei Lavrov – the face of Russian diplomacy



Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister has been robustly rejecting claims of state involvement in the attempted assassination of the Skripals. “This is dishonest, this is pure propaganda, pure fanning of hysterics and hysteria.”

Born 21 March 1950, he was formerly at the UN for 10 years as Russian representative, and since 2004 has been the face of Russian diplomacy in the foreign ministry.

He’s a Sun Aries or last degree Pisces opposition Mars in Libra square Uranus, so resourceful in high-tension crises; with a confidently, charming Pluto opposition Venus and Jupiter in Aquarius.

What is clear from his relationship chart with Vladimir Putin is that both are shaken by recent events and criticism – either because they feel aggrieved at being attacked, or because of a botched-job which should have been carried out in a less public manner. Their relationship chart has a composite, enthusiastic Sun Mercury opposition Uranus square Jupiter – all of which is being dented by tr Saturn conjunct Sun and square Jupiter at the moment, then moving on to conjunct Mercury and oppose Uranus – all of that runs on until early June, repeating in the autumn. So this or other difficulties will continue. It may stretch cordiality between the pair to breaking point.

Lavrov has a fiery relationship with UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson with their composite Mars Uranus being triggered by tr Uranus in square from this July, into a through 2019.

China – president for life



Xi Jinping is now able to stay president of China for life after constitutional changes were passed, elevating his status to the level of the founder, Chairman Mao.

There’s nothing too specific showing on the China country chart. But he’s a very different temperament to Mao. Xi Jinping is a Sun, Jupiter in Gemini with Mars, Mercury, Uranus in Cancer; with Mercury Uranus square Saturn Neptune in Libra – adaptable, restless, bubbling over with initiative.

Mao, a Sun Capricorn had a much more Fixed and enduring chart with Mars Uranus in ultra-determined and vengeful Scorpio opposition Jupiter square Venus opposition a Leo Moon. And he had the signature can-be-megalomaniac Neptune Pluto in Gemini, shared by many of the 20th Century dictators.

The only thing of note is Xi Jinping’s First Presidency chart – 14 March 2013 11.51am Beijing, which has a Yod of Pluto sextile Saturn inconjunct Jupiter – definitely pointing to grandiose ambitions, with the ability to have a considerable impact on the masses – though with the downside of a tendency to get carried away by grandiosity.

XJ isn’t especially tied into the China chart on synastry, except in a relatively benign way. But his relationship chart has a composite controlling Sun Pluto conjunction; with a wide reforming Saturn opposition Jupiter square Uranus.

Krysten Ritter – living up to her super-hero role



An all-female directing crew hit the #timesup mark for the latest Marvel TV series of Jessica Jones, launched on International Women’s Day. Krysten Ritter plays a former superhero turned private investigator in New York.

Born 16 December 1981 noon in Shickshinny, Pennsylvania, Ritter started as a model and moved into films and appears to have super-charged energy. She filmed Jessica Jones and The Defenders for 12 months straight, wrote a debut novel Bonfire; runs her own production company Silent Machine; and is a professional knitter with an Instagram following.

She has a Sun, Neptune, Mercury all in Sagittarius on her midheaven sextile the determined and tough Saturn Pluto in Libra, with her Pluto conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio. She describes herself as ‘hard-core’. Suited to the film business with Neptune on her MC, she’ll be ambitious with the Sun there as well and is well-designed for a public career with an audience.

Her Mars in Libra is sextile Uranus and trine Venus in Aquarius which will give her hyper-energy. Her hard-working Virgo Moon squares onto Uranus making her restless.

Tr Saturn is moving across her midheaven now and staying in her upper quadrant for the next seven years, so there’ll be a good deal ahead for her. With a real lift in 2019 as tr Uranus opposes her 8th house Jupiter. Though she’ll be under fairly relentless pressure with tr Pluto square her Saturn then Pluto over the next four years.

Her creative 5th and 7th Harmonics are well aspected as is her acting 15H.

Browder, Magnitsky – a very Russian puzzle



The Skripal attempted assassinations have brought the Sergei Magnitsky affair back into the headlines, as well as Deutsche Bank scandal, money-laundering suspect Russian funds into the New York property market, which may impact on the Mueller Investigation.

Magnitsky was a Russian lawyer, imprisoned after reporting officials for major fraud and died as a result of a beating. (More Magnitsky details in old post below.)

His former employer financier Bill Browder is still fighting his corner, relentlessly lobbying governments to sanction corrupt Russians laundering their money in the West. His book Red Notice: How I Became Putin’s Number 1 Enemy is being made into a film – Amal Clooney is his lawyer.

Browder, who was deported and had his Moscow investment fund expropriated by corrupt officials, said in an interview (below): ‘The reality is that the entire Russian government is the mafia.’ He describes it as a ‘gangster state.’ And he gave evidence this week to a UK Commons select committee and said: “I believe they want to kill me. They haven’t figured out a way yet where they can kill me and get away with it.”

His Magnitsky Act, intended to impose visa sanctions and asset freezes on corrupt officials, has now been introduced in seven countries including Britain, the US and Canada. As a result he lives in a “warzone”, receiving numerous death threats: text messages and voicemails from unregistered Moscow numbers.

A few years ago the Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev told reporters in a briefing: ‘it is a shame Sergei Magnitsky is dead and Bill Browder is still alive and running around’. In 2015, he says, US intelligence authorities alerted him to an illegal rendition plot being formulated against him.

Browder, born 23 April 1964 Chicago, Illinois, is a Sun, Jupiter, Mercury in Taurus trine Uranus Pluto in Virgo – suited to the money business, stubborn, rebellious, not one to budge easily; especially with Saturn in Pisces opposing his Uranus Pluto. His Mars in pro-active Aries is under assault from a tr Pluto square, 2017/18, finishing this September/October, which is not only frustrating but also high-risk.

His relationship chart with Putin is stressed and aggravated with a Yod of Mars sextile Saturn inconjunct Sun. And it will be under extraordinary pressure in 2018/19 with tr Pluto square the composite Sun. Browder’s Mars opposes Putin’s Saturn Neptune in Libra and squares Putin’s Uranus – so he will be a thorn in Putin’s flesh.

Despite Putin being a walkover for this election he does not look remotely happy or clear headed with tr Pluto moving to square his Neptune from late March till late 2019 – which tends to be devastating and scandal-prone.

The Labour MP Yvette Cooper, chairwoman of the home affairs select committee has pressed this week for police to reopen investigations into 14 suspicious deaths in Britain linked to Russia in recent years. This would include Russian financier Alexander Perepilichnyy, who died while jogging in the UK in 2012, after handing information to Browder’s firm with information on the people behind Magnitsky’s murder. Despite US intelligence agencies saying there was Russian involvement in his death, the Surrey Police ruled out murder.

July 25 2017 Post.   The drip drip of toxic info keeps coming about the Trump dynasty’s Russia connection. This is just background about one, now deceased, piece of a jigsaw that is slowly coming together, involving Russian money-laundering through the New York property market and through the German Deustche Bank, already under investigation for same, whom certain Trumps had significant dealings with and loans therefrom.

Sergei Magnitsky was a Russian lawyer/accountant, arrested after accusing Russian officials of tax fraud. He died a year later in custody after beatings in 2009. As a result of his death, the Magnitsky Act came into being which put banking restrictions on Russian officials implicated in human rights abuses. It’s those sanctions which Putin is keen/desperate to get lifted. The lawyer involved in last year’s meet with Don Jnr and Jared Kushner is heavily involved with the main players in the above.

Magnitsky, born 8 April 1972 in Odessa, Ukraine, was an Aries Sun in a rebellious/activist opposition to Uranus. He also had a communicative Air Grand Trine of Pluto trine Saturn Venus Mars trine North Node (Moon) in Aquarius with Pluto opposition Mercury – so a crusader (NNode in Aquarius), gutsy with Pluto Saturn Mars, though maybe not too practical. He also had Neptune opposition Saturn Mars Venus which formed the boundary of his Half Grand Sextile – idealistic, slightly fanatical or head in the clouds, but talented.

When he died tr Neptune was squaring his Solar Arc Uranus opposition Sun; tr Saturn was just over the conjunction to his Pluto and trine his North Node.

His reforming Uranus was conjunct Vladimir Putin’s rigid authoritarian Saturn (Sun Neptune) with Magnitsky’s Saturn Venus Mars falling in Putin’s secret 8th conjunct his Gemini Moon so arousing anger.

This year the Magnitsky family lawyer fell/was pushed from a 4th storey window and seriously injured.

Add on: As ever with any story involving Russia, high finance and money-laundering the waters get exceeding muddy.

A slightly different view from:

There are however undisputed facts.

  1. Magnitsky was beaten in prison, denied medical treatment and died.
  2. Russian money-laundering through US and indeed UK property deals is an accepted fact.
  3. Deutsche Bank in May 2017 agreed to pay $41 million to settle Federal Reserve allegations that its U.S. operations failed to maintain adequate protections against money laundering, the latest in a string of fines that have cost the German lender billions of dollars. Deutsche Bank has recently reached settlements with the U.K. and New York State’s Department of Financial Services over trades that allegedly helped wealthy Russians move some $10 billion out of the country.

Colin & Livia Firth – wrong kind of publicity



Never believe red carpet smiles and cuddles. It now transpires that Colin Firth and his Italian wife Livia were separated during several togetherness-outings onto the paparazzi-walk last year. All of which has emerged since she reported an Italian journalist whom she was having an affair with during their spousal time apart for stalking her after she broke up with him and returned to Firth.

Colin Firth, born 10 September 1960; Livia Giuggioli, 4 September 1969.

This makes them both Sun Virgos. He with Pluto, North Node and Mercury also in Virgo; she with Pluto. Her Venus is in Leo and his in Libra which isn’t a bad combo at all. His Moon is in steady Taurus while hers is in restless Gemini.

It is an odd match. She describes herself as a ‘ball-breaker’ and she certainly has a challenging chart with Mars in Sagittarius probably opposition her Moon and square Pluto, so controlling and ultra-determined. Her Pluto is conjunct Colin’s Mercury with her Mars in square – so she’ll tend to dominate discussions. His Mars opposes Jupiter squaring onto his Mercury, which will make him enthusiastic, optimistic, quite nervy with a focal point Mercury. Her Saturn in Taurus opposes his Neptune for uncertainties and suspicion and her cool  Saturn may conjunct his Moon, certainly is trine his Pluto. Her Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus is conjunct his Venus – so a superficially glamorous connection though a widely travelled schedule will suit, giving her space. His Neptune is square her Venus – so she’ll have problems pinning him down.

Their relationship chart would make you wonder how they’ve stayed together this long. There is a composite Venus, Uranus, Sun, Pluto opposition Saturn possibly square Moon – so a constant roller-coaster; chained-together by Saturn Pluto; possessive from Sun Pluto; but disruptive with differing agendas from Saturn and Sun close to Uranus. There is an idealistic, head-in-the-clouds Jupiter Neptune. It has had tr Neptune in an undermining opposition to the composite Venus Uranus and conjunct Saturn recently and tr Neptune is now moving to oppose Sun Pluto through this year and next. So the future looks highly uncertain.

Trump & Kim – who will be first among equals?



Trump is euphoric with what he regards as his unique achievement in bringing Kim Jong Un to the negotiating table with the dangled carrot of North Korea giving up its nuclear programme. Even commentators grudgingly admit only Trump’s idiosyncratic and blustering approach to Kim Jong Un could have produced this surprising turn of events. However caveats are legion. North Korea has ploughed ahead to finish its nuclear testing, even with sanctions removing a third of their already impoverished economy. Nuclear weapons gives them leverage against the USA and protection. Trump’s childish glee in rushing to accept without conditions has two drawbacks. The first is it puts Kim Jong Un on the same footing as Trump. The second is there is no indication of what pre-conditions Kim would demand – for example removing US troops from South Korea and the end of the US-South Korea Alliance. Nor how much access he would allow to check on the denuclearization programme.

One diplomat said: “Kim is not inviting Trump so that he can surrender North Korea’s weapons. Kim is inviting Trump to demonstrate that his investment in nuclear and missile capabilities has forced the United States to treat him as an equal.”

Two things are clear from the astrology. One is that Kim Jong Un’s Leadership chart is undergoing a complete turnaround at the moment with the Solar Arc Uranus exactly square the 10th house Sun Pluto. I had rather hoped that might topple him, but no sign as of that just of this moment. However tr Saturn is conjunct the Leadership Sun Pluto now, repeating twice before the year end, which doesn’t look exactly ecstatic – blocked and discouraged. Tr Uranus will oppose the Saturn come April, and again later in the year into 2019, which looks high-tension, irritable, self-willed, kicking against restrictions. With a slippery, evasive tr Neptune square his Mercury in May and again later into 2019. He will get a lucky break also in May from tr Uranus conjunct the Jupiter. But his way ahead isn’t straightforward or clear cut.

The other astro-point of interest is Rex Tillerson, who only the day before had said negotiations weren’t a realistic option in the near future, only to be contradicted hours later by his chief. He looks more than usually aggravated with Trump at the moment with tr Saturn square their composite Mars, repeating late May and again in the autumn. He looks teeth-gritted also at the moment with tr Pluto trine his Mars/Saturn midpoint and devastated come April with tr Uranus square his Sun/Neptune midpoint; and further unenthused come May.

The offer isn’t on paper, merely passed on by the South Koreans – and to be noted also the proposed Russian gas pipeline through North Korea will give him eastern protection, so less need of an active nuclear programme.

If anything South Korea looks more unsettled with the USA than NK, so there could be a revision of USA involvement there. Anything is possible but the prospect of Trump rushing in to cut a deal must be giving the State Department panic attacks.

Jupiter retrograde – time for a #metoo rethink



Jupiter goes retrograde in Scorpio tomorrow till early July. Jupiter is expansive, lucky, idealistic, successful. But when it goes retrograde it leads to a reappraisal of what success really means. The vision which Jupiter brings often has to go back to the drawing board during this phase for a period of introspection and meditation.

Since the #metoo campaign really kicked off when Jupiter went into Scorpio late October 2017 it’ll be interesting to see whether the momentum slows and a new direction emerges come July as a result of deliberation. Scorpio rules all matters sexual – and also financial. Jupiter shone a light on dark places.

Stormy Daniels – close encounters in dispute



There’s a welter of claims, counter-claims and hot denials flying over the Stormy Daniels affaire. She’s a porn star who allegedly had a one night stand with Donald Trump four months after his youngest son Barron was born; and was paid off by his lawyer in a confidentiality agreement just before the 2016 election. Apart from the scandal itself, firmly denied (not that dirt ever appears to stick to Trump) there are additional ethics questions about whether or not he knew about the pay-off and therefore did not disclose the financial liability which violates several laws.

She was born 17 March 1979, Baton Rouge, Louisiana and is a Sun Pisces in a Water Grand Trine to Jupiter in Cancer trine Uranus in Scorpio – creative certainly, not always too practical, lives in her own dream world. Her Mars also in Pisces is in a hard-edged opposition to Saturn in Virgo which makes sense of a sex worker; and her Mars in is a high-adrenaline trine to Uranus. Her Venus in detached Aquarius is in a seductive trine to Pluto.

Her relationship chart with Trump has a composite affectionate Sun Venus trine Uranus Jupiter so it would provide a lively chemistry. Jupiter Uranus is in an adventurous square to Mars. But the Sun is also in a slippery opposition to Neptune and a blocking square to Saturn. So not a match destined to last.

Her Venus opposes his Pluto for a strong attraction; and her Pluto is conjunct his 2nd house Jupiter so tussles over money are hardly unexpected. Her Mars squares his 10th house Uranus, which has led to outbursts and could knock him off track.

She’s on tenterhooks this year, alternately bullishly confident and then panicking; with similar in 2019/2020.

Ethiopia – struggling to find a way ahead



There have been demonstrations in Ethiopia against the state of emergency declared after the ruler stepped down saying he wanted to clear the way for reforms. It is Africa’s second most-populous nation with a booming economy and a staunch Western ally in the fight against Islamist militancy. Ethnic tensions are behind part of the unrest.

Ethiopia has an ancient history with no obvious start date. Emperor Haile Selassie was deposed on 12 September 1974 with 6.15am given as a time for a new beginning. 27 April 1993 for an independence declaration is another date.

The 1974 chart does look stuck and discouraged with tr Saturn square Pluto Mercury now and on and off till later this year. With no sign of an easy transition ahead to the democratic reform which the population and the international community would like to see. Tr Pluto will have a longish run opposition the Cancer Moon and square Uranus from 2019 to late 2021 – which looks emotionally stressed and prone to uprisings and rebellions. With a disappointing, undermining tr Neptune opposition the Virgo Sun and square the midheaven in 2019 to 2021.

The 1993 chart also looks highly-strung, nervy, discouraged, disruptive this year; and in a fair amount of turmoil stretching from 2018 to 2020. So it will take time to find a solution to the present problems.