Eclipses ahead – relationship ruptures and rebuilding



Eclipses normally come in twos, a Solar and two weeks before or after a Lunar. This time we’re blessed or cursed with having two Solar Eclipses (New Moons) – July 13 at 21 degrees Cancer and August 11 at 19 degrees Leo; and a Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) on July 27th at 5 degrees Aquarius.

Both the Solar Eclipses fall in Saros series which according to Bernadette Brady (The Eagle and the Lark) focus on friendships and relationships. The first in July bringing a glum mood about separations or endings but fast action will produce results; and the second in August bringing a potential collapse of plans or lifestyles with a long-term result of transformation and rebuilding. The Eclipse effect often strikes up in advance and lingers for a few months thereafter.

The July Solar eclipse is challenging and blocked as the New Moon opposes Pluto; with a disruptive Mars opposition Node square Uranus. But there’s also a workmanlike Earth Grand Trine of Uranus to Saturn and Venus which may bring some stability and common sense.

The 27 July Lunar eclipse has the Moon conjunct Mars opposition Sun, North Node square Uranus, so is likely to be explosive with sudden shocks and surprises.

The August 11th Solar eclipse has the Leo New Moon square Jupiter and inconjunct Pluto with the overly-excitable and uncompromising Uranus Mars Node T square still in place.

None of which looks peaceful.

The UK’s Moon and the USA Mercury opposition Pluto will catch the July Cancer Eclipse. For the UK since the Moon rules the people and – in the 10th – the country’s rulers (Royal and other), there’s likely to be insecurity, a sense of standing on shifting sand; matters of the past will come back to be dealt with, and the country’s image will be under scrutiny.

For the USA it’ll be an intellectual challenge to review and rethink vehemently held opinions and also to clear out a murky past (Pluto). If that doesn’t occur then stagnation and decay are likely ahead.

The EU will be most affected by the 27th July Lunar Eclipse as it will shake their Fixed Grand Cross of Neptune, Moon, Uranus (and Venus) – mainly situated in financial and future-planning houses.

To watch: Saudi Arabia with its Sun, Jupiter, Saturn in Capricorn will catch the first Solar Eclipse; as will Angela Merkel with her Sun Uranus in Cancer; and Donald Trump with his Venus Saturn in Cancer. Michel Barnier will also be adversely affected as the July Eclipse opposes his Capricorn Sun, ditto Jared Kushner, and for them the challenge is to face up to an ego-blow and let the past go.

10 thoughts on “Eclipses ahead – relationship ruptures and rebuilding

  1. I suppose it really doesn’t matter if another lunar and solar eclipse were on it’s way – everything is already a hot mess anyway.

  2. Trump shot off his mouth at the meeting today. He can’t deal with the fact that Merkel is the leader of the free world now. God help America.

    • It pains me to say it but he’s not wrong about the Russia gas agreement – Ukraine is more than aggrieved about it. And Germany and others are under spending on NATO.

      • Actually, no, nobody is “underspending on NATO”, since NATO budget a country fixes isn’t the same thing general Defense Budget. For instance, Germany may not meet 2 per cent of GPD on Defense, but with The UK and France, they actually cover more than half of NATO cost not covered by The US.

        Not only that, it’s not like Americans or British have minded weak Bundeswehr since WWII. I don’t think it’s fair to call for a country where military has been surpressed and ridiculed for decades suddenly to take care of themselves. We have some experience on this ourselves, and I can say that anti-military discourse pushed by a WWII winning country was a main reason my father didn’t enlist after serving as a conscript.

        And while I’m against Northstream II, Trump’s numbers for contrasting it are, obviously, wrong. Russian gas only covers about 9 per cent of Germany’s energy consumption, not 70 per cent.

        Overall, Germany isn’t the biggest slacker here. They were singled out, because Russia needs a distraction, and Trump is stupid enough to start the fight. It’s not unlike schoolyard, really.

      • To be fair Francine, facts and details aren’t his strong point. He likes throwing in a hand grenade just to focus attention on himself and feed his need for constant aggro. He got his stats wrong and if you read the post above it explains them in detail.

    • First of all, I don’t like Trump. But he is the President of the USA. And it is in our financial interests to work with him, regardless of how we feel about him. We did after all sell arms to Saddam Hussein, didn’t we? And to Saudi Arabia too.

      The USA is currently the largest economy of the world, and the largest economy the world has ever seen, so how on earth can that mean, JW, that Trump is not the leader of the free world?

      Germany is not the largest economy in the world. So Merkel cannot therefore be the leader of the free world. And as a sovereign nation, being told what to do by unelected politicians of the EU does not make the UK free, nor any other European country free. Despite the illusion they think they are free.

      A country can only be free if they have control of their borders, control of their own laws, their own currency and lastly control of politicians that they can deselect. None of which is true if we are a member of an unelected body, like the EU. So if nations are not free under current EU legislation, then how can she be leader of the free world? Your logic is flawed.

      Sorry, but it is true.

  3. And NATO? I really don’t need astrology to see we’re living history right now. But if I had to see first domino falling, I’d say it’s going to be NATO, Nat Sec is too important for most countries to be left in hands of Donald Trump. NATO has a huge 7th house in Aries Stellium. Pluto further down in Leo, but Saturn in Capricorn will continue continue breaking havoc through a square here.

  4. The July 27 lunar eclipse chart set for Washington,DC occurs in the financial houses(2nd & 8th) with Uranus squaring it from the 5th house of speculation.So it would seem to be money related.Like the EU.

    • Stock market finally realizing Trump truly believed in trade war and taking a hit, I suppose. There is so much going on right now a lot gets lost, and an obvious story not getting coverage is US Congressfinally voting on limiting POTUS’ powers to introducing tariffs on National Security grounds.

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