Alaweed Bin Talal fated to clash with Crown Prince Bin Salman



Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, a Saudi billionaire, one of the world’s richest men, has been held a prisoner, along with dozens of others, in the Ritz Carlton in Riyadh since November on charges of corruption, extortion, money-laundering and bribery. He has been reportedly tortured and is refusing to pay the $6 billion demanded by Crown Prince Bin Salman for his release, which would amount to about a third of his wealth. He owns major stakes in Twitter and Citigroup, was a key shareholder in 21stCentury FOX and is known as the “Warren Buffett of Saudi Arabia.” He evidently says any payment would amount to an admission of guilt, and lead to the dismantling of much of the business empire he has spent his life building, and which he recently said he would give to philanthropic causes.

The grandson of Ibn Saud, the first Saudi king, he was born 7 March 1955 in Mecca. He’s a Sun Pisces, with a determined Saturn in Scorpio square Pluto, plus a lucky Jupiter Uranus in Cancer.

He certainly rubs Mohammed Bin Salman the wrong way and vice versa with MBS’s Mars in Leo conjunct Bin Talal’s Pluto, which is bitter hostility; and both have the obsessively stubborn Saturn in Scorpio. Their relationship chart has two stressed Yods of Mars sextile Jupiter inconjunct Neptune, and Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Jupiter – so they are fated to change each other’s destiny irrevocably for good or for ill.

Bin Talal does look bullish ahead with tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter in 2018/2019 with lucky breaks coming from tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter/Uranus from March onwards for two years; but that apart he’s got undermining Neptune transits to his Pisces Sun from mid this year and two midpoints; with a devastating 2019 to look forward to as his Solar Arc Pluto is conjunct his Neptune and Solar Arc Saturn opposes his Uranus. He’ll make it difficult for Bin Salman but he doesn’t look as if he is winning this battle.

Just as a footnote there was the start of a three part BBC documentary this week on the House of Saud: A Family at War. It was excellent and an eye-opener, starting in a village in Bosnia, laying out how Saudi money had channelled funds into that destructive early 1990s war, had promoted extremist mosques worldwide, including in India, inflaming tensions where before there had been a peaceful Sufi version of Islam; and Saudi charitable donations largely funded 9/11. Had it not been for Mohammed Bin Salman’s recent rejection of the extremist Wahhabist standpoint, the main motivator behind the global mosque building, it would have caused more of a rumpus. A 1980s UK TV doc, The Death of a Princess about an execution caused a split in diplomatic relations. The Times review this week remarked: “the billion-dollar question: is the new crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, the liberal, white-knight moderniser the world has been waiting for, or just a blingy hotshot full of counterproductive impulsiveness? And how does his daddy feel about him being man of the year for his aim to kibosh ultra-conservatism?” What it did leave was a sense that the Middle East is heading as one American expert said: ‘into an abyss of hell’ with a mighty sectarian clash looming between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran.

Catherine Deneuve – defending l’amour, but not rape



Catherine Deneuve, the formidably beautiful icon of French cinema is picking up flak for suggesting the #metoo campaign is a new puritanism, portraying women as weak and hates both men and sexuality. An open letter to Le Monde, signed by 100 French women, said: “Men have been punished summarily, forced out of their jobs when all they did was touch someone’s knee or try to steal a kiss. Rape is a crime, but trying to seduce someone, even persistently or clumsily, is not – and nor is men being gentlemanly a chauvinist attack.”

Deneuve, was born 22 October 1943 1.35pm Paris, the daughter of two stage actors, has worked for cinema greats like Truffaut, Bunuel and Polanski; lived with a succession of starry men like photographer David Bailey, Mastroianni, Roger Vadim and a Canal+ executive, and supported liberal causes throughout her career.

She does have an intriguing though tough chart. Her 9th house Libra Sun is trine Mars Saturn in Gemini, sextiling onto an 8th house Jupiter. Lucky definitely, though with a hard edge from Saturn Mars. Libra women tend to incline towards their fathers and take a less sympathetic view of their mothers, perhaps one reason she wants to introduce some balance into the heated argument. She does have a packed 8th house with Venus in Virgo, Jupiter, Moon and North Node in Leo there and Pluto on the cusp – so sexuality will be important to her.

The other notable co-signee is Catherine Millet, a writer and editor of an art magazine, but best known for her 2002 memoir The Sexual Life of Catherine M, which was described as “the most explicit book about sex ever written by a woman”. Born 1 April 1948 3.15pm Bois-Colombes, France, she also has an exceptionally intense and hard chart with an 8th house Aries Sun opposition Neptune square a Capricorn Moon, and trine a 12th house Saturn, Pluto, Mars in Leo.

The French are incorrigible flirts and woe betide anyone who gets in the way of their wholehearted appreciation of l’amour. It’s partly also a generational argument with older women who relished the sexual liberation of the 1960s, seeing #metoo at risk of rolling back the clock. While younger women see it as a stand against harassment.

Oprah Winfrey – poised on the brink of radical changes



Oprah Winfrey having taken a look at Trump is pondering on the merits of running in 2020 for president. She’s undergoing considerable changes at the moment and through 2018/2019 with tr Uranus trine her Pluto exactly now and opposition her Solar Arc Pluto throughout 2018; as well as tr Pluto opposing her Uranus from early February till late 2019. So she will feel her life is being turned upside down or at least onto a totally different trajectory. Tr Pluto is also opposition her Jupiter/Pluto midpoint for supercharged confidence from this February till late 2019. Her high-enthusiasm will be dented a touch by tr Neptune square her Jupiter from May onwards till late 2019, which could undermine financial expectations. From spring 2019 to late 2020 she has tr Pluto sextile her ultra-determined Mars in Scorpio, so whatever she’s doing she’ll be going at it with unrelenting persistence.

At the inauguration in 2021 tr Jupiter is exactly conjunct her Sun Venus in Aquarius, so she’ll at least be pleased with whatever is going on; and more intriguingly she has her  Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct her Pluto within months of the inauguration, which is similar to Trump in 2016/17. What will not be in her favour, birth time being accurate, is tr Saturn moving through her First Quadrant which is usually less high-profile and less successful (though there are exceptions to this rule).

Her Solar Return for Jan 2021 to Jan 2022 does have a controlling though charming Venus Pluto in the 10th as well as a successful Sun Jupiter; and the volatile Mars Uranus on her Ascendant for a fiery, innovative year.

It’s certainly possible, though she’ll arouse as much resistance as support. And it will depend on whether the USA is fed up by that time of having a president with no governing experience, either of the negotiating that goes on within Congress and Senate, let alone handling the complexities of the economy and foreign policy.

Clemmie & Winston – divorce never, murder frequently



Clementine (Clemmie), wife of Winston Churchill, was the great unsung heroine of his triumphant efforts in World War 11. He said openly he could not have done it without her. Far from being a submissive mouse, she was not only his emotional rock but was involved in some of the most crucial decisions of the war, exerting an influence that would shock modern sensibilities. She helped repair relations with Stalin, Roosevelt and de Gaulle, when they came under strain. Churchill himself was a turbulent, erratic, selfish, demanding and impulsive personality, given to bouts of depression, so it was no easy match and she had a fiery temper. She came, as he did, from an emotionally deprived childhood, in her case with warring parents and a mother more concerned with her love life than her children. She did at one point consider leaving him during the 1930s when he was more impossible than usual. Though she later remarked about their marriage; ‘divorce never, murder frequently.’

Winston, 30 November 1874 1.30am Woodstock, England, had a quick-witted and communicative 3rd house Sun in Sagittarius; with an exuberant, morale-boosting and inspiring Mars Jupiter in Libra in his 1st opposition an idealistic (though not always sensible) Neptune. His Leo Moon was in his 12th square an 8th house Pluto in Taurus, which made him possessive, especially of his socialite mother who paid him little attention.

Like Hitler he had both Neptune and Pluto in the 8th, though in Hitler’s case they were conjunct, which does give an ability to influence the masses.

Clementine, 1 May 1885, was a charmingly determined Sun, Venus, Mercury in Taurus which fell in her husband’s 8th, making for a deep connection. Her Jupiter in Leo was conjunct his Sun, so she would provide support, optimism and home comforts, boost him up when he was low. Her Sagittarius Moon was also conjunct his Sun, giving a mutual understanding.

Her sensible Saturn, sextile Mars on one side and Jupiter on the other, gave her grit, a clear mind and balance that he sometimes lacked. Her Saturn opposed his Venus in Sagittarius so she’d be capable of coming down hard on his wilder moods. Especially since her Saturn was in a can-be-autocratic square to Uranus which was exactly conjunct his Ascendant. She changed him out of all recognition and clearly for the good of all.

But it was no easy or harmonious marriage. Their relationship chart did have a wide affectionate composite Sun Venus. Plus a controlling Sun square Pluto. And a power-couple composite Jupiter trine Pluto, sextile Mars – they’d be better when they had a common cause to focus on. The composite Moon was probably in a cold opposition to Saturn square Mars. Usually when Saturn Mars appears in a relationship chart there is unkindness, if not downright cruelty, and one partner usually has to give up a great deal in ego terms to keep the relationship afloat.

Those were different days when marriages tended to stick through thick and thin but interesting to see how a less than perfect match produced such a bonded-together and productive couple. Now that I look – they also have a composite Yod of Mars sextile Jupiter inconjunct Sun, which often appears in the relationship charts of those bound together with fate for some greater purpose that changed both of their lives irrevocably.

Gary Oldman – a chameleon who packs a punch



Gary Oldman gives a universally praised performance playing Winston Churchill in Darkest Hour, which has won him a Golden Globe and may yet land an Oscar. The film is about that crucial period when Hitler looked like winning World War 11 and cigar-smoking, brandy-swilling Churchill refused to be browbeaten.

Oldman, 21 March 1958 10.56 am London, England, has had an illustrious career on stage and screen, though a chequered and controversy-strewn private life with five marriages and an alcohol problem. He has an impulsive Aries Sun trine Uranus and sextile Mars in uncompromising Aquarius as well as being inconjunct Pluto.

Indeed his Sun is on the focal point of a Yod being inconjunct Neptune as well, so he will have had problems with low self-esteem and then the opposite. Asserting himself in a steady way won’t be easy for him. Either too little or too much. His Sun sextile Mars forms another Yod, both being inconjunct Pluto, which will have given him problems with wielding power; in unrefined form this can be coercive and manipulative, though also has the capacity for great depth of insight. Two Yods will definitely stand him out from the crowd,; he’s not a natural fitter-in.

His Mars in the 8th (on this uncorroborated birth time) is in an explosive opposition to Uranus squaring onto Neptune – he’ll be stubborn, sticking to his opinions even in the face of evidence that he’s wrong. Though helpful clearly for Neptunian filmic talent.

He’s got a hard-working Saturn in can-be-self-righteous Sagittarius, which no doubt contributed to some of his over-the-top support for Mel Gibson and others. His Moon Mercury are in Aries trine Uranus and sextile Venus in freedom-loving Aquarius, so no surprises it has taken him time to settle down.

Hugely complicated, he’s found his metier in acting where he can be someone else and he looks like having a good many years ahead of him.

Andy Murray – facing tough decisions



Andy Murray is wrestling with a hip problem which has seen him miss all tournaments since Wimbledon last year and may require surgery. He’s had a sterling career with three grand slam wins, two Olympic gold medals and reached the No 1 ranking in the world. But he’s at an age when many great players have retired and an operation would require a long convalescence.

He looks more upbeat and confident come late March with tr Pluto trine his Mars/Jupiter midpoint. But his Progressed Moon is due to hit his 6th house of health within six months; and the July Cancer Solar Eclipse will rattle up his Solar Arc Mars opposition Solar Arc Uranus Moon Saturn. Into 2019 he has fairly aggravated influences through till 2020 when his life will change radically. It will obviously be an agonising decision for him though it may come sooner rather than later.

Venezuela – Cancer’s patriotism pushed beyond its limits



With Venezuela at starvation point and the world’s fastest inflation rate, President Nicolas Maduro is flailing around to find a solution to a problem caused largely by his own and his predecessor Hugo Chavez’s left-wing policies. Hundreds of thousands have fled to nearby Colombia with the economy near collapse and food and medicines out of reach for most of the population.

His Presidency chart, 19 April 2013 2.05pm Caracas is heading for an inflammatory collision come late April into May this year and again in early 2019 as tr Uranus is conjunct the Sun Mars in Aries. He’s under sanctions by most governments and described as a dictator.

Venezuela, 5 July 1811 3pm Caracas, if the time is sound, is certainly at its nadir financially and tr Saturn will soon conjunct the 2nd house Moon within weeks, making the population even more deprived. There is a Solar Arc Pluto square the Cancer Sun, exact now, which is a dead-halt; with the country continuing to be fractious throughout this year. With regrettably more Neptunian slumps over coming years. There’ll be a high in 2020 and then more setbacks with even more disenchanted citizens in 2020/21.

There’s no real indication from the charts of Maduro, 23 Nov 1962 9.03 pm – a reckless and chaotic Sun Sagittarius square Jupiter opposition Uranus Pluto – disappearing soon. Though he’ll continue to slide from mid 2018 onwards for eighteen months.

Hill & Bill – back in the firing line of scrutiny



The Justice Department has launched a new inquiry into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of State according to The Hill. Denials are flying along with accusations of political pressure from the White House. Though there have been stories in the New York Times and elsewhere for several years about donations to the Clinton Foundation or speech fees that fell around the time of favorable decisions by Clinton’s State Department.

Hillary never did look happy, astrologically speaking, around now with Solar Arc Saturn conjunct her Sun, within two minutes of a degree, so exact exact. Tr Pluto is also opposition her Mars/Uranus midpoint this month for a ‘violent intervention’ and high-stress. And tr Uranus is moving in February to oppose her Solar Arc Mars Pluto, which will be a hugely unsettling jolt; at the same time as an undermining and disappointing, power-eroding tr Neptune opposition her Jupiter/Pluto midpoint. A confused and devastated phase courtesy of tr Pluto as it starts to oppose her Sun/Neptune midpoint from late March, on and off for two years. With tr Uranus starting the disruptive opposition to her Sun from July onwards into 2019. All in all not a great year or two for her.

Even Bill’s customary aplomb may slip when tr Saturn squares his Ascendant, Mars, Neptune in February/March and on and off till late year, which will feel like a worrying setback. Plus he has an ‘emotional shock’ Solar Arc Venus opposition his Uranus now. Plus a drift of undermining Neptune transits to midpoints through this year and next. Assuming this is not health related, he’ll reboot his confidence in 2019 when his Solar Arc Pluto is conjunct and tr Pluto square his Jupiter.

Misha Glenny – treading on McMafia’s toes



Misha Glenny is steeped in the ways of a dangerous world. His book McMafia has been turned into a rip-roaring, quality BBC series but this isn’t fiction. He’s an investigative reporter and his thesis is that organised crime is a greater threat to the world than terrorism and now accounts for 15 per cent of the world’s economy. He said in a Times interview: “The McMafia culture has broken out of the confines of crime to politics and the whole super-rich culture. Leaders everywhere — Putin, Erdogan, Trump, the entire elite of Brazil — are engaged in financial dealings and activities which are absolutely outrageous but seen as the way of the world. Enron . . . was organised crime on a grand scale. What was going on in Fifa was mafia-style behaviour.”

He is convinced Russia interfered with both the US election and the Brexit referendum in order to spread chaos, especially in the EU, which is Putin’s greatest economic fear.

Born 25 April 1958 in London with a Russia studies academic father, he became a war reporter, covering the Yugoslav Wars, before turning his focus onto crime. After his McMafia book was published he advised several European governments on policy issues and has written another book, DarkMarket, on cyber criminals.

He’s a stalwart Sun Taurus opposition Neptune and trine Pluto in late Leo, so has that Neptune Pluto instinct for ambitions which hit the zeitgeist and in this instance also hook into Neptune Pluto’s propensity for scandal. He has a tough-minded Saturn in philosophical Sagittarius trine Pluto and more significantly Pluto opposition Mars in uncompromising Aquarius. Mars Pluto if mishandled could have sent him walking down a very dark road. But he chose to live out its ruthless energies in observing a brutal war at first hand; and then moved on to focus on the scary world of ferocious criminal masterminds.