Oswald Mosley – aristo decadence and Venus Mars


Just a quickie since it turned up in Peaky Blinders and is a sterling example of Mars Venus. Oswald Mosley, the British fascist leader, took Lady Cynthia Curzon as his first wife in 1920 and embarked on a long affair with two of her sisters and her stepmother as well as other women. One of the sisters was also involved sexually with Prince George, Duke of Kent (see post below). Mosley went on, after Cynthia’s death, to marry one of the Mitford sisters in Germany in 1936 at Goebbels’ residence with Hitler as guest of honour. Mosley spent most of WW11 in prison as his party was banned.

Born 16 November 1896, he was a Sun, Saturn, Uranus in Scorpio – undoubtedly innovative, obsessive, stubborn to the nth degree, not a man for turning. His Moon was in Aries. And his Venus in Sagittarius was in an exact opposition to Mars in Gemini. Scorpio is always sexual even damped down by Saturn which can turn to perversion in certain cases. Plus the Venus Mars which Ebertin describes as ‘a disharmonious sex life, in some cases inclination to polygamy, infidelity.’

His son, Max Mosley, 13 April 1940, who has been involved in extensive litigation over media and internet exposure of his sex life – so one treads lightly – has a Venus Mars conjunction in Gemini.

One thought on “Oswald Mosley – aristo decadence and Venus Mars

  1. Oh Marjorie,

    This article has me worried. The chart for one of my male relatives has Saturn at 23 Capricorn, Mars at 0 Aquarius and Venus at 6 Aquarius. All the planets are in the eleventh house (as calculated by Placidus, Koch and Equal House). What should he and we look out for?

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