The earthquake in Italy this morning at 3.36am local time, near Perugia, has left at least 73 dead with 150 missing.
It happened as the tr Mars tr Saturn was close to exact (11 minutes, approx. one sixth of a degree) and conjunct the Fixed Star Antares, which is thought to have a destructive side.
This quake was similar in intensity to the 6 April 2009 Italian l’Aquila quake which killed 309, and occurred on a Saturn opposition Mars Uranus.
And the catastrophic series of quakes in 1703 which set off on 14 Jan 1703, and may have killed as many as 10,000, started with Mars conjunct Saturn Jupiter Neptune in Aries.
So Mars Saturn certainly a signature – and there was another earthquake today in central Myanamar that was felt as far away as India and Thailand.
The even more devastating 13 January 1915 Avezzano earthquake did not have a Mars Saturn signature, except in the 18th Harmonic (and 9H) where there was a Mars Saturn North Node sextile Uranus with Uranus conjunct Pluto). The 18H is reflective of natural disasters. This quake happened on the approaching tr Saturn conjunct tr Pluto which is redolent of deprivation, hardship and war-like conditions.
On the 1703 and 2016 charts the Saturn/Pluto and Mars/Pluto midpoints are conjunct, 9 Gemini and 27 Sag respectively; and in the 2009 quake chart they are square. So down in the minutiae there’s a build-up of high-risk, destructive energy.