The ubiquitous Arianna Huffington is on the move again, leaving her baby Huffpo to launch a health-and-wellness start up.
She’s had an extraordinary life and career, powering ahead with chutzpah, brains, social charm and not altogether- likeable determination. Described variously as the “Sir Edmund Hillary of social climbers”; “a “right-wing Lady Macbeth” (that was before she switched from Republican to liberal); and “the most ruthless, unscrupulous, and ambitious person I’ve met in thirty years in national politics,” she certainly arouses strong reactions.
Born 7 July 1950 3pm Athens, Greece, she moved to the UK aged 16, became the first foreign President of Cambridge University Union, made a name in UK media as consort of the Times columnist Bernard Levin, wrote books, became a media celebrity, moved to the US and married wealthy Republican Michael Huffington, became known during his unsuccessful Senate run, chummed up with Newt Gingrich, had two kids, got divorced as Huffington came out as bisexual, switched political allegiances to the left, wrote books where there were allegations of plagiarism, and helped to pioneer digital-only journalism with Huffpo which now appears in 14 different countries. The concept for it was sold as the new idealistic ‘citizen journalism’ where contributors were not paid – and she then sold out for $315 million and there have been sharp criticisms for that betrayal as well as for the blurring of the lines between journalism and advertising.
Not a lady who does things by half. She’s always had an interest in New Age spirituality so the new project will be interesting to watch.
She has a 9th house Sun Cancer (conjunct Mercury Uranus) on the focal point of a Cardinal T Square to a showbizzy Mars Neptune in Libra opposition an Aries Moon. Cancer as a sign often has a ‘nose’ for what is the mood of the moment and 9th house is global communication. Uranus is good for digital IT and for being an outspoken maverick. Loads of cardinal give her initiative by the bucket full. Her focal point Sun will make her ego-centric with unshakeable self-belief.
More pointedly, or at least in addition, she has Pluto conjunct her MC from the 9th which will give her a craving for power and influence. Her Pluto is trine her Moon and sextile Mars Neptune on one side as well as an emphasised Venus in Gemini on the other – so a talented Half Grand Sextile. Her Venus in social butterfly Gemini is deeply buried in the 8th, giving her intensity and it squares onto Saturn in ultra-hard-working Virgo in a scared-of-failure opposition to Jupiter.
She does have tr Saturn now moving through her first quadrant, so less successful, less high-profile at the moment and for a few years ahead. Her Solar Arc Mars is square her Saturn exactly now which looks like a major setback and she has a discouraging Solar Arc Mercury conjunct her Saturn within months; and tr Pluto will make one more stressed and confusing opposition to her Sun and square Neptune this September – so not the best time of her life. For all the spin, this career move may not have been a choice that was made without pressure. The new set-up won’t launch spectacularly well since she’s got tr Neptune opposing her Saturn in 2017/2018 with tr Pluto square her 6th house Moon – so challenging pressures and some angst.
She has an extraordinarily powerful 5th Harmonic (quintiles) which is ruthless, creative, enthusiastic and quite slippery. Her pleasure-seeking 9H is also strong; as is her 13 and 17H charts.
Knows what she wants and goes straight for it.