The aftermath of the Meredith Kercher sexual attack and murder ten years ago is about to be replayed in Netflix’s documentary about Amanda Knox, out this week. In it she says: “There are those who believe in my innocence and those who believe in my guilt. There is no in-between. If I’m guilty, I’m the ultimate figure to fear, because I’m not the obvious one. But, on the other hand, if I’m innocent, it means that everyone is vulnerable, and that is everyone’s nightmare. Either I’m a psychopath in sheep’s clothing, or I am you.”
The director of the film said: “This dark and tragic event had morphed into this episodic piece of consumer entertainment, and presented to us in the most salacious way possible, over and over and over again.”
Amanda Knox and her (at the time) very recently acquired boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito spent four years in an Italian prison before being definitively cleared by the Italian court of Appeal.
Both have clearly been scarred by the experience and although they are no longer in a relationship, their fates will always be intertwined, certainly in the public eye. His Aries Sun is exactly conjunct her North Node; and his North Node is exactly conjunct her Ascendant. Destinies colliding. Her Saturn, Moon, Uranus in Sagittarius are conjunct his Ascendant, so his meeting with her irrevocably changed his image.
Neither have easy charts or contented personalities, and looking forward, they’ve still got difficulties to face.
She was born 9 July 1987 2.47am Seattle, Washington and has a 2nd house Cancer Sun alongside Mercury Venus all in opposition an 8th house Neptune, trine/sextile Pluto in Scorpio. So tricky to fathom with an evasive Neptune, she’ll be controlled as well as charmingly seductive with Venus Pluto. And she will give off confusing signals. Her fiery Sagittarius Moon sits awkwardly with her Watery Cancer Sun and Venus, as well as being hemmed in by discouraging Saturn and erratic Uranus.
Tr Pluto is continuing to oppose her Sun from the 8th till late 2017 which will be a heavily pressured time and tr Pluto continues in her trapped 8th for another four years, being joined by tr Saturn from 2018. 2019 will be especially tricky and downbeat with her Solar Arc Saturn opposition her Sun.
Raffaele Sollecito, 26 March 1984 1.15am Bari, Italy, says he doesn’t think about his future anymore, taking it week by week. His Aries Sun is square Neptune Jupiter in Capricorn, so he could have been laid-back, dreamy, overly confident before. But he’s also got Mars Saturn and Pluto spread out through Scorpio, which is angst-ridden, quite dark; with Mars sextile his Capricorn Moon. He’s got a slow-slog tr Pluto sextile his Saturn till late this year; and if his birth time is right, Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his Ascendant in 2017 which will be enthusiasm-dampening; and a panicky-failure Solar Arc Mars conjunct Neptune in 2018.