Uma Thurman – shades of Melania – Sun Saturn in Taurus

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Actress Uma Thurman – Pulp Fiction, Dangerous Liaisons, Kill Bill – is involved in a messy court custody wrangle over her daughter with French financier Arpad Busson. She was born 29 April 1970 1.51pm Boston, MA (astrotheme) – three days after Melania Trump – so has the same stubborn/enduring Sun Saturn in Taurus opposition Jupiter in Scorpio; and the same showbizzy and excitable Mars in Gemini opposition Neptune, trine Uranus.

Thurman has been around with Busson since 2007, on and off through two engagements, and this followed two short-lived marriages for her to Gary Oldman and Ethan Hawke.

It would never be an easy mix with Busson since his Sun Saturn in Aquarius squares her Sun Saturn in Taurus; with his Mars in Leo square her Saturn; and his Pluto Uranus square her Mars Venus in Gemini. So blocked every which way and angry.

Their relationship chart unsurprisingly has a composite Sun Saturn Mercury conjunction trine Neptune, which is better for business than pleasure or affection; with the composite Venus in an erratic, roller-coaster opposition to Uranus Pluto. There’s a hot composite Mars trine Venus and opposition Jupiter, so when it worked it would be a sparkling adventure. But  never designed for the long haul.

If her birth time is accurate then her Pisces North Node is in her 7th so her line of least resistance will be to slide back into independence.

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