Isabelle Huppert – due for even more success



Isabelle Huppert, a French screen and stage actress, with an illustrious career strewn with awards, is reckoned to have been at her best in the psychological thriller Elle this year, winning her a Golden Globe award.

Born 16 March 1953 2.40am Paris, France, she’s another Pisces with Jupiter in Taurus in her entertainment 5th house; and an iconic Pluto in the 8th which squares Jupiter and trines Mars in Aries, so she certainly projects a powerful image. She has a well-organised, hard-working Saturn and creative Neptune together on her midheaven.

She had tr Uranus square her Solar Arc Jupiter over the Globes; and February for the Oscars looks even more confident, successful and promising with tr Pluto starting a two year trine to her Jupiter; and tr Uranus opposes her Sun/Jupiter as well.

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