Emmanuel Macron – the EU hope for France



The French election this year is one of the major worries for the EU given the far-right, protectionist, anti-EU Marie Le Pen’s rise to prominence. Francois Fillon who was supposed to be the main block to her success, has flip flopped and backtracked on policies including a cane-the-unions and reform-labour laws which has sent even the far left-wing towards Le Pen.

Now Emmanuel Macron, a former economy minister, who is running an independent, centrist, pro-EU campaign, is now seen as capable of causing a major surprise in the spring vote. Born 21 December 1977 10.40am Amiens, France, he’s a Sun Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter and trine Saturn; with a Taurus Moon opposition Uranus square Mars in Leo in his 7th – so definitely vocal, hard-hitting, excitable, hard-working.

He’s certainly on an upsurge at the moment with his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Mars, exact at the moment, though still in effect over the two-stage election on April 23/May 7. He’s also got tr Jupiter conjunct his Pluto over the first round which should give his confidence a boost. But what is probably a sinker is tr Neptune opposition his Mars/Pluto midpoint over both rounds – which is usually bad news for election wins = being damaged by smears, suffering under attacks, lacking energy for resistance.

2 thoughts on “Emmanuel Macron – the EU hope for France

  1. Fillon did seem to briefly pull ahead of the pack.

    What a frightening thought. Madame Presidente Le Pen. Could she be worse than President-Tweet Drompf?

    She made a visit to Trump Tower…and was left cooling her heels. Funny.

    Not my president.

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