Much merriment and outrage has been voiced over Trump fan Sean Hannity, the Fox News host’s failure to disclose his relationship with Trump attorney Michael Cohen as he is named as the mysterious third client. The purists says it puts his credibility on the line since he was on air condemning the FBI raid on Cohen’s office without full disclosure of his conflict of interest.
Cohen’s other two clients are Trump and Republican National Committee Deputy Finance Chair Elliott Broidy. Broidy resigned recently after the Wall Street Journal reported he had a sexual affair with a Playboy Playmate, resulting in a pregnancy that she terminated, and that Cohen arranged a payment of $1.6 million in hush money to her. Cohen also paid off Stormy Daniels.
Stephen Colbert went to town on his late night satirical talk show, saying Cohen only has two other clients and all he does for them is pay off mistresses, which raises the obvious question about Hannity. Hannity denies that Cohen ever dealt with any third-party matter for him.
Hannity, born 30 December 1961 10.30am Franklin Square, New York, has Sun, Mars, Venus in Capricorn as well as Mercury trine Pluto Uranus in Virgo – ambitious, money-minded, an enthusiast, a forceful speaker and a de-stabiliser. He’s also got North Node in Leo opposition Jupiter in Aquarius square Neptune in Scorpio so will be slippery at times. Neptune is further emphasised being on the pint of a mini-Grand Trine of Pluto trine Sun Mercury.
There’s nothing to indicate a fall from grace though he is shaken at the moment, has a tough slog through the rest of the year; with a major jolt in July – but will be on confident form through 2019 to 2021 with a few humps and bumps along the way as well. If his birth time is accurate tr Neptune will square his midheaven in 2019 which is lacklustre. But tr Saturn stays in his upper quadrant for another few years so he’ll just keep on going.