Disgusted-of-Tunbridge-Wells doesn’t seem to be disgusted enough if the polls are correct as Boris Johnson sails unscathed by personal scandals and political chicanery towards No 10, even if only for a brief interlude. Not that his competition is up to much, but still. He has that slippery Geminian ability to shin up the greasy pole with no dent in his chances despite a heap of dirt on his CV.
Our very own, shameless, amoral, duplicitous, lying clown on the throne – all of which might be forgiveable if he was half ways competent which he isn’t.
Mulling over tricksters and their necessary function in creating the chaos out of which an ultimate benefit comes – he does have his Midheaven and Ascendant close to the UK’s MC and Asc with his Solar Arc Jupiter moving to conjunct the UK’s MC within a year. So he is key to something. And heaven knows, there’s enough chaos wrapped up in his chart with Saturn in Pisces opposition Uranus Pluto square Mars in Gemini suggesting a vibrant, overly scattered, disorganized and self-interested personality who lives on the edge of nervous irritability and finds it difficult to focus or concentrate.
July 11th to August 22nd he picks up tr Pluto opposition his Mars/Pluto midpoint, repeating mid November to mid December. Ebertin describes this as proceeding in a brutal manner or the misfortune of having to suffer violent assaults. From September 22nd till late January 2020 he has a run of undermining Neptune transits bringing uncertainty, paralysis, failure.
His relationship chart with the UK 1801, (birth times being sound), has an 8th house Mars opposition Neptune with Mars trine a 12th house Mercury Uranus. That looks capable of detonating a deep-seated anger, causing financial havoc, is certainly divisive, and will give rise to the sense that the UK’s interests and his are not the same. One wins the other loses is what Mars Neptune indicates. Tr Pluto will trine the deeply buried Mars during his tricky July/August and November/December patches; with tr Neptune casting smokescreens around at the moment and on and off in 2020 (if he lasts that long) with tr Neptune opposition the composite Mercury Uranus.
His relationship chart with the Conservative Party 1912 is friendly enough in essence; though with a non-mutually supportive Mars Neptune; and resentful Saturn trine Pluto. There’ll be significant disturbance in late October early November this year when Brexit is allegedly due.
His relationship with Donald Trump is super-ambitious as a twosome with a good deal of enthusiasm; though it’ll hiccup its way from late August, suffer a major setback in late September/October and be less than secure in 2020.
Who’d have thought repressive, authoritarian Saturn Pluto would throw up archetypal Fools?