Japan – extreme weather marked on the eclipses


Japan’s worst storm for sixty years with torrential rain and tornado-like winds have led to 7.5 million people being advised to evacuate. There are wind speeds of 225km/h (140mph) with half a metre of rain expected and to add to the misery there was a magnitude 5.7 earthquake as well.

The recent July Lunar Eclipse in last decan Capricorn, located to Tokyo, had Uranus on the Midheaven square Mars on the Ascendant – which is a pointer towards significant disruptive events over the next few months. With the July Solar Eclipse having the Cancer New Moon conjunct the Ascendant with a watery Neptune on the Midheaven. Eclipses with planets on the axis usually indicate major events following for that location.

On the Japan country chart tr Pluto is moving to make another disruptive square to the Japan Uranus within weeks; with Solar Arc Saturn approaching less than a degree of being exactly square the Mars for a major accident/setback; and an upsetting Solar Arc Uranus square the Japan Neptune and conjunct Mercury. There’s a loss/mourning Solar Arc Venus conjunct Saturn; and oddly – a Solar Arc Sun opposition Jupiter. Uranus Neptune often accompanies nerve-stretching events, sometimes earthquakes and other natural disasters. Jupiter, with its amplifying effect, is also often present.

Utterly terrifying. There are videos on twitter of lorries being blown around like toys.  The force of nature on the rampage is truly scary.

One thought on “Japan – extreme weather marked on the eclipses

  1. Marjorie…

    In addition……Japan’s progressed Moon is opposite progressed Uranus square the lunar nodal axis. (Japan chart 11/02/1889) the current Full Moon opposes natal Uranus (couple of degrees orb).

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