Saturn Pluto Jupiter – two sombre and one radiant planet


Saturn Pluto in Capricorn is a gloomy preoccupation for the astro-minded, exerting its shadow effect at the moment and a prospect for 2020. Though Jupiter does move into Capricorn early this December, staying for a year, which will lift some of the gloom though it’ll take time to catch up with the other two.

The restrictive and heavy-duty Saturn Pluto conjunctions come three times a century, with the most recent being in Libra in the early 1980s and prior to that in Leo in the late 1940s.

In 2020 Saturn comes together with Pluto only once in an exact conjunction in January at 22 degrees Capricorn; and close enough in September at 25 and 23 degrees respectively. But the mood will sit heavily across most of the year.

Jupiter Saturn conjunctions happen every 20 years; But Jupiter Saturn Pluto triple conjunctions happen much less frequently. Typically these major outer planet multiple conjunctions rarely all come together on the exact degree at the same time. In this instance Jupiter will conjunct Pluto at 24 Capricorn in late March and late June; and again in November at 22 Capricorn – that should be morale-boosting, lucky and confident. Saturn and Jupiter don’t come together exactly as a conjunction until December 2020 at zero degrees Aquarius.

Below is a rehash of previous posts:

The previous Saturn Pluto Jupiter conjunction was in 1819/20. In fact it never came exactly together since the Saturn Pluto conjunction in Pisces of 1819 had separated before Jupiter caught up in 1820. Of note (from wiki):-

‘The Panic of 1819 was the first major peacetime financial crisis in the United States followed by a general collapse of the American economy persisting through 1821. The Panic announced the transition of the nation from its colonial commercial status with Europe toward a dynamic economy, increasingly characterized by the financial and industrial imperatives of laissez-faire capitalism. Though driven by global market adjustments in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars, the severity of the downturn was compounded by excessive speculation in public lands, fueled by the unrestrained issue of paper money from banks and business concerns.’

Interesting that the financial collapse – Saturn Pluto = deprivation – was followed by a resurgence from Jupiter. It was certainly a major turning point at least for the USA.

Earlier triple conjunctions of Saturn Pluto and Jupiter:

1146 in late Taurus. The Second Crusade was launched then which failed within three years and was a considerable victory for the Muslims. Also in 1146, a rainy year caused the harvest to fail in Europe, followed by one of the worst famines of the century. And European leaders outlawed the crossbow, intending to end war for all time.

1285: Jupiter Pluto in late Capricorn conjunct Saturn in early Aquarius. This seems significant for English/Scottish Welsh history. In 1284 Wales was merged with England. The Scottish Wars of Independence started in 1286, after the unexpected death of the Scottish king led to a fight for the succession which was exploited by Edward 1 of England (Hammer of the Scots) who assumed over-lordship. 30 years of fighting followed until Scotland became independent again.
There was persecution of the Jews as there had been in 1146. Saturn Pluto is historically connected to the persecution of the Jews.

1444: Saturn Jupiter were conjunct in early Cancer, moving individually then to conjunct Pluto which was in late Cancer/Leo. All sorts of invading and pillaging by the Ottoman Empire in what is present day Greece and Turkey etc.

UK election – yes, no, maybe, go away ** add ons

Befuddled, bothered and bewildered, the UK electorate is regarding the present of a festive Brexit election with a jaundiced eye and a weary sigh. ‘Doing my head in’, ‘don’t care anymore’, ‘take it away’ being the typical responses.

With a lacklustre Sun square Neptune on the 8th and a Full Moon running through polling day square Neptune, it’s not a chart that inspires hopes of a decisive result. The restrictive, repressive Saturn Pluto is closing fast to exact and sandwiching Venus on the day itself for gloom and discouragement. With the only bright spark coming from a lively Jupiter trine Uranus.

The UK 1801 chart itself has tr Saturn exactly opposition the 10th house Moon suggesting disenchantment with the country’s leadership, perhaps also mourning a loss. Tr Neptune is hovering around the square to the Solar Arc Mars and the UK Mercury in the run up and in early 2020 for confusion and unclear thinking – as well as transport and communication problems perhaps. In the final days of this year tr Uranus will sextile the UK Pluto till early February which could indicate an upheaval of sorts.

Political party charts can be of questionable value. But for what it’s worth:- The Conservative 10 May 1912 chart which works better than the earlier one, is logjammed, suffering setbacks and in meltdown with tr Saturn opposition the Mars on election day and Neptune soon after; with tr Pluto in a confused and devastating opposition to the Neptune; and into 2020 square the Mercury.

The Labour 1900 chart is similarly dismayed and set back on its heels at the election and just beyond though bouncing with more enthusiasm from late March 2020. The 1906 Labour chart is downhearted in 2020 and on an upswing from 2022 onwards.

Boris is not a happy camper at the election and in the days following with disappointments from tr Neptune square his Sun/Mars and Venus/Mars midpoints; setbacks from tr Saturn opposing his Mars/Uranus and tr Pluto in a trapped opposition to his Mars/Pluto till December 20th. He’ll perk up marginally from late January 2020 but is running into two tricky Solar Arcs of MC conjunct his Uranus for sudden radical career change and Uranus conjunct his natal Moon for an emotional shock.

Dominic Cummings appears to be in a worse state in November/December, but that may be due to health worries since his long overdue surgical intervention may be happening. But even so he isn’t looking upbeat about the news.

Carrie Symonds will find the campaign puts a major strain on her relationship with Boris with tr Uranus opposing the composite Uranus and square Saturn from mid-November through till election day, suggesting clashing agendas. On December 12th she’s got a blocked tr Saturn conjunct her Sun/Pluto midpoint and only a slight uplift from tr Jupiter conjunct her Saturn in Capricorn with tr Uranus trine.

Jeremy Corbyn’s chart is the usual blank sheet of information though with some upheaval from tr Pluto opposition the Uranus/Pluto midpoint.

The SNP could be decisive since they at present are the third largest party and hold 35 out of the 59 Scottish seats at Westminster. Nicola Sturgeon is in good form with tr Jupiter moving into her 3rd as December piles on the election pressure. But hasn’t anything too illuminating showing on her chart apart from a mildly upbeat tr Jupiter sextile and tr Uranus opposition her Jupiter/Ascendant midpoint. The SNP 1934 chart looks downbeat on the run up to December 12th but in jubilant form over the New Year into 2020.

Jo Swinson, the LibDem leader with 20 seats in Westminster, should in theory be doing well but there’s nothing much of cheer on her personal chart. Though the LibDems have a minor boost from tr Jupiter trine tr Uranus sextile/trine their Mars/Jupiter midpoint but that’s v mild. They look more upbeat from the spring.

Wild guess – Corbyn loses and is heaved overboard; maybe Boris too and Michael Gove could, just maybe, have a chance of promotion with tr Jupiter trine tr Uranus trine his Virgo Sun. But I kind of reckon another election (sag) could be on the cards in 2020.

NB. Usual caveats about many charts lacking birth times and others not verified so there will be information missing.

Nigel Farage is gung-ho with exuberance till mid November then calms down a touch, with not much visible over the election itself – and is on a real downer in 2020 from late January onwards.

Philip Hammond is looking especially chipper over the result – the only one with an upbeat, successful influence, in his case tr Pluto square his Sun/Jupiter midpoint. Though without a birth time its difficult to say when a peculiarly unpleasant, road-blocked Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Mars will hit – perhaps it happened at the fall of May and rise of Bojo, so he’s over the hurdle. He also looks in buoyant form from late February 2020 for several months with tr Pluto square his Jupiter/Node midpoint. Though it’s always possible that he bales from Westminster into a cushy City job (or several).

Bill Gates – won’t escape Saturn Pluto woes


Bill Gates, second wealthiest man in the world after Jeff Bezos, has just celebrated his 64th birthday, and occupies himself with philanthropy in his charitable foundation as well as indulging a rich man’s fancy in cars, houses, art and other collectibles. He’s worth over $100 billion.

His Solar Return for this coming year – for an ordinary person – might suggest financial headaches with Saturn Pluto in the 2nd square an ambitious Mars on the Midheaven. But all things are relative and a few billion up or down is hardly likely to worry him over much. Jupiter in his 1st will keep him buoyant and his outlook will be about forward planning with the Sun in his 11th.

On his personal chart he is in a changing year with tr Uranus square his Uranus and opposition his Scorpio Sun, so he will be giving serious thought about how he wants to spend the next portion of his life and the changes he wants to make. He is conflicted with tr Pluto conjunct his Sun/Moon midpoint, unsure what he really wants and will be frustrated and irritated late December and through January 2020. And he will have his panicky moments in 2020 with tr Neptune opposition his Mars/Jupiter and Mars/Pluto midpoints.

The Saturn Pluto conjunction is focussed on his 6th house of health which may be soaked up in his charitable work fighting HIV, polio, and malaria around the world as well as Alzheimers from which his father suffers.

It may be scant consolation but all that money doesn’t iron out all the wrinkles in life.

BBC – challenges coming in from all sides


The BBC is mired in more disputes about equal pay as a dozen women prepare to take their cases to tribunal. That in addition to running bad publicity over highly-paid stars and top-heavy management; and the competition now from Netflix and other streaming channels with suggestions that the BBC itself could be switched over to a subscription service in future, makes it an even more critical time than usual.

The BBC launched 14 November 1922 6pm London and has a full entertainment and performing 5th house with a Scorpio Sun there square Neptune in Leo; as well as Jupiter Mercury in Scorpio on one leg of a creative Grand Trine to Pluto in Cancer trine a 10th house Uranus in Pisces. There’s also an uncompromising, contrary and combative 9th house Mars in Aquarius square Mercury. The Grand Trine especially in Water can act like a bubble within which there is a degree of separation from the outside world and reality. But it’s a strong and successful chart.

It has tr Neptune slipping and sliding through the 10th house of career direction for most of this coming decade, so may not commit to any decisively different plans for the time ahead. Financial wrangles will continue with tr Pluto (until 2025) and now tr Saturn (until 2021) moving through the 8th, creating shortages and sticky situations.

There’ll be major arguments from July 2020 onwards and high insecurity as tr Uranus squares the BBC Mars; and a ‘car-crash collision’ of sorts in 2021/22 as Solar Arc Mars opposes the Sun. By 2023 change will be in the air with tr Uranus opposes the Sun.

But there’s nothing that looks terminal about any of these humps and bumps along the road.

The BBC’s Pluto is conjunct the UK’s Midheaven so it is influential and highly significant for the country; with the BBC Mars and Midheaven in the UK’s 5th house of entertainment. However much politicians of all shades dislike the BBC and however blinkered the grotesquely over-weighted and overpaid management are, it’s difficult to see it disappearing totally. Although it will be on a popularity slide for a few years till 2024 with tr Neptune undermining the central configuration of the UK/BBC relationship chart..

California – under assault from nature’s fury


California is being devastated by state wide wild fires which have destroyed wineries and homes in the north and are now also raging in Los Angeles. A million people are without electricity, the biggest blackouts in the state’s history, and another million have been told they could lose supplies. Nearly 200,000 have been told to evacuate their homes north of San Francisco and many thousands in LA similarly. There are fears the blazes could enter areas that have not seen wildfires since the 1940s.

The California Virgo Sun is being undermined by a panicky, uncertain tr Neptune opposition exactly now to mid November and returning mid December to late January 2020; with the immensely pressured Solar Arc Uranus Pluto opposition the California Saturn exactly now creating major disruption. Plus an emotionally intense tr Pluto square the CA Venus until late December.

The recent Lunar Eclipse set for San Francisco had Mars in Leo conjunct the Midheaven square Uranus conjunct the Descendant which certainly looks volatile.

The Golden State isn’t short of trials and tribulations with fires worsening considerably in recent times and mud slides, never mind the prospect at some point of a quake.

Argentina – praying for stability

Argentina lurching through yet another financial crisis has elected a centre-left president Alberto Fernandez, whose chances were boosted by support from former president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. She’s seen as an Eva Peron figure, a populist favourite despite allegations of corruption and economic irresponsibility with her high social spending leading to debt. “Populism is an easier sell but Argentina is broke,” says a political analyst. “Opposition voters who expect a return to the easy spending of the Kirchner era will be quickly disillusioned.”

The Argentina 9 July 1816 chart does indicate financial woes with the Solar Arc Neptune conjunct Venus this year. And tr Neptune moving round the Mutable T Square of Node opposition Neptune square Pluto will 2023 also suggests a long trough of disappointment.

Fernandez, an Aries trine Uranus looks limp, lacklustre and panicked in 2021/22 with Solar Arc Neptune conjunct his Saturn followed by a failure-ridden tr Neptune square his Mars. Even Cristina de Kirchner, looks at the end of her tether and confused with tr Pluto square her Neptune and then Saturn through from this year to 2023.

The Bank of Argentina, 28 May 1935, is certainly undergoing a few shocks and upheavals with tr Uranus on its First Return now into early 2020; a tumultuous Solar Arc Uranus conjunct Pluto in coming months and a grinding, forced-change tr Pluto opposition Pluto in 2020/21.

One voter said: “The most important thing is stability. I’ve been through all the cycles, dictatorship, everything. What I hope is that at some point we will leave this cycle of stagnation and poverty and that we have the model of country we all want, regardless of party.” Another country sick of incompetent politicians.

Abu Baghdadi – beheading the dragon


The death of the ISIS leader Baghdadi still hasn’t been confirmed by DNA corroboration but Trump is already grandstanding his final moments in graphic detail. The Kurds claim it was a joint effort with USA while Trump thanked the Russians who weren’t involved. He’s also angling to have it seen as a bigger event than Bin Laden’s capture (to do down Obama); and appeared along the way not to have notified the relevant Congress chairmen who would usually be informed. Putin always, Adam Schiff never.

If wiki is to be believed Baghdadi was born 28 June 1971, five days earlier than Julian Assange; with the same Cancer Sun in a square to rebellious Uranus; and an uncompromising Mars in Aquarius. His chart is bedevilled by undermining Neptune transits to midpoints at the moment.

The ISIS 15 October 2006 chart did indicate 2019 to 2021 as the point at which it would hit major setbacks as tr Pluto squares the Libra Sun and then Mars. The Scorpio New Moon opposition Uranus tomorrow will hit their Solar Arc Sun in Scorpio exactly which seems apt.

It was always a more brutal chart than Al Quaeda, which was nasty enough with an afflicted Mars in Aries quincunx Pluto. But the ISIS chart has Saturn in wannabe-important Leo in an unyielding trine to Pluto, sextile Mars Sun – ruthless and brutal. With a lucky Jupiter in acquisitive Scorpio square Neptune and Saturn.

It remains to be seen whether another leader will step into his shoes – if he is truly dead this time – and how the group will reorganise itself, since there are now sleeper cells spread around the Middle East and Europe, as well as fundamentalist groups opposed to ISIS who could cause headaches in their own way. It’s a hundred-headed Hydra – chop off one and others appear.

Angela Kelly – overseer of the Royal wardrobe ** update


An unusual friendship between Queen Elizabeth and her personal dresser Angela Kelly has given rise to an unusual book which details their 25-year working relationship, with unseen pictures and “charming” anecdotes about their friendship. Normally Royal servants publishing books are frowned on, but the Queen once famously remarked “We could be sisters” so permission was given in this instance.

Angela Kelly was born 4 November 1957 (net sources) with a docker father and has worked at Buckingham Palace since 1994, first as the Queen’s Senior Dresser before rising to the role of Her Majesty’s Personal Advisor and Curator and In-house Designer. She is known inside as AK47 for her famously short-temper and her position as the Queen’s confidante has attracted a good deal of jealousy.

She’s a Sun Mercury in Scorpio so will give as good as she gets. She probably has an inspirational and entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine of an Aries Moon trine Saturn trine Uranus; and a super-enthusiastic Jupiter Mars in Libra.

Her synastry with the Queen isn’t too pass remarkable apart from her Jupiter Mars being trine the Queen’s Mars Jupiter in Aquarius. But the relationship chart is a different story with an affectionate composite Sun Venus conjunction in a possessive opposition to Pluto which forms a Mystic Rectangle in sextile/trine to Saturn opposition Uranus. With a morale-boosting and exuberant composite Mars Jupiter.

Their relationship will be going through some major shifts ahead with tr Uranus square the composite Sun Venus and then Pluto over the next year; as well as an undermining tr Neptune square the Jupiter.

PS The Daily Mail appears conflicted about her birth date but now seems to have settled on 61 years old which fits 1957.

Chile – demanding a fairer deal


A street protest yesterday of a million people brought Santiago, the Chilean capital, to a halt as they demanded the resignation of President Pinera and urgent economic reforms in response to spiralling inequality. It was the largest in a week-long series of demonstrations across the country that have left 19 people dead and hundreds injured.

The Chile country chart 5 April 1818 has an explosive and uncompromising Solar Arc Uranus conjunct Mars now and for weeks ahead. Emotions are running high with tr Pluto square the Chile Venus till mid-December as well. The mood will continue highly strung through 2020/21 with tr Neptune in a can-be fanatical square to the Chile Uranus before moving on to conjunct the Chile Pluto in 2022/23 which can be devastating confusion and can sometimes accompany natural disasters of some magnitude.

Sebastian Pinera, a right-winger was formerly president 2010 to 2014 and ended up with a 22% approval rating, the least popular leader since Pinochet, so it’s all the more surprising he ended up voted in this time round. Born 1 December 1949 he’s a Sun Sagittarius square an unpleasantly hard-edged Saturn Mars in Virgo and widely trine Pluto. He’s having a nose-diving couple of years with tr Neptune in a debilitating and failure-ridden opposition to his Mars Saturn this year and on end off till January 2021. With cataclysmic glitches come 2022 as his Solar Arc Uranus is conjunct his Mars Saturn.

His Second Presidency chart, 11 March 2018, indicated an angry, volatile, crisis-ridden term with Mars square the Sun and trine Uranus; and Uranus in an unstable square to Pluto. It’ll also be slipping and slithering through 2020 with tr Neptune conjunct the Sun from late April.

His Cabinet choices were heavily criticised for including pro-Pinochet members as well as pro-Nazi sympathisers.