Anthony Hopkins looks set for another triumph with Netflix’s The Two Popes receiving rave reviews. He plays Pope Benedict, wracked with doubt on the edge of retirement with Jonathan Pryce as the other lead playing his greatest critic and future successor Pope Francis. It launches later this month and is based on a play by New Zealander Anthony McCarten who wrote the screenplays for Bohemian Rhapsody and Darkest Hour. Rotten Tomatoes have given it 90%.
Anthony Hopkins, 31 December 1937 9.15 am Port Talbot, Wales, has had an astonishingly long and illustrious career, starting on the stage and thence onto film and television with highly praised performances in Silence of the Lambs, Remains of the Day, more recently Thor and Westworld.
He has a hidden and creative collection of Sun, Mercury, Venus in Capricorn in his 12th trine an innovative Uranus in the 3rd and sextile Mars in Pisces. Plus a superstar Neptune in the 8th in an artistic opposition to Saturn squaring onto a Sagittarius Moon. Plus an intense Pluto in the 7th trine Saturn.
He had a tough childhood and was deemed stupid at school and has recently been diagnosed as a high functioning Aspergers. He’s been married three times with a daughter from whom he is estranged. Emotionally he doesn’t have an easy temperament with a focal point Moon onto Saturn and Neptune and an overly controlling Pluto in the 7th. His daughter whom he abandoned as a toddler with her mother was born in 1968 so has the Uranus Pluto conjunction in Virgo colliding with his Neptune, Moon and Saturn; and her Saturn in Aries squares his Pluto. A difficult crossover.
He’s now 82 and with tr Saturn aiming to move across his Ascendant from January 2020 he will want to start winding down his workload. He does have an enthusiastic and lucky tr Uranus square his Jupiter over the New Year and through January, so despite the tr Saturn conjunct Pluto on his Ascendant he’ll be feeling good for a while anyway.
Jonathan Pryce 1 June 1947, is a Sun Gemini trine Neptune sextile Saturn Pluto in Leo so an interesting mix of complications – flexible and dreamy as well as tough-minded and ambitious. He’s also got a charming Moon Jupiter in Scorpio opposition Venus Mars in Taurus, which will anchor him down. He’s got an upbeat tr Pluto sextile his Jupiter as of now; and his Progressed Sun is square his Jupiter either now or next year, so in a buoyant phase.