“The worst form of injustice is pretended justice.” Plato.
William Barr, Trump’s Attorney General, written off by Nancy Pelosi as “rogue”, a proven liar and obfuscator over the Mueller Report and the FBI and now implicated in the Ukraine dirty dealings leading to impeachment, appears to be a fundamentalist Christian as well. Words fail me.
Prominent liberal Catholics warned he poses a threat to the separation of church and state and democracy, after he delivered a fire and brimstone speech recently to a Catholic University on religious freedom in which he insisted that “the traditional Judeo-Christian moral system” of the USA was under siege by “militant secularists” who were responsible for every sort of “social pathology”, including drug abuse, rising suicide rates and illegitimacy. He did not address the fact that many of the policies of the Trump administration are strongly opposed by the Vatican. One commentator said: “At least it helps me understand why Barr has been so willing to put his own reputation on the line to defend Trump so fiercely in every battle. Trump is Barr’s imperfect vessel in serving a much higher cause: the gospel.”
Barr has denied being a member of the ultra-conservative Opus Dei, though he has served on the board of its affiliate the Catholic Information Service, along with Leonard Leo, the man most responsible for putting Gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the supreme court.
Salon remarked in outrage: “Bill Barr may be the most unvetted attorney general in history, which is strange since he had served as AG under George H.W. Bush and was well known in DC circles. How could he have been confirmed as the nation’s top law enforcement official when nobody knew that he was a far-right religious extremist on a mission to use the law and the executive power to enforce a moral code?”
Born 23 May 1950 in New York. He is a Sun Gemini in an expansive square to Jupiter in Pisces with Jupiter in a see-saw opposition to Saturn; with a stubborn Mercury in Taurus trine Saturn and Mars in Virgo and square Pluto (Moon) in Leo – not a man who easily changes his mind. His Venus in Aries opposes Neptune in trine/sextile to Pluto. It’s a chart that needs a birth time to anchor it since otherwise it’s all over the place.
His ‘seeking soul’ though can-be-unstable 7th Harmonic is strong and ruthless. His self-defeating 10H is also strong. Worryingly so is his leaving-a-legacy 17H which points to his influence extending long beyond his term, presumably through judges he has appointed.
He looks paralyzed and nervy 30 January to late February with tr Neptune square his Sun/Uranus midpoint; and worse from late February to late March with tr Neptune opposition his Mars/Saturn midpoint, which repeats October 2020 to late January 2021. Ebertin describes it as “waning powers, self-torment, a grievous loss.” Tr Pluto is also opposing his Uranus/Pluto midpoint from late February on and off till late 2021 which will be unstable and erratic; plus a dashed-hopes tr Neptune conjunct his Jupiter/Node picking up from late April. He also has a car-crash Solar Arc Mars opposition his Sun sometimes over coming months.
His Attorney General Term chart also has similar with tr Neptune square the Jupiter at 19 degrees Sagittarius from late March, on and off into early 2021 which tends to deflate ‘false happiness’ and puncture over confidence.
His synastry with Trump is good and bad with his Sun in Trump’s 10th furthering his ambitions and his Jupiter in Trump’s 7th for morale-boosting support. But Barr’s Mars in Virgo clashes with Trump’s Sun and Moon, so not all sweetness and light.
Their relationship chart is very locked together, for good or ill, with a composite Saturn Pluto tying together Sun, Mercury Venus to Neptune – certainly as a pair they have stratospheric ambitions with Neptune Pluto and won’t budge easy. Though again the composite Sun squares Mars which can be competitive/argumentative. The downhill slide between them starts late this February, running off and on into 2021 with tr Neptune dissolving confidence between them.
George Bernard Shaw (maybe) once remarked the UK and USA are divided by a common language. But there is also a grand canyon of a gulf between the attitudes on religion and politics. The UK may be a shambolic mess but Mad Hatterly weird scenarios such as above would be blown straight out of the water. Trump as ‘an imperfect vessel’ would have to be the understatement of the last two thousand years. How can people twist their brains round to this extent?