Victory in Europe Day yesterday brought back a flood of wartime memories from the older generation with stalwart words of hope from the Queen.
Unconditional surrender in Europe was signed on 8 May 1945 at 9.20pm in Berlin when Jupiter in Virgo was conjunct the Midheaven and trine a Taurus Sun; and there was a tricky Neptune opposition Moon Mars in Aries square Saturn in Cancer – so elation mixed with anger and sadness. Saturn had moved through two signs during the course of the six year way starting at zero degrees Taurus in a tough, warlike square to Pluto in early Leo. A Jupiter Saturn in Taurus conjunction with Uranus in later Taurus came together in 1940 for the Battle of Britain and the London blitz when Britain was under punishing attack from the Luftwaffe and the refusal to give way ultimately became Germany’s first major defeat.
In May 1945 the Germany chart had the transiting Taurus Sun exactly conjunct the 8th house Pluto with tr Jupiter in trine, so the surrender was both restrictive and a relief. The Solar Arc Uranus was in a jolting square to the Germany Sun; with the hard-edged, aggravated Solar Arc Saturn square Mars moving to hard aspect the Germany Jupiter in the immediate aftermath denting confidence and enthusiasm.
The UK chart had tr Jupiter square the 3rd house Mercury exactly at VE Day bringing a celebratory mood. But that apart the mood was sombre with hints of the austerity and difficulties to come with tr Saturn conjunct the Midheaven and Solar Arc Venus. The early war years had seen the tr Saturn square tr Pluto hammering on the UK 8th house Mars which is always a sensitive and disaster-prone point in the UK chart.
France, 21 September 1792 3.30 pm Paris, delightfully had their Solar Arc Uranus exactly conjunct the Ascendant as the occupation was lifted with tr Pluto square the Solar Arc Moon – which rather verifies that start time. During the war years tr Neptune was moving through the France 8th house conjunct the Virgo Sun.
What’s intriguing looking at the war leaders charts is that Churchill, Hitler, Roosevelt and Truman all had marked 8th houses. Normally the 8th house is seen as tricky to handle for an ordinary individual life, but it appears frequently in public figures charts who have a (probably) unconscious ability to project an aura out to the public at large.
Hitler had the super-ambitious Neptune Pluto conjunct in his 8th and he, for all his less-than-appealing looks, had a mesmerising effect on large crowds.
Churchill also had Neptune and Pluto in the 8th though not conjunct. Franklin D Roosevelt had Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter in Taurus in his 8th. Harry S Truman who took over in the spring of 1945 had a Taurus Sun Neptune plus Pluto Mercury in Gemini in his 8th. JFK had Mars, Mercury, Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini Sun in his 8th.
The 8th house is traditionally associated with strong ancestral links, hooking the individual back into previous generations; and often allowing them to see below surface reality to what lies beyond rational awareness. Clearly it also gives them the strength to bear tremendous weight and the projections of millions.