Labour Party – at each other’s throats, like the Tories

The UK Opposition Labour Party is riven by division as much as the Tories, with civil war almost breaking out when the far left attempted to abolish centre-left Tom Watson’s elected Deputy Leader position. He described it as a ‘drive by shooting’ which had been triggered by his pro-Remain and Second Referendum stance on Brexit; and said that Momentum, who were exerting the pressure disliked a broad church and plurality of views.

Not too different from the sling-them-out government response to MPs who differed from the Boris Brexit line.

Corbyn stamped on the notion of deleting Tom Watson’s position but it’s done damage. Jon Lansman, the activist, Corbyn supporter and founder of Momentum founder, 9 July 1957, is a Sun Cancer with a lively Mars, Venus, Uranus in Leo trine Saturn in dogmatic Sagittarius. He’s deflated at the moment with tr Neptune opposition his Solar Arc Mars; and in a fairly excitable and agitated phase with tr Uranus square his Uranus, Venus and Mars between now and 2021. He does have a confident tr Pluto trine his Jupiter in Virgo in 2021/22 but that runs alongside two serious setback Solar Arcs in 2021/22.

Momentum, founded 8 October 2015 – if it holds good as a chart since I’m fairly wary of political party charts – is downbeat now till mid December with tr Saturn in hard aspect to the Libra Sun opposition Uranus square Pluto. Though it also has a risk-taking, adventurous surge of confidence from Solar Arc Mars conjunct Jupiter also now. It looks jolted in about six months’ time; and has two difficult Solar Arcs in 2021/22.

Tom Watson has been having a tough time, not just with internal party politics, but having backed the fantasist Nick (Carl Beech) who falsely alleged abuse by leading politicians. Born 8 January 1967, his Capricorn Sun square Mars in Libra has been heavily pressured over the past two years by the tr Pluto hard aspect. That has now cleared; but his Pluto Uranus in Virgo opposition Saturn is picking up the tr Pluto trine and sextile over the next two/three years – and even soft aspects will be an uphill struggle.

His relationship with Lansman is fairly hostile with a composite Mars Pluto, a high-tension Uranus inconjunct Saturn; and a cold Venus square Saturn. It won’t improve in November.

The two Labour Party charts – 27 February 1900 and 12 February 1906 – if they hold water – show mixed fortunes on the 1900 chart, picking up more successful influences from late February 2020 till late 2021 after a discouraging and frustrating two years recently. The 1906 chart isn’t showing much cheer, indeed the opposite in 2020 with an undermining tr Neptune square the Pluto, conjunct the Jupiter/Uranus midpoint early on and conjunct the Mars/Saturn midpoint from April on and off into 2021.

Brad Pitt & James Gray – hoping to hit the stars

Brad Pitt was given a rapturous response at the Venice Film Festival for his starring role in James Gray’s space odyssey/family drama Ad Astra with an 8/10 critical rating. Though it’s doubtful whether it will outdo the  abysmally-reviewed Rambo for this weekend’s opening for second place behind the surprising front-runner Downton Abbey: The Movie.

James Gray, the director and writer, was born 14 April 1969 in New York and has several films to his credit which made it to the Cannes Film Festival shortlist. He has a powerfully focussed chart with a Yod of Jupiter in Virgo (conjunct Uranus and Pluto) sextile Neptune inconjunct Sun Saturn in Aries – an individual who would always follow his own path.

His first movie Little Odessa won at the Silver Lion Venice Film Festival in 1994 – that was when his Solar Arc Jupiter (Pluto Uranus) and tr Uranus Neptune in Capricorn were all hovering around hard aspects to his apex focal point Sun – see chart. Yods usually need a significant trigger from transits and other influences etc to jolt them into gear. There’s nothing much on his chart suggesting a rip-roaring success with this one with tr Neptune in a worrisome square to his Solar Arc Saturn now and moving to a panicky square to his Mars from mid-November.

Neither is Brad Pitt in a spectacularly successful phase, see post August 30 2019. He’s probably at a stage where he’s not too concerned about box office takings and more with enjoying himself in the film roles he picks. Though upbeat tr Jupiter is moving through his 1st house at the moment and conjunct his Sun in early November; and tr Pluto is sextile his Solar Arc Midheaven (birth time being accurate) – so he’s not disheartened.

It was a good symbiosis between director and actor with Gray’s Jupiter sitting on Pitt’s midheaven for a successful partnership in terms of ambition, with Gray’s focussed Sun Saturn falling in Pitt’s performing 5th house of creativity. Though it wouldn’t be without its rough edges with Gray’s Mars in Pitt’s 1st house which can be competitive and square Pitt’s Pluto Uranus which can be explosive. On the relationship chart it displays as a complementary and friendly composite New Moon conjunct Venus (more whole when together); and a high-octane Saturn opposition Uranus Pluto square Mars.

Ed Buck – high risk drugs and sex


Ed Buck, a former male model who campaigned for animal rights, has been charged with operating a drug house and administering methamphetamines to vulnerable gay black men to manipulate them into participating in sex acts. The prosecutors described him as a “violent, dangerous sexual predator” – three men appear to have died in his apartment. He was a fixture on the Los Angeles Democratic scene, having formerly been Republican when he was in Arizona.

He was born 24 August 1954 in Steubenville, Ohio – there’s some doubt as to the exact day but the 24th works well on present events.

He’ll be a Sun Virgo conjunct a controlling Pluto on one side; and on the other conjunct Mercury trine Mars in Capricorn, sextile Saturn in Scorpio – and that mini-Grand Trine of Sun, Mars, Saturn does have a cruel and unpleasant feel to it. His adventurous Jupiter Uranus in Cancer may be conjunct a Cancer Moon and squares Venus Neptune in Libra – emotionally unpredictable, slightly fanatical/off-the-wall with Uranus Neptune, frivolous, confused.

At the moment on this birth date he’s got his Solar Arc Sun conjunct his Saturn and his Solar Arc Mars opposition his Mercury – so a general logjam as he gets hauled away in a police car. Plus the jolting tr Uranus opposition his focal point Saturn through this year and early next to upset his applecart.

His 9th Harmonic is very marked, linking a perverse Neptune to Mars Jupiter and Venus; as well as neurotic Mercury to Saturn and Neptune. The 9th is supposed to be humanitarian but its under-developed side is greed, immorality and irresponsibility. His 10th harmonic – the seeds of the rise and fall, good and bad – is also notable and ruthless.

Hideous man and such a waste of young lives.

Eli Cohen, The Spy – a double life of high jeopardy


Spook-fascination has produced another TV mini-series from Netflix about Israel’s top Mossad spy in Syria in the 1960s Eli Cohen. He is played bizarrely enough by Sacha Baron Cohen taking on a serious role.

Born 16 December 1924 12 noon Alexandria, Egypt (from memory), he stayed behind, when his family moved to Israel in 1949, to organise Zionist activities. He was then trained in undercover work by Mossad, lived briefly in South America to establish a persona as a rich businessman, went to Syria and moved in high society, became the confidante of generals and ultimately Deputy Defence Minister. The information he radioed back in secret transmissions was key to Israel winning the Six Day War. He was pressured by his Mossad overlords against his better judgement to return to Syria one last time, was captured, tortured and executed.

He was a confident and enthusiastic Sun Jupiter in Sagittarius square Mars Uranus in Pisces and trine Neptune Moon in Leo – certainly devil-may-care, idealistic, brave and foolhardy. That all makes sense of a high-roller who lived like James Bond. His darker, more secretive side came from Saturn in Scorpio in his 8th trine a 4th house Pluto which in turn opposed Mercury. His Venus in Scorpio also in the 8th was trine Uranus Mars and square Neptune Moon.

I cannot fathom the kind of temperament which can live that kind of a double life where the penalty for exposure is guaranteed to be exceedingly nasty. Living with that kind of constant fear takes a special kind of character.

Cohen’s family have complained that his womanising streak has been sensationalised in the TV drama and that wasn’t the man they knew. His widow also aimed a few brickbats at Mossad, blaming them for sending him back.

David Cameron – remembering regret ++ extra


Given his hate-figure status as the man who kickstarted the unholy Brexit mess, David Cameron’s 752-page memoir, published today, is unlikely to be selling like Michelle Obama’s. And the car-crash timing won’t help with Brexit-fatigue levels at screeching point. Recent Amazon pre-orders had it ranked as low as 335 and some bookshops are refusing to stock it. HarperCollins who purchased the rights for a reported £800,000 must be wincing; though that was a snip compared to Tony Blair’s £4.6 million advance.

Cameron, 9 October 1966 5.30am (from memory) London looks as if he’d much rather hide away in a quiet corner with tr Jupiter moving through his 4th house until next year. His Libra Sun is catching the downbeat tr Saturn square late this October/early November; with a frustrated, blocked tr Pluto square his Solar Arc Mars at the same time running from late this August to mid this November. He doesn’t look any happier thereafter with two nerve-jangled Pluto transits to Neptune midpoints through into 2020; and Neptune continues to dog his steps, or rather undermine his confidence in 2021/22 with debilitating Solar Arcs as well. The only mite of cheer will come from tr Pluto trine his Solar Arc Jupiter, moving closer to his Ascendant, in 2020/21.

His trenchant criticism of former friend and ally Michael Gove whom he saw as betraying him – “behaved appallingly”; “left the truth at home” – won’t have improved relations though he appears to regret the rift.

Gove, 26 August 1967, has his Virgo Sun conjunct Cameron’s Mars in late Leo – so it would always have been an argumentative connection; and Gove’s Saturn in Aries opposes Cameron’s socially charming Sun Venus in Libra. I’d suspect there was a good deal of jealousy on Gove’s part, especially of Cameron’s privileged upbringing.

Their relationship chart has a ratchety, bad-tempered composite Mars Mercury opposition Saturn which suggests a one-sided relationship of all give and not much take. Plus a friendly composite Sun Venus but tied into a disruptive Uranus Pluto which was probably also square the composite Moon – so undercurrents of resentment would constantly be bubbling.

Cameron was equally scathing about Boris but he probably didn’t ever expect much of him, knowing his flaky temperament of old. That relationship chart has a gritty, rough-edged Mars trine Saturn trine a slippery Neptune, formed into a Kite by Saturn opposition Uranus Pluto Moon – it is remarkably tied together as well as difficult – and tied into the Node. Quite a fated connection.

Add on: Cameron has received an unprecedented “astonishingly blunt” rebuke from Buckingham Palace making clear the Queen’s “displeasure and annoyance” at him revealing that he asked her to intervene in the Scottish referendum – as well as tittle tattling other titbits from their meetings during his time as PM. Not protocol at all.

Their relationship chart is horrendous with a composite Sun in a cold opposition to Saturn and an argumentative trine to Mars; with a strained Yod of irritable-dislike Mars sextile Saturn inconjunct a rebellious Uranus and Uranus in a not-in-the-same-space opposition to Venus.

Young arrogant thruster that he was, he probably regarded Royal courtesies as a relic of a bygone era. Much as Boris does.

Democratic melee – present frontrunners may not last

None of the leading Democratic candidates look exactly on sparkling form astrologically speaking for the 2020 election  Below is a pull together of previous posts.

Stacey Abrams, former Congresswoman in Georgia and first African-American to deliver a response to the State of the Union address earlier this year is being talked of as a possible VP for Joe Biden. Born 9 December 1973, she’s a Sun Sagittarius with a confident and charming Jupiter Venus in Aquarius trine Pluto; and a volatile Mars in Aries opposition Uranus. She’s quite some lady.

In 2020 she has the lacklustre tr Neptune square her Sun in February for the final time; then she picks up the upbeat and lucky-break tr Uranus square her Jupiter from June onwards, running through October 2020 and into 2021 though not exact over the election or Inauguration. What she also has, less helpfully, is tr Neptune square her Jupiter/Uranus and Mars/Jupiter midpoints over both – losses, disappointments, plans not working out.

From late February 2021 on for two years she has tr Pluto square her Mars and Uranus which looks like a huge upheaval, risky, aggravating and stressful.

JOE BIDEN APRIL25 2019: Joe Biden stepped up to the mark for his joust at the Democratic nomination 2020 with a twitter video announcement at 6am Washington, DC time. This put the heavy-duty Saturn Pluto in the 10th conjunct a Capricorn Moon which doesn’t look too enticing for female voters and also suggests he’s got a mountain to climb requiring considerable effort. Venus which is often a sign of popularity is hidden away in the 12th; and there’s a divisive Uranus Sun on the Ascendant. Plus an afflicted Neptune in the 12th square Jupiter opposition Mars – suggesting a flier that’s more hope than common sense. And tr Neptune will be square the Mars until late this year which is usually panicky-failure.

His own chart has tr Pluto square the Mars/Neptune midpoint, on and off till late 2020, which is dashed hopes for elections; with another sinker from tr Neptune opposition Mars/Jupiter again off and on till January 2021. Plus a downbeat Solar Arc Saturn square his Sun at the moment and square his Venus in spring 2020, which will make him feel unloved (unpopular).

He could be more energised with tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter in 2021/22 from late January 2021; as well as tr Uranus square his Pluto suggesting a radical lifestyle change picking up in 2020 running into 2021. That latter at his age could suggests some serious thinking about how he stretches his energy.

BERNIE SANDERS FEB19 2019: Bernie Sanders has announced he’s taking another crack at the Presidency though there’s nothing remotely hopeful about his chart. His Virgo Sun in an expansive (overly-confident) square to Jupiter in Gemini is catching tr Neptune hard aspects through this year and next. Plus he has a deeply frustrating tr Pluto square his Mars in Aries picking up this April and running on and off till late 2020; made a million times worse by Solar Arc Pluto opposition his Mars which will be on the exact degree from mid 2020 for several months.

ELIZABETH WARREN DEC30 2018: Elizabeth Warren has become the first high profile Democrat to toss her hat into the ring for 2020, announcing she is forming an exploratory committee. A former law professor, she gained prominence for her critique of Wall Street after the 2008 financial crash, has been a senator since 2012 and gained fans for standing up to Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell on the Senate floor. But she is seen as a divisive figure and may be too polarizing to fit the times. Born 22 June 1949, Oak Hill, OK, maybe 1.51 pm (unverified astrotheme), she’s a rebellious and innovative Sun Uranus in Cancer in a sensible sextile to Saturn in Virgo. Her Saturn is widely square Mars Mercury in Gemini, giving her grit and an argumentative streak.

She’s got an uphill battle at the moment with tr Pluto opposition her Mars/Saturn midpoint and that runs throughout 2019; but where she really starts to dip is between March 2020 and late September 2020 with tr Neptune in hard aspect to four of her key midpoints. She may decide to call it quits before 2019 is out and if she doesn’t I doubt with all that Neptune around that she’ll get the nomination.   She’d have more luck in 2024 when tr Pluto will conjunct her Jupiter.

KAMALA HARRIS JAN17 2019: California Senator and former state attorney Kamala Harris, born 20 October 1964 9.28pm Oakland, California, is picking up media attention but there’s a troubling piece in the NY Times questioning her legend as a progressive, pointing out she did little to act for criminal justice reform and fought to uphold wrongful convictions that had been secured through official misconduct including evidence tampering, false testimony and the suppression of crucial information by prosecutors. (URL below)

She has an entertainer’s, attention-seeking 5th house Libra Sun opposition an Aries Moon; with a Fixed Grand Cross of Saturn in Aquarius opposition Mars in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus opposition Neptune – hard-edged, slippery, indulgent, opportunistic. She looks frustrated and trapped in November 2020 with tr Pluto opposition her Mars/North Node; but does have tr Pluto trine her Jupiter throughout 2020 and over the inauguration which will give her a confidence and success boost.

Ric Ocasek – prolific and inventive creativity


Ric Ocasek, the gangly, extremely tall and ultra-thin lead singer of The Cars has died.  They became cemented in public consciousness during Live Aid when their hit Drive – “Who’s gonna tell you when it’s too late” – was used for the famine relief campaign.

Born 23 March 1944 (though he lied to make himself seem younger with a 1949 birthdate) he seemingly had a troubled childhood, was kept on the straight and narrow by a grandmother and was taught by nuns.

According to the Guardian The Cars which he founded: “were the first American band to successfully take a punk/new wave aesthetic into the US charts – their use of irony, downbeat imagery, synthesisers, impassive vocals and European cultural references standing in contrast to the shrill hard rock then dominant – and Ocasek’s exceptional talent as a songwriter ensured they enjoyed a decade of hit singles and albums.” He also painted and wrote poetry. His three marriages produced two sons apiece – the age gap between the youngest and oldest being 35 years.

He was a Sun Aries with a talented Half Grand Sextile from Sun opposition Neptune, sextile Uranus, sextile Pluto North Node in Leo – creative, musical, influential, innovative. His Uranus in addition squared his Venus making him emotionally unpredictable. And he had a tricky, not-too-lucky Mars Saturn in Gemini, possibly square a Pisces Moon, and softened somewhat by Saturn sextile Jupiter in flashy Leo.

An interesting if not always happy man.

Israel elections – Netanyahu’s anti-Palestinian push backfires

Israeli elections rarely throw up an outright winner with weeks if not months of protracted coalition negotiations usually following; and this one looks like even more of a deadlock – between the two main contenders Netanyahu and Gantz. This is the second election in five months and leaves Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, in office for 10 years, in an even weaker position before. Beforehand he pledged to annex Jewish settlements and other territory in the occupied West Bank if returned to power. But with a higher Arab turnout this time, his intimidation campaign, according to a crony, ‘blew up in our face’.

Israel has a last decan Libra Ascendant due to catch the tr Saturn Pluto square in January and beyond; with the Ascendant also being straddled by the Solar Arc Saturn Pluto – and the effects of that latter will continue for several years ahead. All of which will have a dampening effect on Israel’s image though could also initially bring out a ruthless, control-freaky streak. Tr Saturn followed by tr Pluto is also heading across the Israel IC in 2020 and 2022 for an extended period of internal domestic unrest. And both tr Saturn and tr Pluto are trine the Israel Sun in 2020 which is heavy pressure for real transformation in a country that is less capable than most of showing any flexibility or capability of letting go old defences.  Tr Uranus is also square the 10th house Leo Moon for an agitated populace demanding change 2019/early 2020 – and the next few years up to 2026 as tr Uranus moves through Taurus will be high-tension, high-risk and disruptive as tr Uranus squares the Israel Pluto, Saturn and finally Mars, bouncing over all the midpoints in between; and is conjunct the Israel 8th house Taurus Sun in 2024 for a series of jolts.

Netanyahu, 21 October 1949 10.15 am Tel Aviv, is certainly not at his most successful with tr Saturn heading downwards through the nadir of his First Quadrant for several years, not only facing electoral punishment but corruption charges as well. He is sagging under uncertainty and paranoia mid this November to mid December with tr Neptune opposition his Saturn; plus at the same time devastation and confusion from tr Pluto square his Sun/Neptune midpoint. 2020 is a ferocious mix of super-confidence from tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter from late February, though that could see him overstepping the mark; and a fairly cataclysmic setback from Solar Arc Saturn square his Mars exact in 8 months, but maybe triggering before then. 2021 looks downhill with tr Neptune undermining his ambitions.

Benny Gantz, 9 June 1959, no time, is all over the place – overly excitable mid October to mid November with tr Uranus square his Mars; confident, lucky and confused over the New Year; and continuing upbeat though with maximum stress into the spring; with a major dip in February when tr Neptune squares his Gemini Sun.

Avigdor Lieberman, Russian-born former Defence Minister, could be a kingmaker or breaker, 5 June 1958, and is certainly in a phase in his life where he is prepared to throw everything in the air with tr Uranus hitting on his Fixed T Square of Venus, Neptune and Uranus which picked up earlier this year and runs on till early 2021. Like the two above he’s got high spots of success and low troughs of plans dissolving under his feet over the next year – and he’s in real trouble in 2021 and worse by 2023 with tr Neptune square his Saturn and then meeting two exceptionally unpleasant Solar Arcs.

Saudi Arabia & Iran – the old enmity drawing close to home


The bombing of Saudi oil installations has sent oil prices soaring, threatening to destabilise the global economy never mind an already volatile Middle East. The Iranian-backed Yemeni rebel Houthis say they did it; the USA say it was Iran; and the Iranians deny any involvement. Given the distance and sophistication of the weaponry it is more likely to have been Iran, with some suggesting Iranian hardliners were attempting to block a proposed Trump/Rouhani summit.

The Saudi/Iran feud for regional and religious dominance which has been fought in a proxy war in the Yemen may be about to spill across the borders or more to the point come home to roost with an all-out confrontation. The Saudis are backed by the Americans and western defence contractors. Putin and Turkey’s Erdogan lean more to the Iranian side.

Saudi Arabia, 15 January 1902 2.45am Riyadh, looks most on edge in the final days of this December with tr Uranus in an explosive square to its Sun/Mars midpoint and a gung-ho square to Mars/Jupiter; though won’t be winning initially with tr Pluto conjunct the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint for a series of losses till late January 2020. With an uncertain February – and then moves into a resoundingly upbeat spree from late February with tr Pluto conjunct the Sun Jupiter which could produce over confidence.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) similarly looks exercised over these last few days this December with tr Uranus opposing his Pluto and tugging on his pushy, reckless Jupiter, Pluto, Venus T Square. His term chart as Crown Prince, 21 June 2017 6.19 am Riyadh, does look enormously stressed and combative at the moment with the July Cancer Solar Eclipse stoking up the Mars in Cancer over coming months; with a surge of recklessness showing with Solar Arc Mars square Jupiter approaching over the next six months.

Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran, also looks in crisis-mode with his Second Term chart, 3 August 2017, 11 am Teheran, having the July Cancer Eclipse conjunct the Midheaven, and the ‘collision’ Solar Arc Mars conjunct Sun coming exact within weeks; as well as an over confident Solar Arc Jupiter square Pluto also now and over coming weeks.

The Iran 1 February 1979 9am chart is agitated this year and next with tr Uranus square the Jupiter opposition Mars; and square the Sun in 2021 – all of which looks insecure and disruptive. Both Saudi Arabia and Iran 1979 have Mars in uncompromising Aquarius at 10 degrees which picks up the tr Uranus square from July 2020 on and off into 2021 – which may also be a flash point.

The UAE, 2 December 1971, has just had a tanker seized and it is looking more than crushed come late January, on and off till late 2020 with tr Pluto square Mars/Saturn and conjunct Mars/Neptune.

Saudi Arabia always was going to be in the eye of the tr Saturn Pluto storm with its Capricorn Sun Jupiter catching the conjunction head on.