Algeria – chums with Russia, wary of USA & France

    Algeria largely missed the Arab Spring, partly because they’d already had their uprising two decades before which was a searing experience. Although an Islamic country, the government, under a lifetime president, has a policy of keeping the radical elements at bay. There is close military co-operation with Russia who supplies arms and equipment, … Read more

Steven Mnuchin – the swamp filling up

    Ex-Goldman Sachser Steven Mnuchin has been confirmed as Treasury Secretary after facing withering criticism over his former bank’s treatment of foreclosure victims in his hearing. During his time there, he worked in the mortgage department, dealing with products such as collateralised debt obligations and credit default swaps, which arguably played a major part in … Read more

Australia & USA – a race to the bottom over refugees

      The Australian refugee site Nauru, was slammed last year by Amnesty International as a ‘concentration camp’. Around 1,200 men, women, and children from Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Bangladesh, Kuwait, and Afghanistan, were forcibly removed off to a remote Pacific where they suffered severe abuse, inhumane treatment and neglect. Amnesty argued it was … Read more

Milo Yiannopoulos & Alex Jones – high hopes running into the buffers

     Milo Yiannopoulos, the senior Breitbart journalist, whose appearance to speak at Berkeley University caused a riot with property damage by protestors, was born 18 Oct 1983 and brought up in England. He is an avowed Trump supporter whom he refers to as ‘daddy’. He has allied himself with right-wing, racist and anti-semitic organisations, … Read more