Hillary Clinton – getting dragged into an unwelcome spotlight



Hillary Clinton’s misdemeanours are being brandished in a distraction attack to deflect attention from the Mueller investigation into the Trump campaign’s possible collusion with Russia.

She’s hardly on a par, not being president, but she may still be damaged. Solar Arc Saturn is within weeks of being in a setback/discouraging conjunction to her Scorpio Sun; and even tr Jupiter moving across her Sun, Venus, Mercury may not be enough to balance out the negatives. She’ll get a jolt as tr Saturn opposes her (8th house) Uranus from 6 to 15th of this month. Then tr Uranus moves to oppose her Solar Arc Mars in Dec/Jan 2018, which is insecure and unstable with likely reckless reactions. In January 2019 tr Pluto opposes her Mars/Uranus midpoint which could bring violent attacks, is a real test of nerves, and could have health implications. That runs on and off till late 2019.

Tr Uranus then moves on in Feb 2018 to oppose her Solar Arc Pluto for another upheaval, at the same time as tr Pluto picks up a two year stay in square to her Sun/Neptune which is scandal-prone, brings great confusion and suffering.

So despite any glee she may feel as the net tightens round the Trump campaign, her path ahead is a minefield for one reason or another.

6 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton – getting dragged into an unwelcome spotlight

  1. Russia did not tamper with the American vote. Pictures from her election rallies showed empty arenas that got smaller and smaller, even the small venues were practically empty. Tim Kaine had to cancel one event because only like 10 people showed up. There was no enthusiasm for Clinton besides the large cities in coastal regions. Those bad transits coming up for her may be that she will probably get indicted and convicted for selling 20% of US uranium to Russia (treason). She got the Russians to donate $145 million to her fraud Clinton foundation, that’s in additions to millions from other nations that she got to donate to her foundation (example: Morocco $12 million). She even had a folder called Pay-to-Play while she was Secretary of State. She would not return calls unless foreign nations donated millions to her foundation. She and her husband also stole the billions donated to Haiti for the earthquake. Haitians still hate her for that.

  2. She certainly has hard time letting go of what happened in 2016 Campaign, with booktours and all concentrating on that. Hardly surprising for a Scorpio that she is, though. I was also wondering, could these Uranus passages be related to a divorce? There are insisting voices on Bill and Hillary not being on talking terms due to Bill telling her (rightly, I might add) she should have concentrated more on people at Rustbelt who wan the election for Trump. What’s happening with Bill Clinton’s chart?

    • Bill has heart problems. She could face being a widow.

      Clinton was the first woman to win the presidency of the United States, and had it denied to her by the archaic, illogical electoral college system. She deserves to have her say about it, in book form, or any other way she chooses. Book tours are par for the course.

      As for the Rustbelt, no amount of campaigning in any state outweighs active vote tampering by Russia. They gamed the electoral system to get their puppet the presidency. Russia drained their swamp right into the Oval Office.

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