US election – the longest marathon anywhere

The US election, although it happens on a challenging, frustrated and aggravated Mars opposition Pluto, is nowhere near as heated as the last one.  In 2020 at the election tr Pluto was opposition the US Mercury, triggering the demagogic, fanatical USA Mercury opposition Pluto – with the fast approaching Pluto Return (from February 2022) adding … Read more

Global finance – rising debt + greedy financiers

Panic is in the air everywhere and economic journalists tend to see catastrophes beyond every bend in the road. But there are worrying indicators beginning to flash red. One is government debt which is massively up everywhere. Biden probably spent more even than Trump. In the UK, newly-arrived Starmer is discovering there is no wiggle … Read more

USA – living up to its reputation for violence ++ Thomas Crooks

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump for reasons unknown by a 20 year old apparently Republican-registered shooter has been taken as a critical moment in the election run-up with an iconic fist-pumping photograph of Trump going viral.   Two astrological influences were spot on. Firstly the transiting Uranus, Mars, Algol of the moment was exactly … Read more

NATO – pressured on several sides

The NATO summit this week will be an edgy affair with questionmarks over Biden’s health, concerns about a possible Trump presidency as well as far-right, isolationist politics looming large in several countries. Transatlantic ties are holding pro tem, spurred by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but the future is uncertain.  The 24 August 1949 11.42am NATO … Read more

SCOTUS – blind and lacking balance

The Supreme Court’s latest ruling allowing presidents to be unrestricted by legal niceties has been described by the media as “unconscionable” and “bad beyond wildest imaginings”. With an expert on judicial ethics calling SCOTUS “an organization more political than legal.” And saying flatly that the Supreme Court now has a “potential legitimacy problem.” “The traditional … Read more

Joe Biden – can he grasp his King Lear moment? ++Biden aides in turmoil

  The media are in no doubt that Joe Biden needs to throw in the towel and retire from the presidential race. The FT called the debate “a sad spectacle for America, and for the world.” Polling has suggested a generic Democratic opponent would be better placed to win than Biden. But the indications to … Read more