Donald Trump & Jared Kushner – the relationship of the decade

    Democrats are on edge about Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law, being taken on board as a top adviser because of concerns over nepotism and conflict of interest from his complex business affairs. Though that’s unlikely to have much impact. He is expected to consult primarily on the Middle East and trade deals and … Read more

A Trump Republican Presidency – enemies close at hand

President Obama’s belated move against Russian interference in the USA election by expelling diplomats is deemed to have been undercut by Putin’s oily and scathing non-retaliation in anticipation of Trump’s coming. In reality it has thrown a spanner into the heart of the Republican Party, traditionally very anti-Russian, which it’ll be more than interesting to … Read more

Trump picks – top brass and more brass

    More Trump nominations (or hot rumours thereof). Most controversial is Scott Pruitt, a climate change denier with commercial links to the fossil fuel industries for environmental secretary. He has fought against transgender rights and overtime pay for workers. Born 9 May 1968, he’s a Sun Taurus opposition Neptune and trine Uranus Pluto in … Read more