Travis Kalanick & Uber – staggering global spread, vast losses

      Uber is having a fairly car-crash 2017 with their misogynistic culture going viral; Travis Kalanick, the CEO, outed for boorish behaviour towards an Uber driver; for evading regulatory agency monitoring; and inadequacies in Uber’s driver screening procedures. A number of Uber senior executives have resigned or been asked to. And to cap … Read more

Comey firing – Trump now falling out with Justice chiefs

    Just as the Trump Admin thought it had one semi-success under its belt with step one of the repeal of Obamacare, the commander-in-chief throws a grenade in to destabilise everything by summarily ousting the FBI Director on television. Conspiracy theories are rife though the Independent this morning takes a more measured view. ‘Sheer … Read more

Sally Yates – into the Trump Twit firing line

      Sally Yates, the former deputy attorney general, is reportedly being labelled by Donald Trump as a ‘Democratic operative’ and a possible leaker of classified info as she steps up to give evidence before a Senate subcommittee on his presidential campaign’s ties to Russia. She will give evidence about alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential … Read more

Emmanuel Macron – from poetry to prose, can his charm work in realpolitik?

    Emmanuel Macron has won the French Presidential election with two-thirds of a low turnout, spurred to an unexpected victory by the embezzlement scandal of Francois Fillon and the anyone-but-Le-Pen vote. He has promised fresh faces from outside politics, an overhaul of the established political system and a new kind morality in political life. … Read more