Steve Wynn – a GOP headache



Steve Wynn, known for casinos and real estate, and as finance chair of the Republican Party, has been denying allegations published by the Wall Street Journal about decades of sexual misconduct with his employees. The WSJ interviewed 150 former current and former employees; Wynn says it’s all a dirty tricks campaign by his ex-wife. It gives the GOP a headache since he’s been a prominent donor as well as a senior official. They may be regretting their shrill denunciation of the Democratic Party over Weinstein and their insistence that his donations be returned. No statements have been issued to date.

Wynn was born 27 January 1942, New Haven, CT with a bingo-parlour owning father who died with heavy gambling debts. He moved to Las Vegas, became the youngest casino owner there, made a bomb, expanded his resort and gambling chain into other states and Macau; and is now worth an estimated $2.5 billion.

He’s a Sun Aquarius opposition Pluto square Mars in Taurus, which is eye-wateringly determined, a real bulldozer, power-hungry and materialistic. Mars in Taurus can be preoccupied with sex and sensuality. He’s also got Venus in Aquarius square Saturn in Taurus and widely square Uranus – Venus Saturn can also hint at an inclination for multiple partners; with Saturn Uranus in an innovative trine to Neptune in Virgo – a very earthy chart. His restless Gemini Moon is conjunct Jupiter and trine either his Sun or Venus (or both) in Aquarius.

He’s in for a setback or two of considerable proportions with his Solar Arc Saturn opposition his Sun around now and moving to square his afflicted Mars. And his trenchant Sun, Pluto, Mars T Square has moved by Solar Arc to pick up tr Pluto hard aspects from this February onwards for several years ahead.

What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander and all that.

3 thoughts on “Steve Wynn – a GOP headache

  1. Thanks Marjorie, very insightful as usual!
    I see that Ingvar Kamprad passed away yesterday, Founder of IKEA, he was born 30 March 1926 in Agunnaryd, Sweden.
    Thank you if you look into this amazing man.

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