Matthew Whitaker – ludicrously unsuitable for the DoJ

       Matthew Whitaker, Trump’s bizarre pick to replace the ousted Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, effectively putting him in as overseer of the Mueller Investigation, is causing consternation. Not just because his appointment without confirmation may not be constitutional, but because he is in the Washington Post’s description, a crackpot. He was involved in … Read more

John McDonnell – at odds with his chief

       The rift between UK Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn and his Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, which has been growing in recent months, widened post the Budget. McDonnell, despite being even further left, didn’t oppose Hammond’s tax cuts with his eye on the road to power; while Corbyn stuck to his ideological guns. Corbyn avoids … Read more

Civil Wars and splits – England, Syria, Russia, India

       The English Civil War of 1642,  between Parliamentarians and Royalists vying for the power to govern, ended in a short-lived republic under Oliver Cromwell until King Charles 11 was restored to the throne. Casualty estimates for military and disease deaths indicate England suffered a 3.7% loss of population, Scotland a loss of 6%, … Read more