Google – not a great birthday present


Google celebrating its 21st birthday today is about to be investigated by more than half of the USA’s state attorneys general for potential antitrust violations, according to the Washington Post, marking a major escalation in U.S. regulators’ efforts to probe Silicon Valley’s largest companies.

Started in 4th September 1998, Google is a Sun Virgo in a business-like trine to Saturn and a controlling square to Pluto; with a volatile, dislikes-interference Mars in Leo opposition Uranus square Saturn in Taurus. A Fixed T Square gives endurance, with Saturn on the focal point organising ability though a dislike of sharing the driving seat. That T Square is being rattled this year and more so next as tr Uranus is conjunct the Saturn and then square Mars and Uranus so it will be explosive and disruptive with sudden changes and high insecurity.

Larry Page, the co-founder and CEO of Alphabet, the parent company, 26 March 1973 is a charming and intense Sun Venus in Aries opposition Pluto, in an exuberant sextile to Jupiter Mars; and a creative Saturn opposition Neptune. He looks unsettled this year with tr Pluto square his Uranus and uncertain with tr Neptune square his Saturn till late this year; plus an unpleasant major-setback Solar Arc Mars square Saturn and conjunct his Mercury with tr Neptune hitting on all three. So a serious hiccup.

Sergey Brin, 21 August 1973 Moscow, co-founder of Google and president of Alphabet, is a Sun Mercury in Virgo in a pro-active trine to Mars in Capricorn sextile Saturn; with Saturn in a tough-minded square to Pluto; and Pluto in another mini-Grand Trine trine Jupiter, sextile Neptune. Very complicated and very talented. He looks fairly cornered at the moment, uncertain and confused over the New Year and beyond; and less than enthusiastic through 2020.

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