Jair Bolsonaro – Brazil favouring a fascist

       Brazil, the world’s fourth largest democracy, is on the brink of electing a far-right, pro-gun, dictatorship-praising populist as its president tomorrow. Haaretz writes: ‘Mix up fascist geopolitics, Pat Robertson’s LGBT hate, Bannon’s nationalism and Putin’s shills and you get Jair Bolsonaro, who’s nostalgic for the U.S.-backed dictatorship that tortured and killed thousands of … Read more

UK 2008 to 2016 – desperate for change at any price *update

      The financial crash started with the sub-prime mortgage crisis building through 2007, exacerbated by major banks risky lending practices over-leveraging bad debt, which resulted in the Lehman Brothers collapse on 15 September 2008. Pluto moved into Capricorn for the first time in January 2008 setting the scene for what followed, zig zagging back into … Read more