Wayne & Coleen Rooney – the endless saga


Another public marital dust-up between the Rooneys as footballer Wayne is photographed on a boys night out with ladies in Vancouver, which has evidently incensed wife Coleen to the point of suggesting he break his contract with DC United in Washington which he is due to quit at the end of the season and return to the UK immediately. Then he’s back to happy home times with her and the four kids in Cheshire.

All of which can be taken with a huge pinch of salt since this scenario or similar has been running throughout their eleven year marriage and before. She enjoys the lifestyle, almost constant holidays and kids while he plays football and all the rest.

He was born 24 October 1985 in Liverpool and is an intense, controlling Sun Pluto in Scorpio in a pushily confident square to Jupiter in Aquarius. With Mercury Saturn also in Scorpio – so very fixed and stubborn; with a changeable Pisces Moon square Uranus; and a sociably indulgent Jupiter trine Venus in Libra.

Coleen, 3 April 1986, is a Sun Aries in a publicity-attracting square to Neptune Mars in Capricorn and a sensible trine to Saturn with a Capricorn/Aquarius Moon. Her Sun opposes his Venus which is a good connection; her Venus in Taurus opposes his Sun Pluto for passion and possessiveness; and her Jupiter may be conjunct his Moon which will provide moral support and comfort. But her Uranus also squares his Mars which will lead to flare ups.

Their relationship chart has an affectionate composite Sun opposition Venus; and an adventurous and high-energy Jupiter sextile Uranus and square Mars; with a wide, aggravated composite Mars Pluto conjunction. It is under pressure at the moment with tr Pluto opposition the Venus and conjunct the Sun into 2020 as well; plus a disruptive tr Uranus opposition the composite Pluto.

Both of their lives are undergoing considerable adjustment, his especially, with tr Uranus opposition their respective Plutos. It’s difficult to see them settling into sedate bourgeois middle age – but who knows? There’s clearly an affectionate bond which may hold them through the stormy passages.

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