Willie MacRae and Hilda Murrell – conspiracy theories linger


The mysterious death of Willie MacRae in 1985, a Scots lawyer, SNP activist and anti-nuclear campaigner, has spawned a multitude of conspiracy theories involving the security services. The reasons suggested are that he was targeted for his successful effort to stop nuclear waste dumping and because he had uncovered evidence of an alleged paedophile ring in Westminster during the 1980s. His car crashed in a remote part of the Scottish Highlands and he was found shot in the head with a revolver with a briefcase of documents missing.

His death came a year after the murder of Hilda Murrell, another anti-nuclear campaigner. Although subsequently a local labourer was charged with her abduction, rape and murder on DNA evidence, some remain suspicious that there’s more to the story than that.

Both deaths occurred oddly enough on an Aries Sun and Scorpio Moon; with an exact scandal-prone Pluto sextile Neptune; and more pointedly around the time of Mars being in hard aspect to the Saturn/Pluto midpoint which is brutal.

Willie MacRae was born 18 May 1923 in Falkirk, served in WW11, was in the Royal Indian navy, and ADC to Mountbatten at one point. He was a Taurus with an excitable Mars in outspoken Gemini square Uranus; and an idealistic Jupiter square Neptune. When he died on 7 April 1985, tr Saturn was in a downbeat opposition to his Sun and his Solar Arc Neptune was in a high anxiety conjunction to his Saturn and there were several ‘accident-prone’ hard aspects to his Mars/Saturn, Mars/Uranus and Mars/Node midpoints – so it would be an exceptionally fraught time for him.

There were certain similar aspects on Hilda Murrell’s chart, 3 February 1906, when she was killed on 21 March 1984. This was just before she was due to give evidence on radioactive waste disposal at the Sizewell Inquiry. She was a triple Aquarius with Jupiter in Taurus and a courageous Mars in Pisces square Pluto – a determined lady. Tr Saturn was hovering around the square to her Sun; and both tr Saturn and tr Uranus were in aspect to her Mars/Saturn midpoint when she died.

In both cases death wasn’t instantaneous – Hilda Murrell died of hypothermia having been brutally attacked and stabbed. Willie MacRae survived after his car crashed and was declared brain dead in hospital a day later.

Astrology won’t prove or disprove murder/suicide theories. But they were oddly similar circumstances and astro-events in both cases.

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