Princess Eugenie – a successful launch *update

       Princess Eugenie married her Jack at 11.10 am this morning in Windsor in a very attractive dress. This gives an affluent and successful/influential Pluto trine midheaven, sextile Jupiter. Though there’s also a pressured, trapped Sun square Pluto; and a volatile Uranus Mars North Node is tied into Mercury Venus in Scorpio. The day … Read more

Gary Kurtz – the forgotten Stars Wars genius

       Gary Kurtz, producer and creative partner of George Lucas for the first two Stars Wars movies, has died. They didn’t always see eye to eye but Kurtz contributed significantly to the visuals, story and dialogue especially the concept of ‘the force’ stemming from Kurtz’s religious background. They were expecting only a modest success … Read more

Heidi Heitkamp – between a rock and a hard place

       Heidi Heitkamp, a Junior Senator from the pro-Trump state of North Dakota is described as a centrist Democrat, though she’s voted often for Trump policies, is pro-NRA and pro-bank deregulation. She was formerly an Attorney General and Tax Commissioner. She’ll have a problem whichever she votes on the Kavanaugh confirmation. She’s one of … Read more

Graham, Grassley, McConnell – deep in the DC dog fight *updated

       Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham are leading Republicans pushing hard for Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. Grassley, 17 September 1933, Iowa is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee with a reputation as curmudgeonly. Graham, 9 July 1955 SC, put himself forward as a presidential candidate in 2015, dropped out, supported Jeb Bush, … Read more