Faye Dunaway – a demanding Capricorn out of sorts


Faye Dunaway has been fired from a one woman stage show in which she played Katherine Hepburn after what is described as an altercation with a crew member and creating a hostile work atmosphere. The play was due to transfer from Boston to Broadway.

She’s clearly an acquired or maybe more accurately a specialised taste. Polanski referred to her as “a gigantic pain in the ass” on the set of Chinatown; Bette Davis said she was the worst person she has ever worked with, calling her “totally impossible”. But others who worked with her through a long, award-strewn career are wholehearted fans.

Born 14 January 1941 8.15pm Bascom, Florida, she has an Earth Grand Trine of Sun Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus trine Neptune – practical, grounded in the material world, creative. She’s also got Saturn Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto and trine Venus in Capricorn – very Fixed to the point of unyielding, confident to over-pushy from Jupiter Pluto. Her hidden 12th house Leo Moon is trine Mars and square Saturn – not a ball of marshmallow emotionally, that’s for sure. Quite hard, angry. A heavyweight personality.

At the moment exactly she has tr Uranus conjunct her Jupiter/Saturn midpoint which often accompanies career losses; as well oddly enough as tr Uranus conjunct her Jupiter which normally suggests a lucky break. But in her case since it’s tied into Saturn and Pluto will be causing a fair upheaval. With a run of disappointments through this autumn from Neptune transits. Her Progressed Mars is moving over the next two or three years to oppose her Pluto which will make her feel very stuck.

One thought on “Faye Dunaway – a demanding Capricorn out of sorts

  1. She is so beautiful & talented. I am thinking of older movies like “Network” and “Bonnie & Clyde” but I have enjoyed her in every role I have watched. But a viewer is different than a colleague.

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