Billy Graham – an American idol *updated Franklin

           Mass evangelist Billy Graham who ran crusades, advised Presidents and attracted huge audiences at his religious rallies, has died aged 99. He preached a simple message which met with a wide response; was pro-integration though had oddly backward views on women’s role being primarily as homemaker. Born 7 November 1918 3.30pm Charlotte, … Read more

Jared Kushner – flying too near the sun

      Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law was to be the boy wonder of the new administration fixing a Middle East peace that had defeated multiple presidents, sorting the opioid crisis, reorganising government IT and another ten impossible things before breakfast. Vanity Fair acidly remarked “Given his track record, it’s unclear whether Kushner is even … Read more

Heather Heyer – pay attention, be outraged

      “She died doing what was right,” were the words of Heather Heyer’s mother, the Virginia paralegal, who died when a car rammed into a group of people protesting against a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville. Heather’s Facebook cover photo read: “If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention”; she was active in … Read more

Saudi Arabia – mediaeval monarchy anoints new crown prince ** updated

        As Saudi Arabia moves through the most testing and transformational time in its history with Pluto pulverising its way across a conjunction to its Saturn Sun Jupiter over the next five years, a new king-in-waiting has been announced. The ailing Saudi monarch, who holds near absolute powers, moved his son, the 31-year-old … Read more