Narendra Modi – India in the grip of ferocious nationalism ** updated

      Donald Trump is but a pale imitation of the populist Indian prime minister Narendra Modi. According to one commentator ‘he conducts politics as an act of constant war, not a matter of administration; is hyperactive – constantly dreaming up new slogans and initiatives; occupies so much of the political landscape himself that … Read more

Ewan MacGregor & Piers Morgan – two Aries in mortal combat

    Scottish actor Ewan MacGregor doing the publicity rounds for the latest Trainspotting movie has fallen foul of Piers Morgan by refusing to be interviewed by him on television because of Morgan’s blast against Madonna’s performance at the Women’s March. McGregor born 31 March 1971 8.10pm Perth, Scotland and Morgan, 30 March 1965, are … Read more