QAnon – a malevolent dust storm


QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory detailing a supposed secret plot by an alleged “deep state” against Trump. It was first posited on an anonymous message board on 28 October 2017 by one individual but then was probably taken up by many using the same tag and expanded across multiple media platforms for monetization. It has falsely accused liberal Hollywood actors, Democratic politicians, and high-ranking officials of being members of an international child sex trafficking ring.

Trump has amplified QAnon messaging by retweeting or mentioning QAnon-affiliated Twitter accounts. The FBI has determined QAnon to be a potential source of domestic terrorism — the first time a fringe conspiracy theory had been so rated by the agency. Twitter has banned thousands of QAnon-affiliated accounts and changed its algorithms to reduce the spread of the conspiracy theory.

QAnon’s precepts and vocabulary are closely related to the religious concepts of millenarianism and apocalypticism. According to Travis View, who has studied the QAnon phenomenon, the essence of the conspiracy theory is that:

“…there is a worldwide cabal of Satan-worshiping paedophiles who rule the world, essentially, and they control everything. They control politicians, and they control the media. They control Hollywood, and they cover up their existence, essentially. And they would have continued ruling the world, were it not for the election of President Donald Trump…..”

It has been accused of containing “striking anti-Semitic elements” and “garden-variety nonsense with racist and anti-Semitic undertones”. Followers in the QAnon community often talk of becoming isolated from family and friends, leading it to be dubbed a cult, which implants and promotes ‘groupthink’ – hence its’ motto – “Where we go one, we go all.”

It has been widely characterized as “baseless”, “unhinged”, “evidence-free” and “a deranged conspiracy cult”.

The start chart does have an attention-demanding, none-too-practical, can-be-inspirational and entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine of Saturn in opinionated Sagittarius trine Uranus trine North Node in Leo – in different circumstances that might have suggested a reasonably progressive outfit.

But Neptune is heavily aspected being trine a money-minded and obviously dirt-digging Sun Jupiter in Scorpio. Neptune is also trine Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto – which will add another layer of intensity as well as a controlling tendency when it comes to debate. Mercury Pluto can be penetrating; Mercury Neptune evasive and delusional. The focal point Pluto plus three Scorpio planets will accentuate the inclination to walk on the dark side and dig down into the sewers – hence the obsession with deep state, perverted sexuality, and extreme wealth.

The midpoints on the QAnon chart are instructive especially the QA Neptune being square the Sun/Pluto midpoint and the QA Mars opposition the Uranus/Neptune midpoint – both of which point to off-the-wall ideas.

The wiki entry for QAnon connects it to a paper on “The Paranoid Style of American Politics” written when Barry Goldwater brewed up conspiracy theories to get the Republican nomination for the 1964 election (which he then lost to Lyndon Johnson.)  And that was only a decade after the mad McCarthy rampage. Both Goldwater and McCarthy were born with the highly-strung, not-always-rational Uranus in Capricorn opposition Neptune in Cancer in place in 1909/08.

So it has been a recurring factor in US political life. The USA chart’s Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto sextile/trine Neptune will be part of it. And that replicates the QAnon Mercury trine Neptune sextile Pluto. QAnon also picks up the Uranus/Neptune connection from Goldwater/McCarthy.

Trump’s relationship chart with QAnon is striking with a ‘power-couple’ composite Jupiter Pluto conjunction on the focal point of a trine of Sun and Neptune. That will only work well when there is agreement on a common goal. If it descends into internal argument it can get nasty. There is a noisy, angry composite Sun Mercury; and more significantly a ‘fated’ Yod of Jupiter Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Uranus. They are tied together in some mysterious way by a destiny that will have far-reaching effects for both.  That relationship is being damped down by tr Saturn between now and this December as well as unsettled as tr Pluto trines the focal point Uranus.

The QAnon chart will be in for radical upheavals in 2021 from March onwards with tr Pluto square the Uranus on one leg of the Grand Trine, prodding it onto a different track; with a debilitating and undermining 2022/23 as tr Neptune squares the Saturn.

9 thoughts on “QAnon – a malevolent dust storm

  1. Like you say, the belief in satanic conspiracy is as old as the hills, Populist leaders tapping into the fears of the disenfranchised and socially alienated and exploiting their need for certainty. There’s nothing new in all that QAnonsense when you look at the medieval flagellant movement, the Ranters or any other of the many medieval millenarian groups. Even the Third Reich was supposed to last a thousand years and since the roots of Naziism lie in the many violent uprisings of medieval Germany, you can plainly see that continuum. When mass social upheaval occurs along with huge inequality such movements thrive. The Black Death and other plague outbreaks simply added fuel to such conspiracies. In our time, we have all these ingredients and more – the medieval prophetae had the printing press to spread these ideas, our social media plays the exact same role.

  2. Considering Donald is a deeply malignant narcissist and those kinds of people are categorically unable to form proper, organic, genuine relationships or friendships with anybody, I would be questioning what was in it for him to be connected to Epstein. Was it money or children or both? It may have been a place where he could hang out and do dirty dealings with other corrupted people but never touched a child. However, the fact he was there and would have known what was going on would make him complicit but probably not a pedophile. We will just have to wait and see how this cookie crumbles on the public stage.

    • Jo – this cookie looks like it will have infinite crumbs! Regarding the underage rape accusation against Trump, this has been withdrawn some time ago.

      As you say, what was in it for him to be connected to Epstein? I think, too, it’s worth bearing in mind that many of the very wealthy and “well-connected” come across one another all the time at social events etc etc. My question might be what was in it for Epstein to be connected with Trump? As a “money manager”, Epstein was looking for contacts, influence, and potential clients. His sex trafficking activities became tangled up with his shady financial activities and desperate desire to be part of what he thought was “high socieity”…..Trump was a celebrity with access to vast sums of money, whether real or not-so-real hard cash. We don’t know what else was involved, although I suspect some kind of “kompromat” situation regarding some of these people.

  3. “there is a worldwide cabal of Satan-worshiping paedophiles who rule the world, essentially, and they control everything. They control politicians, and they control the media. They control Hollywood, and they cover up their existence, essentially. And they would have continued ruling the world, were it not for the election of President Donald Trump…”

    It’s interesting that Hollywood paedophile accurately describes Trump, but right-wingers have never been known for their self-awareness.

  4. How very depressing, but good to see an astrological analysis. I think it’s worth checking out Canadian William Guy Carr, 2nd June 1895. He seems to be the most recent origin of many of these far right, Christian, “new world order” theories, with a side order of Satanism and anti-semitism.

    I had a quick look at his planets, and he’s an interesting fit with the USA natal horoscope. A Gemini, with Sun conjunct Neptune and Pluto, he has also got a stellium in Cancer. His Mercury, for instance, is conjunct the USA Jupiter and Venus. His Venus/Mars conjunction in Cancer is conjunct the US Mercury and opposite it’s Pluto. Barr’s mad theories seem to have found some resonances, unfortunately.

  5. Thanks for doing this, Marjorie! Appologies for having to go down those rabbit holes for research. I bet you felt the need to shower with some bleach and a bucket of brillo pads afterwards!

    I wonder what kind of radical upheaval will happen next year for them? I wonder if something is revealed about Trump, their precious lightworker and saviour, that ultimately forces them down another road? Anyway, I hope it burns up in the atmosphere of its own demented unhinged fire. If one thing that underpins it all its this awful far-right Christian lens on how they look at the world. It’s more proof to me that religion needs to be eradicated out of existence. It divides people to terrible degrees, fixes them into a deeply conservative mindset that causes them problems in an evolving world, it represses people, divides the genders, and its deeply dangerous. I try to avoid these conspiracy theories as much as I can which can be hard when I access the internet (nevermind my bloody family!)- it pops up from places you would least expect. Once you realize what you have read its like, STOP IT, DAMN IT!!!!, because you can’t unread it. It’s like being stuck in a spin cycle while being rinsed in sewage water!

    • From Jane – no idea why it disappeared.

      Jo – this cookie looks like it will have infinite crumbs! Regarding the underage rape accusation against Trump, this has been withdrawn some time ago.

      As you say, what was in it for him to be connected to Epstein? I think, too, it’s worth bearing in mind that many of the very wealthy and “well-connected” come across one another all the time at social events etc etc. My question might be what was in it for Epstein to be connected with Trump? As a “money manager”, Epstein was looking for contacts, influence, and potential clients. His sex trafficking activities became tangled up with his shady financial activities and desperate desire to be part of what he thought was “high socieity”…..Trump was a celebrity with access to vast sums of money, whether real or not-so-real hard cash. We don’t know what else was involved, although I suspect some kind of “kompromat” situation regarding some of these people.

  6. Roots probably go back further, but I see a dangerous progression from Reagan’s Silent Majority, to the Tea Party and now QAnon. Or is this just another conspiracy theory??

  7. so this is what the human race has evolved to? narcissists , pedophiles, and sewer scrapers? someone, please push the red button.

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