Dwayne & Lauren – a Leo Sun Venus wedding

Dwayne Johnson, mega-successful Fast & Furious blockbusters actor and retired wrestler has married his long-time girl-friend Lauren. They’ve been together since 2007 and have two children, aged 3 and 1. He was born 2 May 1972 6.02pm San Leandro, California and she was born 8 September 1984 in Massachusetts. He has a partnership-oriented 7th house … Read more

Ghislaine Maxwell – drawn in by wealth ** and sex: update * More

With Epstein gone, the focus has shifted onto Ghislaine Maxwell, his confidante and alleged facilitator. Stories are that she has deliberately disappeared or alternatively is splicing a deal with the feds in return for spilling the beans. (Though the Daily Mail has just announced she’s in a boyfriend’s multi-million dollar oceanfront house outside Boston. He … Read more