Melania – creating her own myth

The mystery of Melania Trump is under scrutiny in a new book ‘The Art of Her Deal’ which suggests her reluctance in moving to DC after Trump’s election was because she was using her leverage to renegotiate her prenup and protect her son Barron’s financial interests.

It makes sense from various astrological pointers. She is a Sun Saturn in Taurus opposition Jupiter in Scorpio, with Mercury Venus also in Taurus trine Pluto so she will be obsessive about material security and money. The other is that tr Pluto in Capricorn was opposing the composite Mars in her relationship chart with Trump suggesting a bitter tussle. Tr Pluto was also squaring his 2nd house Jupiter, lifting his confidence certainly with a win but also pointing to a financial tug of war. Plus tr Saturn in Sagittarius was conjunct his Moon, opposition his Sun and in hard aspect to his marriage signature Sun/Moon midpoint through late 2016 and 2017 pointing to marital separation.

The book also says she is more like Trump, supports his general outlook and is closer to him than was suggested initially. They are different types since she has a predominantly practical earthy and Fixed chart with a Capricorn Moon as well as a stellium in Taurus and Pluto in Virgo, while he lacks Earth altogether. She has no Water planets and only one Fire – so out of touch with feelings and lacking trust in life, which is why she needs to accumulate security and possessions. They may well complement each other – she’s pragmatic and steady while he’s scattergun and disorganised.

Her Mercury and indulgent Venus in Taurus sit on his Midheaven with her Pluto trine so she’d be attracted to his status for what it could give her. Her Mars in his 10th will throw her energy behind his ambitions.

Their relationship chart has a controlling composite Sun square Pluto which describes a relationship in which power plays a major role. Initially that might have suggested she was the submissive partner and she is certainly adept at playing the silent, one-step-back half of the duo. But her Pluto squares his Sun and Moon, so she could well have the measure of him and be the subtle string puller.

Her own chart is agitated and in crisis-mode at the moment with tr Uranus conjunct her Saturn/Uranus midpoint; with a mountainous struggle picking up from early July till mid August as tr Pluto opposes her Saturn/Uranus midpoint, opposes her Solar Arc Mars and trines her Mars/Saturn midpoint. And that influence returns late November through this December. In 2021 she has a seriously blocked Solar Arc Sun square Pluto which could even pick up late this year depending on her birth time which isn’t known. And she will be badly affected by the tr Uranus square tr Saturn hitting on her Saturn in 2021 as well, so could be economically damaging for her.

Her relationship chart with Trump is in facing-a-disaster-mode from now till early July, again in October and early 2021. The two Lunar Eclipses this month and next are rattling the composite Saturn Mercury in Gemini and Mars respectively; and the December Solar Eclipse is opposing the composite Venus – so plenty in the way of upsets, chickens coming home to roost, irritability and emotional shocks late year. With a major turnaround from spring 2021 onwards as tr Uranus square tr Saturn hits on their composite Uranus. But without her birth time not showing much more.

41 thoughts on “Melania – creating her own myth

  1. “They are different types since she has a predominantly practical earthy and Fixed chart with a Capricorn Moon as well as a stellium in Taurus and Pluto in Virgo, while he lacks Earth altogether. She has no Water planets and only one Fire – so out of touch with feelings and lacking trust in life, which is why she needs to accumulate security and possessions. They may well complement each other – she’s pragmatic and steady while he’s scattergun and disorganised.”

    Many consider couples like this to be as “bookends”. My half-sister (now passed) was intense and a tormented Scorpio; her husband is a cold-fish Pisces. They would constantly argue and fight: his arguments were boring and logical while hers were visciously and destructively emotional. Ouch.


  2. Hmm, many complicated thoughts. Out of a jumble of passing post-it-notes.
    Pluto in Leo (1938 to 1958) was supposed to produce the ego-centric ones so although us boomers aren’t that much into selfies etc maybe it set the groundwork for the generations which followed.

    Why did Trump get voted in? (and bumptious Boris – mind you neither Theresa May nor Cameron were exactly of sterling substance, nor come to think of it the arch-actor Tony Blair). It’s a point made before here, initially from Kissinger, that Trump’s kind of person turns up at the end of an era – the final wrecking ball in my terms which arguably is the USA going into its Pluto Return reducing all to ashes before the phoenix (cross fingers) arises at some point down the road.

    There’s also this year’s triple conjunction of Saturn Pluto Jupiter which is a wrecker of a different order – and these huge celestial comings-together most often denote an ending and on the far side a new beginning.

    I tend to see social and cultural patterns going in pendulum swings – and often it takes an extreme dose of the ‘bad’ to build up enough critical mass against the intolerable to effect the opposite.

    On raising individual consciousness to bring about societal change. Hmm. James Hillman, the Jungian, gave up on that idea (I think). He said he’d followed it for years but the world seemed to be getting worse. Not that I’m against raising individual self-awareness – it breaks family cycles of violence, leads to longer and improved lifestyles and some of it has to rub off on the general mass.

    I’m not greatly into the hairshirt notion that it’s all our individual (unclaimed shadow) fault that we’ve got total jackasses out there supposedly in charge. What was that memorable line from a Vietnam vet hospital movie – “Scum always rises to the top.” Politicians probably always were lacking in integrity and humanity with a few notable exceptions – but in the days before social media and with a more respectful media we never found out. Plus it’s been a real problem with the advent of television that politicians have to be able to perform and look good on camera which in ye olden days was never a worry, which tends to attract the narcissists.

    Going back to the triple conjunction this year and the pandemic I do think there’s a real chance that the influencer, instagrammer, reality show, celebrity culture has been holed below the water line. With the economic damage that is coming for ordinary/normal people over the next several years, no one will want to see flakes flaunting their wealth and possessions. So the me, me, me obsession could well fade.

    And we are heading for a gargantuan societal, cultural and political shift from 2021 with Jupiter Saturn into Aquarius, then Pluto from 2023, then Neptune into Aries and Uranus into Gemini – all by 2025.

    • Reasons to be optimistic, perhaps? It really does feel like we are in death throes of a failing system. The flaws of the overemphasis on one dominant leader/ individual in our political system – one central figurehead – leading the political parties is being exposed like never before, whether it is Thatcher, Blair, Johnson etc. (That is actually why I wonder is Starmer really going to ride to the rescue of Labour in these astrologically turbulent times – it does not seem to be the time for a hero/ leader to come the rescue – but I could be very wrong). The focus on the leader has been deeply dysfunctional for society as a whole, yet it is so intensely entrenched in our consciousness and has never been questioned. The centralisation of power is a huge part of the reason why most people feel disempowered and apathetic, yet at the same time, there is a wounded, primal rage bubbling away, hence the ever increasing intolerance and anti-immigrant sentiment which was so cleverly exploited by people like Cummings and Lynton Crosby in recent years in the UK.

    • “And we are heading for a gargantuan societal, cultural and political shift from 2021 with Jupiter Saturn into Aquarius, then Pluto from 2023, then Neptune into Aries and Uranus into Gemini – all by 2025.”

      Marjorie, in pragmatic terms how do you think this will play out? More gaudy political circuses, more despicable racial tensions, and more coronavirus to collapse the economy completely forcing a new way to govern financially? Or brilliant reforms, like a Phoenix coming out of the ashes of our destruction of ‘life as we currently know it being over’?

      My musings of the powers of collective consciousness and dark shadows aside, my pragmatic side does also see our current state of the world crumbling into a turbulent sea of unknown change as one of huge cyclical change. These are scary, fascinating, and wondrous times we live in.

    • I like to think there’s improvement in our humans lifes.

      For instance, did you know that in 1973, when I was born (although in France, my parents are Portuguese and I was registered as Portuguese), in Portugal a woman could not vote (but we had a dictactorhsip, so… voting did not matter) nor could she even leave Portugal (for business, work, even vacation) Without the WRITTEN CONSENT of either father or husband. This was the reality in my country when I was born. I like to think that my soul refused to be born in such a place While it was like that. I was born in a true democratic country (France) – but my soul, my whole being is Portuguese. So I still Want to think there is always progress. And things get better – eventually they get better.

  3. Unfortunately for her, Melania will probably get the divorce she has always wanted, but things won’t still go her way. Not suprising, given her Moon that I share. Interestingly, while “marriage of interests” may be the most Capricorn Moon thing imaginable, it just doesn’t work for us. In some cases, people or just circumstances come in the way in a way that may seem almost fated . I say “almost”, because we also have hard time believing in fate or predestination, we feel things happen through if not hard work, then dedication.

    I think Melania’s astrological passages are indicative of realization coming in that her “dedication” to a man who she, no doubt, has found repulsive if not from the start, at least since their marriage, won’t pay of, even through a divorce settlement securing herself and her son financially. European Vice Presidency at Trump Org. won’t be worth much if the company is revealed to be a house of cards ready to tumble on first subpoena issued to Deutsche Bank after SCOTUS decided they can’t withhold this information. There’s also a book coming from DJT’s niece (daughter of his eldest brother who died of alcoholism and DJT officially credits for his sobriety), who, apparently, tipped NYT on tax schemes used to by Fred to funnel money to his children.

    • At the risk of sounding – racists isn’t quite the right word – culturally prejudiced maybe – I reckon her background growing up in an eastern European socialist state has a good deal to do with her attitudes and approach to life and to men.

  4. Thank you Marjorie. The lunar eclipse on the composite Saturn and Mercury you write about certainly manifested in the controversy over Melania’s tweets asking for peace and healing. These clashed with the White House messages of repression and aggression recently, and caused tension and frustration apparently.

    If the renegotiation of her prenup is true, then what a statement of intent that is!

    I don’t know what anyone thinks about the validity of wedding day charts, I’m open-minded about how well they work. But I noticed that January’s lunar eclipse activated the BML and Mercury for Trump and Melania’s wedding, 22 January 2005. July’s lunar eclipse is close to the Venus in Capricorn, and December’s solar eclipse falls on the Pluto in Sagittarius. Food for thought anyway.

    • Wedding charts can be helpful and this one looks to be sagging more than somewhat over the next two or three years by tr Neptune square the Mars Pluto – and as you say rattled by this year’s Eclipses..

  5. I wonder how Barron will turn out if both his parents are self-absorbed, pig-ignorants racists, misogynists, and fascists at heart (and surround themselves with such people)? I hope he would be smart enough to break away from such ugly influences and make his own path, but looking at Trumps’ other brood, I wouldn’t hold my breath in him being much different?

    • If Trump is as racist as the MSM say he is, then why did he win the Ellis Island Medal for his work with African-Americans community? The other two people to win that medal were Rosa Parks and Muhammed Ali!

      And unemployment rates for African-Americans has fallen. If he was so racist, then he wouldn’t give a jot about them.

      Your ignorance is unfortunately showing. You might not like him, but the facts speak for themselves. (Also it was the GOP, the Republican Party, who voted unanimously to abolish slavery, only 20% of Democrats wanted slaves freed, hence the American Civil War. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican).

      And yes, I am a person of colour.

      Please get your facts in order before spouting your prejudices. Thanks.

      • Claire, Might have been sensible to fact check this one before venting.
        President Donald Trump won an award in the 1980s called the Ellis Island Medal of Honor that has provided fodder for online claims, in part because it resulted in a photo of him standing next to famous American icons Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali.
        Parks and Ali were both well-known black civil rights activists, but Trump didn’t win the prize for his “work within the black community,” as one social media post claimed. We rated that claim False in 2019.
        Now, the claim has resurfaced in the wake of George Floyd’s death in police custody. In the latest Facebook photo post, Trump stands with Ali and Parks under a slightly altered caption:
        “Have you ever been so racist that you won an Ellis Island Award for ‘patriotism, tolerance, brotherhood and diversity’ alongside Muhhammad Ali & Rosa Parks?” text above the image reads.
        The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)
        In our first fact-check, we spoke with Otto Coca, spokesperson for the Ellis Island Honors Society, which administers the award. The society promotes diversity and understanding among religious and ethnic groups, as well as the restoration and maintenance of Ellis Island.
        Coca told us that Trump was one of several people to be awarded the Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 1986 – the first year it was given (and the same year Parks and Ali were also recipients). Trump was chosen for professional contributions that benefited New York City as a developer, as well as for his German heritage.
        The image of Parks, Trump and Ali was taken during a ceremony honoring the recipients and also features Joe DiMaggio, Victor Borge and Anita Bryant, who are cropped out in the version that appears in this Facebook post.
        “It had nothing to do with race,” Coca said about the photograph. “They were all honored for different reasons and they were just all standing together, that’s the only reason that picture exists.”

        • Thank you, Marjorie and Jennifer E

          Clare, hard to believe, but not all of us follow the MSM which is often the accusation thrown at us as if we cannot make up our own minds. It staggers me that even from the mentally ill, malignant narcissism that spews from this man’s very own mouth, his followers still can’t see he’s a bad ‘un. He’s been caught out lying time and time again – says one thing, then you play a video of him saying the exact opposite some time later. Proof from his OWN mouth, not media manipulations, I’m afraid. But hey, he’s “The greatest President in history bar Lincoln,” so we’ll all be okay. It’s for others to label him how good a job he’s done, not himself. But history will do this in due course.

          If you have ever had the misfortune of being in the sphere of malignant narcissists, you’ll be well aware they are dangerous people who destroy others and take credit for other people’s work to get where they are. They are only interested in helping others if it BENEFITS them. They cannot see or take onboard anything beyond their deeply rotten, shockingly limited ego’s. These are the kinds of people who go on X Factor and tell everyone, “I’m going to be the BEST thing you’ve ever heard!” Cue the worst screeching heard since the cat got its tail trapped in a ringer. When told they are not good enough cue an outraged spew of irrationality. A true narcissist’s Modus Operandi is ALWAYS to get revenge on those who don’t see them the way they do themselves, and they create chaos wherever they go. I bet this guy has some seriously disturbing skeletons in his closet – but his monstrous wealth and connections helps keep the light off such things. For now.

          Just put my previous post down to having a different opinion to yours. If you don’t like what I said, then just lump it like we have to with the greatest president in history.

          • I sorta kinda agree with your penultimate paragraph as highlighted by Sounh. Only sorta kinda because didn’t ‘we’ vote these people in? Aren’t they are reflection of the collective mentality? Check the so called ‘reality shows’ that are spewed out. Check the concept of ‘selfie’ mentality. Lots of things to check ….!!! So maybe we, in our democratic it’s all about me sink boxes, have created the monsters we now want to hold to account because of our complacency? Possibly the collective mentality has created this beast because we were too busy individually to contribute to a difference? I know the astrology is there to back this up somewhere but I am not that knowledgeable to quote aspects and such.

            What say you Majorie??

            One love

          • Our systems and structures appear to promote and reward narcissism in political leaders, heads of industry, business, social media influencers, etc. Maybe this has always been the case and is an unfortunate inevitably of how humanity organises itself. But in recent years with the rise of Trump, Bolsonaro and other populists, this narcissism has become so malignant, so extreme that when faced with a global or national crisis, these personalities act against the overall welfare of populations as we have seen during COVID. It’s probably no accident that the counties lead by such people have fared the worst.

          • @Virgoflake Hmmm… not convinced cause I still think it starts with us individually (then collectively). It only takes a seed to grow a pot of flowers, doesn’t it?!!!

            In recent years in comparison to history, i.e. last 50 or so years, we have been convinced of the ‘me’ culture in the ‘concept democracy’ society. Until we take responsibility individually about our own state of mind, then we will realize that these people were coming up in the same state of mind….. hence the now outcome that we say it is because of ‘them’ instead of admitting it’s because of ‘us’. We create the ‘collective’ climate, individually.. That’s my thinking anyway. Just my last cent worth on this. Peace out!!

          • Interested in your take on it because it reminds me of what Jung has to say about the individual and society. I think it was in one of Liz Jones’s books that she paraphrases Jung with “if there is something wrong with Society, there is something wrong with the individual and if there is something wrong with the individual, there is something wrong with me.” She talks about how Hitler in his public speeches was somehow giving voice to or channeling the German people’s collective shadow. That he transforms from a rather unremarkable looking man to a kind of powerful voice piece when faced with the adoring crowd. Indeed, if you look at footage of Hitler speaking, it’s almost as if he is drunk on the collective shadow of the crowd.

            Maybe that sounds like a load of psychobabble. I do think there is a lot in what you say about the individual, how we don’t “own” the darker sides of our being and project it onto the “other”. It’s what Trump does all the time after all.

          • Jennifer E – yes, I get what you’re saying (I think) which is if we take the fact we are a quantum universe, then each mind creates the collective reality. Trump is the shadow in the collective that we are refusing to see and currently being mirrored back at us. We are him and he is us. God awful thought, lol! But loathe him as I may, I do believe he is a catalyst (years from now) for great change. Hopefully!

            I have thought about this topic a LOT for about 15 years and it can be a mind twist to get a grasp of it. But even though his adoring unconscious fans helped get him where he was, the fact there are so many angry, frustrated people who are so against him, and because there is so much primal emotion involved, the ugly fact is, we are actually still part of this creation. All of us. If he shows up in our reality we are co-creators and therefore responsible for it. A bit like an egregore. An explanation of this from the Theosophy Wiki is:

            An egregore (pronounced egg’ gree gore) is a group thought-form. It can be created either intentionally or unintentionally, and becomes an autonomous entity with the power to influence. A group with a common purpose like a family, a club, a political party, a church, or a country can create an egregore, for better or worse depending upon the type of thought that created it.

            Somehow, I think a lot of the global destabilization going on currently in our family is because of the immense fractures going on in our collective mind at a quantum level and I’m not sure how to step back and take control of it other than to switch off everything that effects me badly in an emotional level, because that is what will turn up in my and our collective reality.

            Why couldn’t the creator just give us a handbook on re-entry for the hundredth time? All this forgetting where we originally come from is keeping us stuck.

          • Do you mean that as individuals we have the capability of breaking cyclical, repetitive shadow-based historical patterns by developing and heightening (for want of better words) our own consciousness and raising our awareness, Jo?

          • Going on in our reality not family, although it still works! Because that is what we are albeit at war with each other.

          • One of the techniques I learned during my CBT was to detach from and observe my own thought patterns. It’s hard to shift one’s habitual thoughts and emotions because they’re so ingrained and repetitive – I still have a long way to go but I have made some headway. Now, when I have certain defensive, reactive thoughts and feelings I am able to stop, ask myself why I’m responding in such a way and to search for the root cause of such patterns, which almost always originate in childhood and familial conditioning. I also find life easier when I’m able to withdraw from the madding crowd. In the hope that future generations will be taught how to successfully navigate the emotional turmoil of being human, maybe as a species we will evolve to become more aware of our own contribution to the collective shadow.

          • I think so, Virgoflake. For want of sounding silly, I actually think it is our untapped superpower as a human species. And yet we are constantly being sidetracked from figuring this out. It makes sense why we are constantly having things that distract us from doing this. But is the distraction from so many sides deliberately intended by those in the know who are aware how consciousness works in the universe that we are being manipulated to create a certain reality? Or are all these immense distractions answers the universe (or super-conscious mind) is screaming at us to wake up, “you’ve created yet another distraction for yourself. What you think and feel has manifested right in front of you. I can go on into infinity doing this until you wake up little one until you realize YOU are creating this for yourself.”

            With these distractions in the global mind happening they naturally create divisions. Can you imagine if we no longer had divisions among us by virtue of a unified collective mind? There would be no cracks for the shadows to hide in and manipulate us which is just the unconscious, unevolved part of ourself. But the shadows are still part of us whether we like it or not. We are a species with amnesia who takes on the older generations beliefs and ideology and most of us never question if its right or wrong. We just create another time extension for the cycles to repeat themselves again and on it goes.

            For me, even though I get pissed off a lot, I personally feel by switching off all this damn static that is consuming my reality it makes it much easier to navigate my real emotions instead of having them be manipulated by something outside me. I haven’t figured the rest out yet.

            Even though there are many in the public arena who annoy the bejesus out of me, I will feel and send them genuine, heartfelt thoughts of compassion and understanding. It probably wont make a difference to them but who knows, maybe mine and other people doing the same will start switching on the lights in the collective mind that will turn into a Christmas tree someday. A bit like the hundredth monkey experiment. But if it doesn’t work then at least I will have reoriented myself and found a little peace of mind while the world spins like a whirling dervish around me!

            The Hundredth Monkey Experiment explained from The Convergence Story blog is this;

            ‘In the 1950s, scientists conducted research on a group of macaque monkeys on the Japanese island of Koshima. These scientists would drop sweet potatoes on the ground for the monkeys to eat. However, one day, one young monkey took the sand covered sweet potato and rinsed it at a nearby lake, discovering that the sweet potato tasted better washed.

            Not long after, more monkeys on this island adopted this ritual which eventually (and unexplainably) moved across the water to monkeys being studied in nearby islands. And although these monkeys never came into contact and were separated by water, the act of rinsing food before eating it entered these species’ collective consciousness and hence changed their pattern.

            This strange event was coined the “100 Monkey Principle” which stated that once a critical number of people’s consciousness changed (and in this case that number was 100) a tipping point would occur which would lead to a change in group consciousness.’

            P.S. Sorry for the long reply

          • Please don’t apologise – your posts are so insightful and thought provoking. The monkey experiment reminds me a bit of Rupert Sheldrake’s ‘morphic fields’ work in the 1980s which was ridiculed as heresy by the scientific establishment at the time.

            And yes, withdrawing from the melee of social media (although here I am!) certainly enables one to have a more eagle’s eye view of events and wider movements in society. To not engage with the hatred and unhelpful reactions to figures such as Trump is something I still need to practice and change, I am as guilty as the next person of this.

          • Wow, okay!!

            @Virgoflake, I totally agree with Liz Greene’s take on individuality, society and the collective! It’s really not separate. It reminds me of when, a hundred years ago, they would cut out a piece of your brain to heal mental sickness only to find that another part of your body didn’t work. Everything is connected.

            ‘She talks about how Hitler in his public speeches was somehow giving voice to or channeling the German people’s collective shadow.’ In my mind no ‘somehow’ about it, Hitler knew what the ‘collective’ climate was and found the way to tap into an energy that turned him from ‘a rather unremarkable looking man to a kind of powerful voice piece’.

            ‘….how we don’t “own” the darker sides of our being and project it onto the “other”. What I find really interesting is that the mainstay of the conversation actually needs to switch to how we learn to own and heal our shadow side individually and collectively. How we teach our children that, and live that (because it always starts in the home). To me, that’s the only way we can spiritually, emotionally and mentally progress as a species and by default change will then take place.

            @Jo… ‘Trump is the shadow in the collective that we are refusing to see and currently being mirrored back at us. We are him and he is us.’ Yep, absolutely. I have always said he is a reflection of the American psyche as much as no one wants to admit it. Who is there to ask the hard questions that no one wants to ask, and who is there to give the real hard answers no one wants to hear? So it stays ‘shadow’.

            Ergogore? Group think? I don’t know what to say about that except it’s gotten kinda outrageous these days when a person may share an opinion only to be told ‘you’re a hater’ or attacked because you don’t agree but yet they shared their thought with the public for a comment. How did that get so warped?

            ‘Somehow, I think a lot of the global destabilization going on currently in our family is because of the immense fractures going on in our collective mind at a quantum level …..’ Generic globalization to me created ‘global destabilization’? But that’s another conversation….!!

            ‘…. and I’m not sure how to step back and take control of it other than to switch off everything that effects me badly in an emotional level, because that is what will turn up in my and our collective reality.’

            Maybe the very problem at our core, as a society, is that we individually tend to want to ‘switch off everything that effects me badly’ in the emotional – exactly where the seed is planted. Not realizing that is where the real work is done and only we ourselves can do it with ourselves, then our family, then our neighbors, then our community, etc etc – you see where this is going! I guess bottom line is we have all switched off on some level when we think it doesn’t affect us personally (until it does) and that’s exactly why the ‘Trumps’ and such like slither in. When we check all that, we now see why what is happening is happening!! I think.

            Marjorie, just wondering if my rambling is down to Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter conjunct, squaring my Venus in Gemini right now, although Saturn is a little wider out.

          • Jennifer E – the switching off is usually for a while while I restore my energy levels then I usually get back in the saddle to work on what is causing me problems. I personally don’t have a problem trying to figure all this deep stuff out. In fact it’s been a lifetime study and I have had a couple of people say I’ve actually helped them too.

            My problem is i’m way too sensitive, or empathic if you will. I soak up all those swirling feelings that others feel and get smothered by its deluge and hit a place where I can’t tell which are my feelings. But recently the world crazy levels is like it’s on steroids! My Virgo sun/Cancer moon has to get the hell out of there and retreat tosanctuary! But I’m quite at home dissecting my feelings and subconscious and wondering about everybody else’s too. But that could also be my Libran Mars/Pluto conjunction. One of my early memories is my mum shouting at me exasperated, “You always want to know the ins and outs of a fart and every which way it blows!” I’m not scared to investigate the dark shadow. I just can’t handle the frenetic energy that’s turning the world upside down. I can only process it in isolation and being away from the circus. I’m like an extreme introvert that has got stuck at a loud rave party with drunk extroverts with no way to get home, lol! It frazzles me very quickly. I’m the one who has locked herself in the toilet!

            Virgoflake – Thank you <3 Yes, Rupert Sheldrake and morphic resonance! I've not read any of his books but have read a few articles of his. Will pop some of his books on my watch list at amazon. Thanks for the reminder.

            I know exactly what you mean about CBT and the difficulty in trying to shift our habitual thoughts and emotional patterns. I went all through that myself about a decade ago. Sometimes it's like wearing a really heavy, sodden coat you know is not yours but you cannot identify yourself without it! It's so frustrating but as I've got older I've dealt with it better. In my next life I will demand a Darling Buds of May family!!! I feel like I've lived 10 lifetimes in this one and much of it has been inheriting the family emotional baggage of which I've had to transmute all that dense energy for myself and them because none of them will do the work, just repeat patterns. I need a holiday next time, lol!

      • I don’t want to drop into the quick sand of heated emotions due to beliefs and bias but the question that pops into my head is ‘Was the ideology of the Republican Party under Abraham Lincoln the same one being followed by the Republican Party of today?

        Apparently supporting classical liberalism, the abolition of slavery and economic expansion when founded in 1865, the GOP’s ideology shifted far right in 1912 …. hmm, so it makes me think not!!

        I wonder what those comparison charts look like to maybe explain what shifted in the energy?

          • In response to Jennifer E’s post above, the ideologies of the Republican and Democrat parties essentially switched in the 1960s.

            The Republicans used to be the party of the minorities and former slaves, while the Democrats used to be the party of the working class white people (something still seen in Northern states like Minnesota, where the Democratic Party’s official name is “Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party”).

            The South, the former Confederate States, were conversely solidly Democrat states, with hardly any Republicans to be seen.

            All that changed in the 1960s, when JFK and LBJ, Democratic presidents, started championing civil rights and LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act. The southern Democrats (called Dixiecrats) were deeply opposed to these changes and gradually moved away from the Democratic party towards the Republican party.

            It was the Dixiecrat/Democrat state governors of the southern states that opposed educational integration, while the Republicans supported integration.

            Thus the Democratic Party, formerly of the white working classes, became the party of the minorities, while the Republican Party, formerly of the minorities, became the party of the while working classes. They have essentially switched positions.

          • @ Unmystic Mom

            Thanks, I definitely get that sense that they switched positions …. There are also suggestions out there that underlying the GOP liberalism and message of the time, were actual counterproductive plans and mechanisms to put in place which contradicted that message. Mind field!!

            Anyway, interesting stuff even when it has nothing to do with ‘Melania – creating her own myth’ … lol.

      • Clare,
        As you are a person of color, you do know that you would not be allowed to live in
        any of Trumps buildings (Queen, NY)in the late 1980’s, as there were “No Vacancies For Blacks.” Trump refused to rent to blacks. NY State sued the Trumps for housing discrimination and won.

        There is also another story that goes, when Trump owned his casinos in Atlantic City and he was going to walk through the casino floor, he had all the black dealers removed because he did not want to see that look.

        Finally, all one needs to now about Trump, and this is well documented, his father was arrested at a KKK rally: his father was a member of the KKK.

        There really is no question whether Trump is a racist or not: he his. He has a long storied history of racist actions.

    • I don’t normally like astro-analysing children – but he’s pretty much under his mother’s control with a 10th house Pluto. And fond of his father as well as scared of him – so imagine he’ll stick around.

      • Thanks, Marjorie. I guess at Donald’s advanced age and clearly deteriorating health, i’d be surprised if he’s still around in 5 years time. That’s some heavy, unconscious energy that pulsates throughout the entire family that won’t get ironed out until their future offspring come in more prepared to work at becoming conscious of their behaviour. Let’s hope Melania’s influence will have better bearing on Barron’s life in a way Donald hasn’t had with his other brood who have grown well into adulthood, with similar grating traits, with their controlling father looming in the background and shaping them. Donald might not be around by the time Barron leaves his teens and perhaps he will be raised away from the Trump circus with his mother in Europe. Apparently, up until a recently Barron still had a strong Slovenian accent like his mother.

  6. Melanie’s chart suggests that Trump will lose the forthcoming US election and the status that
    goes with being the First Lady.

    Very interesting indeed. As Cher once drily remarked:-“A fool and his money are soon married.”

    • She doesn’t care about being First Lady, and would actually think be relieved if Trump lost.

      But if that happened, she’d probably feel free to divorce.

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