Cristiano Ronaldo – a super-materialistic Aquarius

Cristiano Ronaldo is on track to become football’s first billionaire, about to join golfer Tiger Woods and boxer Floyd Mayweather in the sports super-wealthy club. Ronaldo has been a shrewd marketer of his brand as well stratospherically well-paid for his on-field talent.

He was born 5 February 1985 Funchal, Portugal at 10.20 am according to his mother. This puts his Aquarius Sun and Mercury in the 11th house; with a serious-about-business Saturn in obsessive Scorpio in his financial 8th; with his North Node in money-minded Taurus in his 2nd house. Not a sharer, that’s for sure. If the birth time was a few minutes out it might even put his Pluto in the 8th as well. His Jupiter in ambitious Capricorn is also inclined towards money and status; and oddly enough Aquarius does appear in the lists of the world’s most wealth.

His Pluto is in a successful and pushily-confident square to his Jupiter. His Sun is square his tenacious and tough-minded Saturn/Pluto midpoint; his Uranus is conjunct his Jupiter/Pluto for a lucky streak; and his Jupiter is conjunct his Mars/Saturn midpoint so he revels in the discipline required to get to and stay at the top. He’ll do even better by 2023 when tr Pluto is conjunct his Jupiter.

Tiger Woods, 30 December 1975 10.50pm Long Beach, California, is a Sun Capricorn on the point of a T Square to a confident and successful Jupiter in Aries opposition Pluto. With his Sun opposition his Mars/Saturn midpoint.

Floyd Mayweather, 24 February 1977 Grand Beach, MI, is a Sun Pisces with a hard-edged Mars opposition Saturn square Uranus; and a talented Half Grand Sextile from Venus opposition Pluto, sextile Neptune sextile Mars. His Jupiter (and Moon) are in indulgent, materialistic Taurus. His Pluto is square his Sun/Jupiter midpoint; his Jupiter is conjunct his Sun/Saturn and square his Sun/Mars; and his Uranus is opposition his Mars/Saturn.

So he has the same mix as the other two of luck along with the ability to succeed and very hard-driving aspects which push them on through pain, injury, exhaustion and the sacrifice of fun to reach the sporting heights.

I’m never convinced that these guys are good role models. While it may be motivating to see someone succeeding despite coming from a poor background in the case of Ronaldo and Mayweather, it does give ordinary mortals over-inflated expectations of what’s possible. I worked a fair amount in India and used to be continually asked by clients when they were going to earn or win their billion. To which my response was – try to be satisfied with what you achieve, whether it’s ten, fifty or a hundred thousand. But none of them wanted to be a millionaire, it was only ever billionaire. For 99.99% of the population it’s never going to happen. The unattainable makes people feel like a failure which is a shame.

9 thoughts on “Cristiano Ronaldo – a super-materialistic Aquarius

  1. Ronaldo has a very tight Mars/Venus conjunction in Aries (aggressive in love and sex) in the 12th house square Neptune. This would indicate that he has something of a sexual nature he would like to keep hidden, or perhaps that he gives to those in need and prefers to keep it quiet.

    • Venus Mars has a whole different side to the jolly one that is described in traditional astrology – it runs right through Epstein and friends’ charts.

    • Well, at least one of his former girlfriends is notariously “on hire”

      That said, I have some less sinister interpretations on Pisces and 12th house Mars. Pisces Mars people tend to be good dancers, maybe because great sense of rhythm and good cordination? Makes sense for a footballer known for his drippling and being ambidextrous. 12th house Mars can be problematic, since it can indicate early childhood abuse (in CR’s case, his father was abusive) or a cycle of abuse. But it can also bring certain explosive power, so sports is a great outlet for this energy.

  2. Wise words of yours Marjorie, ‘try to be satisfied with what you achieve, whether it’s ten, fifty or a hundred thousand. But none of them wanted to be a millionaire, it was only ever billionaire. For 99.99% of the population it’s never going to happen. The unattainable makes people feel like a failure which is a shame.’
    The true wealth lies in the heart and is it going to be a ‘decency decenny’ (or a true wealth decenny) thanks to viruses or chemical attacks !

  3. Hello;

    a few years ago I got access to the hour of birth of Cristiano Ronaldo (I was part of an internet group who studied astrology – and one of the students lived in Funchal – and she actually asked C. Rolnado’s mother for the birthtime).

    So here it is:
    5 February 1985, Funchal, Portugal – 10:20 am

    This makes him an Aries Rising Sign, with Sun/Merc/Jup in the 11th house (the huse of Good Luck!).
    Moon – 13º Leo in the 5th house (the need to be loved for his Athletic/Sport abilities).
    NN in Taurus in the second house. Cusp of second house also Taurus (money, money, money!).
    Venus/Mars in Aries both on the 12th house (secret liasons).

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