Bashar Assad – his downfall written in the stars

Bashar Assad of Syria’s fortunes are running on track with the astrology. It was always puzzling when he was generally deemed to be the victor of the brutal civil war, aided and abetted by Russia and Iran. Yet what his Presidency chart, 17 July 2000, showed was escalating pressure, fear and devastation from 2019 for several years therafter. Tr Pluto has been in a dead-halt opposition to the Mars, then Sun/Mars midpoint and is now aiming to oppose the Cancer Sun (conjunct Procyon, lord of rises and falls) in 2021/22.

In his desperation to stay on top and quell dissension he has almost destroyed the country and its economy. In recent months there has been hyperinflation, mass business closures, food shortages and widespread unemployment. Not only is coronavirus a major threat but there could also be a famine coming. Assad has already started targeting his own wealthy relatives and seizing their assets. His popularity out on the street and amongst the elite is sagging and there are even suggestions he may be ousted altogether.

It Pluto opposing his Administration Sun in 2021/22 could be the turning point – transform or implode – and its difficult to see what options there are for rebooting a destroyed Syria. Though if he does go he’s likely to be replaced by another establishment figure.

His personal chart, 11 September 1965, has a panicky, undermining tr Neptune opposition his Virgo Sun till January next year; but much worse is a catastrophic run of Solar Arcs stretching from 2022 to 2027 which will collide his central configuration of Sun, Uranus, Pluto opposition Saturn in its Solar Arc position with his Mars Neptune in Scorpio. Shocks, collisions, setbacks, high insecurity, violence – it will be the crisis of his life, worse than anything he has lived through over the past decade. Difficult to see how he will come out of it intact. See previous post October 8 2019

10 thoughts on “Bashar Assad – his downfall written in the stars

  1. It was interesting reading the article. I am 16 days older than Assad. T Neptune opposing my Virgo Sun certainly taught me how to float after a long series of almost drowning. It is interesting that you write about the Pluto / Uranus solar arc crossing over his Scorpio Mars. I don’t normally work with solar arc, but it was really a time of shocks, collisions, setbacks, high insecurity, violence – the crisis of my life – five years ago, when they crossed over my Scorpio Mars. Happy to be here to tell the tale.

    • Solar Arcs do work really well especially when two configurations or key planets in a chart collide in hard aspect. I remember when I was first introduced to them and checked them out they explained a part of my life that had not shown up half as well on transits and progressions.
      Glad you moved through your ordeal of fire and water and are on to better and brighter things.

  2. Isaac Starkman has done some very good work regarding Assad’s birth time rectification.

    In one source (I haven’t added the source link), he rectified to 16:43 and later on, he ‘re-rectified’ and suggested a time of 22:56 as being more correct.

  3. As a Brit living in Syria, a lot of the replies above are incorrect. I met him and his wife, around 2010 and they were a very nice couple. He was very open to progress and Asma, his wife, performed and still performs, a lot of charity work. The people that are the evil henchmen are the security services people. There are about 20 Security Services branches and they are all extremely powerful within their own right. There’s no way that Bashar can go against them. Bashar had huge development plans for Syria having been educated in the West, and his wife being British as well, working as a banker. This is not to say that he hasn’t made mistakes however.

    Anyway, the word here is that he *is* getting ready to leave and two possible replacements have already been found by the Russians. His intended place of exile is Belarus. But it is really, “too little, and wayyyy to late!”
    The crunch and main game-changer here is the Cæsar Act which has finally been passed ‘now’, not because it eventually passed through the Senate or whatever, but because all options have run out for the Americans, and they have lost yet another military (mis-)adventure and need to ‘fix’ their mess.

  4. So much going on that I’ve only been following Syria sporadically, but Intelligence Community sources believe there’s going to be a “palace coup” backed by Putin. In a very Middle Eastern fashion, al-Assads are really a dynasty. Bashar was not “the heir apparent” of his family power. Hafez al-Assad first favored his brother, who attempted a coup in 1980’s. Then, his eldest son Bassel, who however loved fast cars wrecking one and died in the 1990’s. In American terms, Bashar could be viewed as a sort of Tiffany Trump. He was the withdrawn, “intellectual” child of a ruling dynasty who seemed to be forging relatively independent life as an ophthalmologist abroad.

  5. I know Bashar Assad is absolutely horrible….but I hope if he does get ousted that ISIS (who, in my opinion, is actually much worse than Assad) doesn’t regroup and take control of Syria.

    Assad usually resorts to brutality when provoked. However, ISIS caused so much death and destruction even without any kind of provocation. For example, let’s remember, it was ISIS who committed acts of genocide against ethnic and ethno-religious minorities like the Yazidis, Assyrians, Kurds, Shabaks, the Alawites, etc.

    Also, ISIS was responsible damaging and destroying many works of ancient works of art, museums, historic landmarks, etc.

    All in all, if I had to choose between one of the two evils, I’d rather live under an Assad regime than a violently fanatical Salafi group like ISIS. Just sayin’

    • There are alternatives for Assad and ISIS/Daech, although maybe not of the character that you would like it to be. Somewhere in the world we befriended refugees from Syria, they qualified Assad as their enemy and Daech as well. They were very devout muslims (Sunnis), intelligent and well-educated people, who would like to return to their country and have a Sunni muslim regime there.

    • Despite The US best efforts to liberate tens of thousands of captured ISIS soldiers by withdrawing from Kurdistan, it seems they are not gaining much ground in Syria. They’ve lost most of their leaders, either killed or captured. Also, most importantly, it seems money isn’t arriving the way it once did. Something I’ve seen in the “local” news is that they seem to have trouble providing for families at Al-Holy Camp. There were several reports I read on a certain hierarchy of fear at the camp. Most devoted wives and widows were intimidating others. They clearly had outside help on doing this. Now, it seems the camp is “leaking”. And it seems that even people very high up in hierarchy are fleeing. This seems to indicate their strategy won’t rely on full scale battle operations in Syria in the near future.

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