Japan – following the global dip ahead


Japan has come out of the pandemic better than most with under 17,000 infections and 894 deaths mainly due to a special contact-tracing strategy, early awareness and the timely declaration of a state of emergency, though without a compulsory lockdown.

The concern now is whether PM Abe can kickstart the economy which has been burdened with massive public debt for more than a generation.

The Japan 11 February 1889 chart has variable start times. There’s nothing too dramatic showing up instantly. Though there’ll be a financial dip or disappointment come 2021 with the Solar Arc Neptune opposing the Japan Venus.

The Nikkei, 7 September 1950, indicates a dampening of confidence through this year with tr Neptune opposition the Saturn; also flags up 2021 as an uncertain, panicky phase.

The Bank of Japan, 10 October 1882, is nerve-stretched this year not surprisingly with tr Neptune opposition its Uranus and jangled with tr Uranus opposition its Mercury.

All three charts have a heavy concentration of Fixed planets after mid degree – so the tr Uranus hard aspects from 2022 onwards till 2025 will be the years of greatest stress.

The Japan chart catches tr Uranus in a high-tension square to its Saturn in Leo in 2022, shaking its sense of national pride; and tr Uranus then moves on to square the Aquarius Sun in 2024 for more jolts and changes of direction and following that tr Uranus is conjunct the Japan Neptune in Taurus and finally Pluto in early Gemini – so it’ll be a stormy patch. 2022 also sees the panicky-failure tr Neptune conjunct its Mars.

The Nikkei chart is getting much the same pounding during that 21022 to 2025 period with tr Uranus opposition the Mars, square Pluto and finally square Venus – so several years of financial disruption.

The Bank of Japan has a discouraging Solar Arc Saturn conjunct Sun in 2022; with forced-change from an uphill-slog tr Pluto trine Saturn in 2021/22, followed by trine Pluto. With tr Uranus conjunct Neptune and then Saturn, Pluto in Taurus between 2022 and 2025.

2 thoughts on “Japan – following the global dip ahead

  1. Japan has an additional challenge of rapidly aging and declining population with next to no immigration. And although their industry has been able to cope with this through globalizing and automizing production, their internal market is shrinking and external markets might become harder to access. This will undoubtably pose challenges not only to economy, but the whole society, where corporates have often taken the role held by the state elsewhere.

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