Boris’s chameleon cabinet – more of the same ** updated

The Boris Cabinet reshuffle has brought in even more malleable, jitterbug Mutable types. Like attracts like. From the Latin mutabilis “changeable,” from mutare “to change. Of which Boris is the walking example with a Sun Venus Mercury in Gemini and a T square to Uranus Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces square Mars in … Read more

Inauguration omens – friends and enemies ** Add On

The 2021 Inauguration chart has an explosive and disruptive Moon Mars Uranus conjunction in the hidden 12th house square a Sun Saturn Jupiter conjunction (assuming 12 noon swearing in). The theme of these administration start charts can indicate internal political challenges or external events. George W Bush’s First Term, 20 January 2001, which kicked off … Read more

Palestine Peace Plan – dismissed as a bad joke

  The long awaited, much trumpeted Trump/Kushner Palestine Peace Plan has been roundly condemned on virtually all sides – ‘Trump and Netanyahu have made Mideast peace an even more distant prospect’. ‘Nothing more than a deal between con artists trying to escape their legal problems.’ (Netanyahu facing corruption charges ditto Trump.) ‘ The most deranged, … Read more