Rudy Giuliani appears to be causing chaos even in Republican circles with his all-guns-blazing attack on the legitimacy of the election result. His ill-judged news conference in the parking lot of a Philadelphia landscaping business adjacent to an adult bookstore and a crematorium let fly with a conspiracy-filled rant that scared off many lawyers who had been recruited to the cause of highlighting any voter fraud.
Born 28 May 1944 2.31pm New York, he is Trump on steroids with his Sun Uranus in Gemini sextile a bullying, ruthless Mars Pluto in Leo. Not given to subtlety at the best of times he’s in hysterical overdrive with his Solar Arc Sun conjunct Jupiter and his Solar Arc Jupiter square his Mars – which may run on for a few months in effect. But the Lunar Eclipse late this month will rattle up his Sun Uranus for a shock/crisis or two; and his Saturn will oppose the December Solar Eclipse for another sobering moment.
He is facing career losses with tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter/Saturn midpoint from later this week till after mid December. 2021 is up and down for him but he’s tough as nails and a survivor so no doubt will find a lucrative niche somewhere.
His relationship with Trump was never that comfortable, was severely jolted over the election and next spring, is stressed now and on a disappointing slide till late January.
Des O’Connor, the singer, comedian and presenter, known as the quintessence of niceness, has died aged 88. No one had a bad word to say about him. Fellow comic Jimmy Tarbuck said: “He was a joy to work with, the most easy-going and charming guy. The laidback smoothie you saw on stage was exactly the same in the dressing room – never flustered, always upbeat. What made him unique was his generosity with the laughs. Whether he delivered a gag or left the punchline to me, it made no difference – he just wanted to see the audience happy.”
What is astro-extraordinary is he had a hair-raisingly difficult chart. Born 12 January 1932 in London with an Irish dustman father and Jewish cleaner mother, the family were so poor he developed rickets as a toddler and had to walk with calipers. He said he blanked out much of his childhood, which had little warmth. He was knocked down by a drunken driver and badly injured; then evacuated during the war to a callous, profiteering landlady who didn’t feed him, so he was skin and bones by the time his father tracked him down.
He started performing during his National Service and gradually rose to prominence after a long apprenticeship in the variety theatre.
He had an ambitious Capricorn Sun conjunct a hard-edged and unfairly-treated Mars Saturn in a scary, frustrating, suppressed opposition to Pluto square Uranus. All the cruelty of his childhood tied up there.
What was his saving grace was an inspirational and ever-optimistic Fire Grand Trine of Jupiter in flamboyant Leo trine Uranus in a wide trine to Mercury in Sagittarius; with Jupiter opposition Venus in Aquarius. With Venus as the leading planet, he had charm in abundance, backed up by a great deal of self-belief, despite his self-deprecating manner.
He was married four times, with three divorces, mainly put down to his workaholic tendencies. Though underneath all that easy-going amiability there would be a good deal of tension and a fair few demons chasing him – as is often the case with comedians.
Oddly enough – in the syncronicity of similar charts popping up the same week – he was born within a week of Matthew McConaughey’s mother, who had a wild and very sexual relationship with his father. Time of birth and houses will make some of the difference. But Des O’Connor’s public image wasn’t as close to the private reality as you might imagine.
Matthew MConaughey, maverick and versatile actor – True Detective, Dallas Buyers Club amongst many others – has written a kind-of memoir, “Greenlights”, replete with bumper-sticker musings and aphorisms, and tales from his up and down, boom and bust life story, from a drama-filled childhood onwards.
Born 4 November 1969 7.34 pm, Uvalde, Texas, he was the third son of parents who married three times and divorced twice. His father a former professional football player turned pipe salesman had an explosive relationship with his mother. The book relates a scene where the five year old McConaughey watched them fight ferociously — his mother having broken his father’s nose with a telephone while he brandished a ketchup bottle — before his parents had sex on the kitchen floor.
He started in T commercials and built up a CV in between jaunts across the globe and some extended finding-himself vacations. Then after becoming known for making rom-coms in his 30s, he married, and took a gamble by refusing similar parts through a bleak, unemployed two years before meatier roles started to come in, The Wolf of Wall Street amongst them and the TV series True Detective.
He has an intense, hard-working 6th house Scorpio Sun; with Mercury in Scorpio as well as a frivolous Jupiter Venus in Libra in his performing 5th along with Uranus. No surprise that he can do light and shade, superficial rom-coms along with darker roles.
His Mercury opposes Saturn in Taurus squaring Mars in Aquarius with Mars trine Uranus hinting at frustrations and hardships in a volatile childhood and after; and descriptive of a hard, angry father.
He has a 4th house Virgo Moon and Pluto – so home would be both a source of comfort and scary.
As his book is published and he does the round of interviews tr Jupiter Pluto is exactly square his Jupiter Venus conjunction for a confident high. And his Solar Arc Jupiter is square his Moon for another warm glow.
Saturn and Jupiter are about to move into his 9th which may give rise to more gnomic musings in the coming months. Though not all of 2021 will be smooth flowing with the tr Saturn square tr Uranus hitting on his Scorpio Sun. His next period of significant change will be 2023 onwards as tr Pluto is conjunct his contrary and stubborn Mars in Aquarius and moves in hard aspect round his Fixed T Square. That’s when his ‘Alright, alright’ and respond-to-the-hints-of-the-universe philosophy may come in handy as he transitions through a challenging few years.
His strongest harmonic is his creative and ‘seeking soul’ 7H and his actors’ 15H.
Some Greenlights stickers to consider:
‘The value of denial depends on one’s level of commitment.’
‘To lose the power of confrontation is to lose the power of unity.’
‘Form good habits and become their slave.’
‘When you can, ask yourself if you want to.’
‘When you’re up to nothin’, no good’s usually next.’
‘Truth’s like a jalapeño. The closer to the root, the hotter it gets.’
Brian Cox, the veteran Shakespearean actor who won a Golden Globe for his performance as the Murdoch-type media patriarch Logan Roy in the HBO TV drama series Succession was born one day before Peter Sutcliffe and two weeks before Donald Trump.
Born 1 June 1946 2.15 pm Dundee, Scotland, he grew up in poverty with his father dying when he was 8. His mother suffered frequent nervous breakdowns, leaving him to be brought up by his elder sisters. He joined Dundee Rep theatre at 14, left school at 15 and never looked back. He went to drama school later and gave many notable performances in the 1970s/80s for the Royal Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre. He’s also known on film for The Bourne Identity, Braveheart, Rushmore, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, and Troy and was the first actor to portray Hannibal Lecter on film, in 1986’s Manhunter.
His maverick Sun, Mercury, Uranus are in the much-travelled, communicative and philosophical/political 9th hinting at his life and social activism. His 10th house of career has a tuned-into-the-public Moon Cancer conjunct a creative and charming Venus; with a serious and well-organised Saturn also in his 10th. His Mercury conjunct Uranus is in a confident trine to Jupiter, sextile Mars and Pluto giving him the ability to project – his voice in roles and his message in political terms.
The key difference between him and Sutcliffe are the house positions. Cox is much more outgoing in the sense of being focused out into the world, both in his career and his opinions about society. Sutcliffe was much more anchored into his family past and forces beyond his control with his 8th house emphasis.
Cox has a notably strong get-it-together 5th Harmonic; and creative 7H; with his actors’ 15H being the most notable of all. A rare talent.
As Dominic Cummings flounces out of No 10 for the final time – despite his actual office being round the corner and thus less sexy for a photo-op – it’s worth pondering on Matthew Parris’s perceptive and prescient thoughts in The Times from July 2019.
‘Dominic Cummings is the sharp‑tongued recruit who could cut Boris Johnson down.’ ‘A brilliant and prosecuting intellect. …. a free spirit who cares not a jot whom he offends or what people think of him.’
‘That he will fall out with his new master within months is almost certain. That, when he does, the world will know about it in coruscating language, equally so. Not least among the compensations for the chaos that awaits us is the anticipation of Mr Cummings’s blogs, once he turns against Mr Johnson.’
‘Mr Johnson ….. is prepared to box himself in ……… creating a cabinet that will destroy his premiership if he doesn’t deliver. He has set his own time bomb ticking. And in Mr Cummings, he has appointed his own literary executioner.”
See previous post below from October 1st 2020. I’d hazard a guess of a Sagittarius, Capricorn or Aquarius Ascendant for Cummings. So tr Saturn is now heading downwards into his lower profile First Quadrant as it did in his failed-Russia airline days in the early 1990s.
October 1 2020 post:
Dominic Cummings, Boris Johnson’s special adviser and reputedly ‘dark arts’ practitioner, has garnered a toxic reputation like many PM advisers before him which eventually led to their downfall and ousting. Indeed he’s been round this circuit before as bagman for Michael Gove in the Department of Education when the dirty tricks and abusive name-calling of opponents got to such a pitch in 2014 that Gove was removed to a political sinecure. Cummings reinvented himself via the successful if not entirely honest Vote Leave campaign into Brexit and thence onto No 10.
He’s had significant crashes in his career including early on involvement in a “spectacularly unsuccessful” project to set up an airline in southern Russia where he spent three years after university.
Described as “mad, bad or brilliant – perhaps all three”, he’s known not to suffer fools or those who disagree with him gladly and is openly contemptuous, often in offensive language.
Born 25 November 1971 in Durham, he has a Sun Neptune in Sagittarius opposition Saturn in Gemini square Mars in Pisces. A focal point Mars tends to be strong-willed and aggressive, attracting antagonism and conflict. In a Mutable sign it makes him scattergun in approach and high-wire in temperament, often not successful because he goes off in too many directions at once and lacks focus.
I’d hazard a guess at an Aquarius Ascendant given his boho-anorak style of dressing and because it would mean tr Saturn was heading downhill in his chart over his Russia fiasco. That possible birth time circa 1pm would put his self-righteous Jupiter in his 9th with his antagonistic Pluto in his 7th, and Mars in his 1st. Maybe wrong but makes sense.
His chart was head-scratchingly obtuse over Boris’s win and indeed Brexit – he clearly has odd reactions. Though on a 1pm birth time it would put tr Saturn heading for his Midheaven and now moving through his upper quadrant thereafter which would make sense.
For all his sang froid he looks seriously shaken this month, which is when the Boris government chart starts its meltdown. (See previous post). Cummings will be jittered, jangled, nerve-stretched and making bad decisions for several weeks. He’ll get a lift in December and next February but is heading for real disaster come mid-March into April 2021, repeating in September and the New Year into 2022. He’ll be tripping over one disaster after another. The Solar and Lunar Eclipses from mid 2020 to late 2021 are rattling up his five Sagittarius planets so is a crisis point for him.
His relationship with Boris is one of the world’s great mysteries since there’s a bad-tempered and restrictive composite Mars Saturn which is (even worse) in a hostile inconjunct to Pluto; an argumentative, conflicting-standpoints Mercury opposition Uranus Pluto and a needs-space Venus conjunct Uranus. And their synastry is no better, with Cummings T Square of Sagittarius Sun Neptune opposition Saturn square Mars colliding with Boris’s Saturn in Virgo opposition Uranus Pluto square Mars in Gemini. They are absolutely not what the other needs since both go off at tangents and spin around like Catherine Wheels in a Force Nine gale.
Their relationship chart doesn’t indicate an instant separation but there’s a decidedly swampy, undermining and dissatisfied feel with tr Neptune opposition the Sun/Pluto midpoint now and then opposition Pluto around that sinkhole phase next March 2021 and continuing on in the same vein into 2022. They don’t look in lockstep or harmony over the alleged exit point on December 31st.
Cummings and Carrie Symonds are not remotely sympatico and the gulf will widen late this November into December with tr Saturn conjunct the composite Mercury, Sun. with upheavals through December and aggro over the New Year till late January; with more fireworks from mid 2021 onwards.
With his old buddy Gove, he’s sensing panic in the air now with a definite chill between them from mid November through December; by late March 2021 onwards they won’t know where to turn – and whatever they had going as a partnership will be sinking in a morass of question marks.
With the Chancellor Rishi Sunak, he has an odd connection with a supportive composite Sun trine Jupiter; but the Sun also on the focal point of a composite Yod of Saturn sextile Venus – so a fated bond that will irrevocably change both their lives. It’s under darkening clouds from late February onwards for two years with a discouraging mood between them.
Cummings and the Tory Party 1912 aren’t a great match with a hostile, power-struggling composite Mars square Pluto which is being upended from July 2021 onwards worsening through 2022.
The UK are no more enamoured of him with a ratchety-dislike composite Mars square Saturn. There’ll be more discontentment and disappointment between them from February 2021 onwards, with the March/April dip marked on this chart as well.
Nothing definite regretfully from the astrology. Though none of this batch look remotely chipper as they set foot into 2021.
His chart is better suited to an airline business (albeit unsuccessful) than affairs of state. He does have fairly extensive business interests some of which have raised eyebrows about conflicts of interest.
Peter Sutcliffe, the serial killer, known as the Yorkshire Ripper has died in prison. He was convicted in 1981 for murdering 13 women, mainly though not all prostitutes, and attempting to murder seven others. He was sentenced to 20 lifetimes in prison and spent most of his incarceration in Broadmoor Hospital for the criminally insane diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. He said at his trial that the voice of God had sent him to kill the women and told friends recently he would be welcomed into heaven as a Jehovah’s Witness.
Born 2 June 1946 8.30pm Bingley, England, he did have an exceptionally troubled chart with a packed 8th house of Moon Saturn in Cancer, Pluto and Mars in Leo and Venus in Cancer, suggesting a truly difficult family inheritance in terms of psychological strain. His Gemini Sun was conjunct Uranus Mercury in his 7th trine a 10th house Jupiter in Libra with Neptune also in Libra conjunct his Midheaven.
When he started his five year murderous spree in 1975 his emotionally wounded Moon Saturn had moved by Solar Arc to conjunct his Mars, which is the classic assassination signature. Tr Pluto was also moving through his 10th during the killing years, exacerbating his need to be in a dominant position. Police incompetence allowed him to continue longer than it should.
At the moment the tr Jupiter Pluto conjunction is exactly opposition his Moon Saturn putting an end to a destructive life. His Progressed Moon is just across his IC into his 4th giving him some peace, but opposition his Progressed Mars exposing his anger at women mercifully for a final time.
His strongest Harmonic is oddly enough not the 18H which is often the case with serial killers, but the 16H. In numerology this is the number of destruction and warns against catastrophes, disappointments, humiliations. Life can change completely. Sometimes this is self-inflicted. And his 7H, which can be mentally finely balanced.
Add On: His ex-wife, Sonia Sutcliffe, continues to own and return to their marital home though she lives elsewhere in a flat bought by her second husband. Sutcliffe evidently remained obsessed with her until he died. She stood by him through the trial and only divorced a decade after his conviction.
She was born 10 August 1950, the daughter of Ukrainian and Polish immigrants and was treated for schizophrenia in her 20s. According to wiki a journalist who had many conversations with Sonia, described her as “the most irritating, strangest and coldest person I’ve ever met. She’s so incredibly prickly and demanding”. She lost a libel action against The News of the World which had claimed she benefited financially from her husband’s crimes.
She’s a controlling Sun Pluto in Leo which was conjunct Sutcliffe’s 8th house Mars – and she was evidently domineering towards him. Her Venus in Cancer was also conjunct his 8th house Moon Saturn with her Mars in square to his Moon Saturn; and her Uranus (Moon) in Cancer was conjunct his 8th house Venus. What an intense, deep-rooted and complicated attachment.
Their relationship chart had an affectionate composite Sun Venus Moon in an illusory square to Neptune; and adventurous Jupiter opposition Uranus squaring onto Mars, for a volatile, drama-filled bond; with a chained-together Saturn Pluto conjunction.
No 10 has become a “nest of vipers” and is falling apart, far worse than the outside world realises, according to a well-placed source. The opposition leader has accused the inner Boris circle of fighting ‘like rats in a sack’. Even allowing for journalistic mischief and political point-scoring, the ousting of the Communications Director and fervent Leaver Lee Cain does seem to indicate a degree of mayhem – at a super-critical juncture with Brexit approaching and the Covid policy in chaos
Cain is a close buddy of Boris from days of yore and a Dominic Cummings sidekick, but was deemed, according to reports, to have fallen foul of Carrie Symonds. She like most of the Tory Party (and country) are appalled at the recent pandemic shambles, communications and other, much of which was laid at Cain and Cummings‘ door. His departure has led to hopes of Cummings going soon as well.
The Government chart, 13 December 2019 11am, which has a dithering and impractical Sagittarius Sun square Neptune to start with, is also labouring under a disastrous and undermining tr Neptune square the Mars/Pluto midpoint until late January 2021. Plus the Lunar Eclipse later this month will rattle the Midheaven and Sagittarius Solar Eclipse in December will rattle up the Government Sun for a critical moment of destiny. And from late March 2021 onwards for a year tr Neptune moves to the lacklustre and usually unsuccessful square to the Sun.
What’s interesting about the Government chart is the singleton Cancer Moon in the 5th, hinting that women may play more of a part in its journey than seemed obvious up till now . Carrie Symonds appears to be supported by the new press secretary Allegra Stanton, senior aide Munira Mirza and Priti Patel. A stalwart sisterhood.
Not only is the Government chart in the line of fire of the two upcoming Eclipses, so are Boris and Dominic Cummings. Both have highly Mutable charts with Boris’s Gemini planets and Cummings’ Sagittarius planets catching both the Lunar and the Solar Eclipse before the year end.
Carrie never was a good fit with Cummings with a composite Sun Mercury square Pluto in their relationship chart which tr Saturn is dousing with cold water now and in December. With a further blip of aggravation over the New Year and through January.
Allegra Stanton, 25 November 1980, the new press secretary, another Sagittarius, is even more at daggers drawn with Cummings (and vice versa) with a composite Mars opposition Saturn square Uranus Jupiter in their interface. Their connection will go through turbulent times from late this December through till next spring.
There’s nothing definitive pointing to a break on the Boris/Cummings relationship chart, which is pretty chained together with a composite Sun Pluto conjunction though that is being slowly eroded by tr Neptune in opposition now and into 2021. Cummings’ own chart is marginally deflated for the rest of this month but has a sliver of luck running until after mid December. The Solar Eclipse on his Mercury Venus will cause an emotional upset of sorts. But 2021 looks like being his real disaster zone from March onwards. His relationship chart with the Tory Party 1912 is hostile at best with a composite Mars square Pluto and will rock n’ roll in earnest from mid 2021 onwards. He’ll leave a bad taste behind when he goes, given the havoc he’s caused.
Add ON: Assuming pro-tem that the Carrie squad has the PM’s ear – or is tugging his chain – how fares fervent-Leaver Michael Gove? He was Dominic Cummings’ principal cheerleader from his time as Education Minister, famously stabbed Boris in the back in 2016 skewering his chances of replacing David Cameron, and has his own weaselly ambitions to further.
His relationship chart with Carrie suggests an ego-clash at the best of times and is in a downhill slide now till late January 2021; with tensions and upsets later this month through December.
His interface with Boris never was stable with Gove’s Virgo Sun conjunct Boris’s Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn square Mars. It’ll be chilly through this December, confused and devastated over the New Year and more obviously sagging in February.
Gove’s own chart is stressed and strung-out till late this month; feeling disempowered from February next year and more uncertain as 2021 goes on.
Gove is married to and heavily supported politically by Daily Mail journalist Sarah Vine, 16 April 1967, who is an upfront and (over) confident Aries Sun opposition Mars in Libra square Jupiter. She has tr Pluto square her Mars over the New Year and January, which on its own is furious and blocked, but tugging on her Jupiter it could send her into ambitious overdrive. Her relationship chart with Gove suggests together they face a disastrous setback from exactly now till late December.
The #freeBritney campaign and pleas from Britney Spears herself have failed to sway a US judge into removing her father as conservator of her estate. It seems an odd decision since her lawyer said she was “afraid” of him, had no “viable working relationship” with him, had not spoken in a “long while” and that she would not perform so long as he remained in the role. Her mother who appeared at the hearing described the relationship between Britney and her father as ‘toxic’.
Since her breakdown in 2007 she has not controlled her financial affairs or many of her career decisions under the court-enacted agreement. Her father and attorney have managed her assets and personal life – including being able to restrict her visitors and communicate with doctors about her treatment.
The relationship chart with her father is strikingly difficult – with a power-struggling and unstable composite Sun, Pluto, Uranus conjunction and a one-sided, ‘unfair-treatment’ composite Mars Saturn conjunction. It certainly wouldn’t foster a co-operative or amiable mood between them. It’s also tied together in a fated way with a composite Yod of Neptune sextile Uranus Pluto inconjunct Venus in Aries; with Venus opposition Mars Saturn. Relationship Yods tend to lash together individuals in a life-changing way which irrevocably affects the trajectory of both their lives. The hard-edged, aggravating Mars Saturn may also square the composite Moon. All in all not a great chemistry.
His Sun, Venus, Uranus in Cancer fall in her career 10th, his Mars in ultra-determined Scorpio in her financial 2nd and his Jupiter in her business-finances 8th – no surprises that her success and her wealth are primary matters of interest to him And his Neptune is conjunct her Saturn which will induce suspicion.
She looks, not surprisingly, uptight now with her Solar Arc Pluto conjunct her Mercury putting her under mental strain; plus discouraging tr Pluto square her Saturn/Pluto midpoint this month and then in a career-losses square to her Jupiter/Saturn through February 2021 and on and off till late 2022. She will start to cheer up from late April 2021 onwards in patches. And some of the family tensions and tug-of-war may diminish slightly as tr Saturn and Jupiter move out of her 4th into her performing/sociable 5th from this New Year. But it’ll be an emotionally intense and not always supportive year with tr Pluto conjunct her Venus and tr Neptune opposition her Mars.
The Georgia run-off elections on January 5th that could determine control of the Senate are falling foul of squabbles within the local republicans about whether there has been fraud or not. The fear is that kicking up a rumpus may deter Republican supporters coming out to vote if they swallow the Trump line about wholesale cheating since they might think there was no point.
R.Kelly Loeffler will face a challenge from D.Raphael Warnock, the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. R. David Perdue is running against D. Jon Ossoff, chief executive of a media production company.
None of the following has a time of birth so information is missing.
Kelly Loeffler, 27 November 1970, a Sun Neptune in Sagittarius, has exceptionally mixed stars. On the downside through January she has a frustratingly cornered tr Pluto square her Mars and a disastrous tr Uranus square her Mars/Saturn midpoint. But she also has a Solar Arc Pluto conjunct her Jupiter and tr Pluto square her Jupiter/Pluto which would suggest success. So make of it what you will.
Raphael Warnock, 23 July 1969, is a Sun Leo in a lucky sextile to Jupiter Uranus in Libra. He’s looking marginally undermined with tr Neptune square his Venus in Gemini with more Neptune transits from late January. He’ll be in better fettle come 2024 with tr Pluto trine his Jupiter.
David Perdue, 10 December 1949, is another Sagittarius with a determined Mars Saturn in Virgo. He’s not got anything cheerful until next spring. Before then tr Neptune squares his Sun now and in January and continues on a downhill slide thereafter. Though he is on his Jupiter Return over this new Year.
Joe Ossoff, 16 February 1987, is a Sun Aquarius with a fiery Mars in Aries trine Uranus Saturn in Sagittarius. He has one minor Jupiterian up in January and is in better form from February onwards as tr Pluto sextiles his Jupiter. He’s young enough to come back another year.
Usual six and half a dozen from the astro. If I had to hazard a guess – and it would be a guess – I’d say Kelly Loeffler might make it and David Perdue might not. But on the info available it’s less than clear.