Jurgen Klopp, manager of Liverpool FC since last October, had a successful playing career in Germany followed by an equally productive managerial one. He’s a much loved figure, known for his weird and wonderful quotes.
Born 16 June 1967 7.28am Stuttgart, Germany, he has an 11th house Sun Gemini square a 3rd house Uranus Pluto in Virgo so a good team person, but also a rebel, with a quirky way of communicating. He has a charmingly frivolous Jupiter Venus in Leo on his Ascendant. But more pointedly a rigorously disciplined, self-reliant Saturn in Aries on his MC opposition Mars square Mercury in Cancer – I imagine he won’t be backwards about expressing his irritation when things go wrong.
Tr Saturn is moving through his 2nd quadrant so he looks to have a long career ahead of him. Though tr Pluto is square his Mars in 2016/17 which can be exceptionally frustrating at the same time as tr Pluto in in a discouraging, tough-slog trine to his Sun/Saturn. So not all good results will come easily.
He looks fairly understated for the next year, maybe two, with his Progressed Moon going through his 12th for another 14 months as well as all that unhelpful Pluto. Where he really begins to bounce again is late 2018 with tr Jupiter moving into his sporting 5th.
Liverpool FC was founded on 3 June 1892 which makes it a Sun Gemini and its confident Jupiter in Aries sits at his midheaven so it should be a good mix. But the Liverpool FC Saturn in Virgo is square his Sun and conjunct his Uranus Pluto so their approach will damp his innovative spirit.
And he has taken over at a tricky time for them with tr Saturn opposition their Sun this year and tr Neptune square their Sun in 2017 which is a downer. Admittedly tr Pluto will be squaring their Jupiter in 2016/17 so they won’t lack drive.
The relationship chart has a gung-ho, lucky composite Sun Jupiter opposition Mars which should be good but again it is beset by tr Saturn hard aspects this year and tr Neptune hard aspects really from 2016 to 2020, so it won’t be all upwards and onwards.
I wouldn’t be surprised if his stay at Anfield wasn’t relatively short lived.