Israel – Obama winding up for a parting shot?



Both President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have been voicing forcible criticisms of Israel’s expanding settlement programme which they say makes a two-state solution to the Palestinian issue well-nigh impossible.

The Times of Israel says: ‘Officials in Jerusalem have expressed concern that Obama will use his last few months in office (after the November election) to facilitate a UN resolution to impose a deal between the two nations.’ Though the liberal Israeli newspaper Haaretz says Netanyahu has won, having stood up against Obama so far, and the rest of the world is disinclined to get overly invested in the issue, given everything else that is going on.

Obama’s relationship with Netanyahu is certainly on a downward slide with tr Neptune opposition the composite Mars until mid Jan 2017 (which also picked a square from the September Solar Eclipse) – so there’ll be not much going right and an upsurge of anger. And tr Saturn will square the composite Sun in late December into Jan 2017. So it’s just possible there might be a gesture of sorts, which would deepen the rift between them.

What is certainly true is that the USA will be increasingly disheartened with Israeli Government policies right through the next USA Presidential Term with tr Neptune opposition the composite Saturn first and then square Uranus Sun until 2020. With an eruption of bad-tempered criticism from April 2017 till early 2018 with tr Uranus square the composite Mars. And more downers in 2018 with tr Saturn square the composite Neptune Jupiter and opposition Venus.

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