Looking at Hillary Clinton’s chart with a fresh eye – she does have tr Uranus trine her Saturn now which suggests a reasonably radical change in her life. She’s just lost the tr Saturn trine her Mars Pluto which dented her chances somewhat as James Comey chucked the FBI grenade in two weeks back. And that influence passed the day he announced the all clear. The only midpoint transit she has at the moment is the tr Uranus opposition her Sun/Neptune which is highly strung, sudden upsets, a crisis, mourning and that runs till late this month. She’ll bounce a bit in December with tr Pluto sextile her Sun/Jupiter but will also be mighty confused with tr Pluto trine Saturn/Neptune.
If her 8.01 am birth time is sound then tr Saturn is moving through her lower profile, less successful first quadrant and about to hit the deepest part for the next couple of years, which can often be psychologically difficult.
Her Solar Return for October 2016, for what it is worth, if birth time sound, has Jupiter in the 2nd, so she may be off on a money-making spree; with a grandstanding and enfuriated Mars Pluto in the 5th so she’ll make her presence felt in no uncertain way. Her SR for this past year looked very stuck with a trapped 8th house Pluto and directionless 10th house Neptune.
She’s enormously tough with that Mars Pluto Saturn in Leo on the point of a T Square to her Venus Mercury in Scorpio opposition Taurus North Node. The Taurus North Node often has a life rife with financial tugs of war and sexual tangles until some kind of transformation takes place. Though with such a resilient Pluto Saturn Mars which is designed to withstand any pressure, such a wholesale change would be incredibly difficult for her. I can’t see her taking up gardening which is always one of the suggestions for this Node – getting your hands dirty in the soil and embracing nature.