Pakistan – corruption scandals but a growing economy

sharif sharif pm  pak


Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan, is embroiled in family scandals involving allegations of money laundering; and has also been embarrassed by the return of 44,000 Pakistanis from Saudi Arabia in the past four months for terrorist or criminal activity. But surprisingly for a country which was written off in the not too distant past as a failed state, it is growing economically and part of that is due to Sharif’s policies.

Born 26 Dec 1948 4.15am Lahore, he will be hit by this February’s Solar Eclipse opposing his 10th house Saturn and his Solar Arc Uranus, which will be jolting and a sobering reality-check; and perhaps land him with blame for the actions of others in the family. He looks deeply insecure through March; and is anyway in a less than vibrant phase of his career with tr Saturn now moving through the central section of his first quadrant. Always a time when banana skins grow longer for career politicians. 2018/19 will be financially tight times for him.

His Presidency chart has the enthusiasm and confidence dampening tr Saturn opposition Jupiter this month and again later in the year. But that apart, not much of note. Though the Feb Pisces Eclipse is conjunct the 4th house Neptune of that chart which again points to an undermining family situation, eroding his power base.

The Pakistan chart has tr Pluto opposition the Cancer Moon picking up this month and running till late 2018 which will arouse outbursts of strong feelings from the population, affecting the government since the Moon is 10th house. And this February Eclipse will also be conjunct the Solar Arc Mars MC Uranus, so a volatile time.

2 thoughts on “Pakistan – corruption scandals but a growing economy

  1. Hello. This is incorrect date of birth. His date of birth is 25 December 1949. Will you please tell the next year election. Who will win? .Please Give some insights about Imran khan too. He is strong Competitor of PM Nawaz Sharif. Thank you
    From Pakistan

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