Happy New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR and all the best for 2016.

Welcome to the new website. The old familiar one had been clunking along for nearly twenty years and regrettably no longer spoke to the new technology. So needs must.

Like all babies the new site won’t come into the world without a few hiccups. There are still sections to be added and fine tuning to come. so I hope you’ll bear with us. And email me (on contact) with any suggestions.

First week in January looks challenging (sigh) with a Capricorn Sun conjunct Pluto and square Uranus. But Mars is moving into super-determined Scorpio from the 3rd which will help to squash any problems underfoot. By mid-month Jupiter should (and it had better!!) spread its magic around.

There is a box for comments under the individual Astrology of Today’s News posts; scroll down to the bottom of the page. At present only the posts to the left have a comment box. Otherwise Contact on the top bar comes through to me. Heavenly Headlines is under News, also top bar.

Amicalement   Marjorie


El Nino – Saturn square Neptune

Nasa has said that the effects of the current El Nino weather phenomenon could be as bad as those of 1998, the strongest on record. El Nino is a naturally occurring weather system which happens every two to seven years, bringing severe droughts and devastating flooding in different parts of the world.

Looking back to 1998, there was a Saturn square Neptune as there is now. Other particularly severe E Ninos:-  in 1972 there a Saturn opposition Neptune. In 1925 and 1891 there was also a Saturn square Neptune.

In two other years recorded as strong El Ninos, 1982 and 1875/6 there was a Saturn sextile Neptune which is weaker – so a less obvious connection. Though 1875 which oversaw droughts and great famine in India and China for three years after also had Saturn square Pluto at the start and Uranus square Pluto as well.

So the Saturn square Neptune uncertainty which is hanging around now, and continues until after mid 2016, may well in part be connected to the extreme weather patterns.