BBC independence being threatened

There’s yet another rumpus about possible political meddling in the BBC – in the scheduling of programmes as well as governance, with a white paper on the BBC Charter due this month. Even the revered Sir David Attenborough has voiced fears about tampering with the UK’s national treasure.

The BBC, 14 Nov 1922 6pm London, is in an edgy year with tr Neptune moving through its 10th conjunct Uranus on and off till January 2017 which is highly strung and could well lead to inflated fears about loss of freedom. Plus tr Saturn is back for another square to that Uranus in August with tensions surfacing.

Plus tr Pluto is square the 5th house Saturn till early this December which is discouraging; and Solar Arc Pluto is conjunct that Saturn this year.  So stuck every which way.

And the thoroughly awkward September Virgo Solar Eclipse which is opposition Neptune square Saturn Mars in Sagittarius will rattle that 10th house Uranus in a major way. So there could well be a sense of having their wings clipped every which way.

Tr Pluto is also poised to move into their 8th house from later this year till 2025 which could be major financial headaches and restrictions.

All is not lost however, later in 2017 the Solar Arc Jupiter will conjunct the BBC Mars for a real injection of enthusiasm and a morale boost.

The BBC have been involved in political wrangles of one sort or another ever since I can remember. They are tough. They’ll survive. If they run short of money they can always delete another layer of management which is still far too top heavy.

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