Joan Bakewell – still chic and lively at 83

Joan Bakewell, now aged 83 and still sophisticated, has had a 50 year career in television (Late Night Line Up and on), a constant presence in newspapers, and is now in the House of Lords, giving a voice to the elderly. She’s been twice married and divorced and had a seven year clandestine affair with playwright Harold Pinter in the 1970s, the basis for his play Betrayal.

Born 16 April 1933 10.30pm, Stockport, Eng, she has a charming though freedom loving Aries Sun conjunct Venus Uranus in her 5th house of entertainment and romance; squaring onto a Pluto opposition Capricorn Moon – so a love life definitely destined to be out of the ordinary.

She’s also of that 1933 group with Jupiter Neptune Mars in Virgo – Joan Collins was born five weeks later with it even more strongly marked since it squared her Sun Venus in Gemini.  In Joan Bakewell’s case, Jupiter is conjunct her MC, ensuring success and a secure reputation as she grew older to become a pillar of the community.

Her relationship chart with Harold Pinter – 10 October 1930 2pm London – is passionate, adventurous, clearly great fun with a composite Venus opposition Mars Jupiter; but there’s also a hint of bleakness and insurmountable obstacles from a composite Saturn opposition Sun Pluto square Uranus. It would be quite a roller coaster ride, going through major upheavals along the way and never destined to make it over the Saturnine hurdle.

Her Capricorn Moon fell in his 1st and his Venus in Scorpio fell in her 1st so it would be an important relationship for both. His powerhouse Jupiter Pluto Mars in Cancer hooked into her Cardinal T Square, opposing her Moon and squaring her Sun Venus Uranus – so it would sizzle with energy though not always comfortably.

He then went on to marry writer Antonia Fraser.

Leicester City FC – the bony finger of fate

Leicester City Football Club (I am informed) has shot from obscurity into the top of the English Premiership. This happy change of fate may or may not having something to do with moving to new grounds or the even better karma of King Richard 111’s remains being dug up recently in a car park nearby.

It was founded on 1 November 1884 making it Scorpio with an Aries Moon; and a Mutable T Square of Mars opposition Pluto (= much frustration) square Jupiter in Virgo ( = when focussed, finding success).

At the moment the Jupiter has moved by Solar Arc to pick up the lucky-break tr Uranus square last year and the multo-success tr Pluto conjunct Jupiter, this last extending through 2016 as well.  Plus in 2016/17 tr Pluto  will oppose the pushily confident Jupiter/Pluto midpoint which tr Uranus has been squaring last year; and the Mars/Jupiter midpoint is also well placed to get a boost in 2016/17/18.

What is spooky is that Richard 111, born 2 Oct 1452 (OS) 9.02am Framlingham, Eng, has his Midheaven conjunct the FC Jupiter – which could suggest he brings good luck for them. Though given his reputation it sounds like a pact with the devil. They will run into problems by 2019 with Solar Arc Saturn conjunct their Sun.

Syria – worse and worse – ISIL edgy

Even more Syrians are fleeing from the north trying to cross the border into Turkey with Russian air strikes and Syrian army forces closing in on Aleppo, held to date by rebel forces. In the midst of this unholy conglomeration of disparate allies and enemies, the Russian tactic of focussing more on the rebels than on ISIL, has been heavily criticised. But that may change once Aleppo has been put under siege. They may now turn their attention to the ISIL ‘capital’ Raqqa, also in the north.

Whatever the outcome the Syria national chart, 1 January 1944 12 am chart shows even more battering over the next year with the Solar Arc Saturn moving to square the Mars Uranus, exact in eight and nine months.

The relationship chart between Vladimir Putin and ISIL is showing signs of huge stress from early March onwards for two years; with major upheavals from late May. This mirrors the pro-Assad Hezbollah/ISIL chart which is violent and enraged form early March through 2017 as well.

Not that Putin’s Presidency or the Russia 1917 chart look exactly gungho from after mid February. He must be wondering what he’s got himself into.

Benjamin Millepied – a pumped up Saturn in Leo

Benjamin Millepied, husband of actress and dancer Natalie Portman, and choreographer for the ballet film Black Swan, is leaving the prestigious Opera de Paris after only fifteen months as dance director. He recently criticised the company for being hierarchical and resistant to change, and said he wanted away from administration back to being more creative.

Born 10 June 1977 1.30pm Bordeaux, France, he has a successful 10th house Sun Jupiter which opposes Neptune and trines Pluto – so another Sun Neptune Pluto.

What is striking about his chart is a heavily aspected Saturn in Leo, which wants to be grand and can be overly-defensive when his authority is challenged. Saturn sits on one leg of an inspirational and demanding Fire Grand Trine to Neptune and an Aries Moon; formed into a Kite by Neptune opposition Jupiter Sun. So undoubtedly talented though also ego-centric and possibly over-convinced of his rightness with such a strong Jupiter.

Plus his Uranus opposes Venus Mars in Taurus squaring onto Saturn. A T square with a focal point Saturn will give him executive ability but also a reluctance to share control or decisions with others, especially in fixed signs. Saturn square Uranus can be autocratic; and Uranus Mars volatile.

In 2015 he had the discouraging, road-block Solar Arc Saturn square his Sun; and at the moment great relief coming from Solar Arc Uranus opposition his Jupiter, bringing sudden change and freedom. He doesn’t look the easiest of people for a team effort but is undoubtedly overflowing with ability.

Tr Saturn is moving now into his 4th as he ups sticks and moves to the USA. Tr Pluto is also about to move into his 5th giving him the impetus for a more creative time ahead and one in which he’ll want to be in the spotlight.

Julian Assange – London his worst nightmare

Just a brief reprise on Julian Assange, since search is still not in place. His chart relocated to London has a trapped, powerless Pluto conjunct the IC in the 4th with restless Uranus also in the 4th; an enraged frustrated Mars in the 8th, which will stop him being pro-active; and a hidden Cancer Sun. Not the most sensible place to choose as an escape.

Matt LeBlanc – new speedfreak friend

Actor Matt LeBlanc of ‘Friends’ fame is to co-host Top Gear with Chris Evans when it returns in May. He says he’s amazed at the reaction.

Born 25 July 1967 4.18 am Newton, Massachusetts, he has a 1st house Leo Sun and Jupiter in Leo in the 2nd, so well-designed as an entertainer; lucky and extravagant with money.

He’s also got a Water Grand Trine of a Pisces Moon trine a 5th house Neptune trine Mercury on his Cancer Ascendant; formed into a Kite by Moon opposition Venus Pluto Uranus in Virgo – so creative, talented, self-protective; and very much of the chaotic and innovative Uranus Pluto generation.  He’s also got a well-organised Saturn in self-reliant Aries in his 10th so executive ability as well.

His relationship chart with Chris Evans, 1 April 1966 no birth time, is positive with probably a composite New Moon opposition Venus, sextile/trine Saturn – so good complementarity, friendliness and stability.  Plus an adventurous Mars opposition Jupiter.

Though their synastry does raise a few questions. Evans’ Sun Mars in Aries is conjunct LeBlanc’s Saturn so Evans’ impetuous approach may not sit that comfortably. But both are of the Uranus Pluto conjunction generation so will understand each other. L’s Jupiter is probably conjunct E’s Leo Moon which will help.

This year doesn’t look that easy for LeBlanc with his Solar Arc Sun conjunct his Pluto, exact as the show launches which is very pressured. Another very challenging influence picks up from late March – tr Pluto trine his Sun/Mars; and there’s an accident prone tr Uranus square his Mars/Saturn in May, repeating on and off till 2017. Plus a career-loss tr Neptune square Jupiter/Saturn in June.

Roosh V – neo-masculine rants – Yod focal point Mars

Roosh V (Daryush Valizadeh), the neo-masculinist activist has cancelled meetings since he says he can no longer protect the safety or privacy of men who might attend.

An American-born Muslim of Armenian-Iranian parents he is for traditional masculine dominance, against female promiscuity and had some barmy idea about legalising rape (in order the stop it, he said ??) His website ReturnofKings bans homosexuals and women from commenting.

Born 14 June 1979 he’s a Sun Gemini opposition Neptune and trine Pluto and possibly trine an Aquarius Moon.  Both Aquarius and Gemini enjoy making outrageous statements to shock others and amuse themselves. Neptune and Pluto in aspect to the Sun gives power to a vision.

What really motivates him though is almost certainly a Yod onto Mars in Taurus from the Neptune Pluto sextile. An afflicted Mars in Taurus gives rise to sexual jealousy and possessive and an obsession for acquiring money.

A Yod focal point Mars is rash, reckless, self-defeating, aggressive and out of balance where sexual tensions are concerned. Very self-willed.

Heaven help any poor wife who got anchored to him.

Karen Carpenter remembered – the unloved child


Tragic singer Karen Carpenter died from anorexia 33 years ago today. She had a wonderfully lyrical voice which was really the success factor in the Carpenters, the duo with her brother Richard. They were one of the biggest selling musical acts in the 1970s and early 80s with middle-of-the-road melodies.

Her biographer said her problem was she felt unloved by her mother, whose favourite was Richard, and her self-esteem was low.

Born 2 March 1950 11.45am New Haven, Connecticut, she had a 10th house musical Pisces Sun conjunct MC, so her identity would be very wrapped up in her mother’s ambitions. Her Sun was also opposition Saturn in Virgo in the 10th, making for a chilly childhood. She also interestingly had Uranus on her Cancer Ascendant, so arguably her body/image was her one way of stamping her individuality. She also had a Moon Pluto in Leo opposition Jupiter Mercury in Aquarius – so a possessive mother, from whom she found it difficult to separate.

Her mother, Agnes, born 5 March 1915, was a Sun Jupiter in Pisces which fell in Karen’s 10th, so she no doubt revelled in her success at some level. But her tough, bleak Saturn in Gemini conjunct Pluto in Cancer sat on Karen’s Ascendant so the effect would be to crush K’s efforts to free herself. The mother’s Saturn Pluto is also trine Mars in Aquarius which is a pretty unpleasant combination.

Agnes’s relationship chart with Richard was affectionate, even joyous with a composite Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter conjunction. Whereas Agnes’s relationship chart with Karen had a composite Sun square Mars and Sun opposition Neptune – so argumentative and undermining; with a cold Saturn opposition Venus.  It’s always damaging when one child is favoured by – or has better chemistry with – a parent.

Julian Assange – questionmarks ahead

A UN panel, it is reported, will say the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is being “arbitrarily detained” in the UK. His passport was removed while he was out on bail facing extradition to Sweden for investigation on sexual assault charges. He escaped into asylum in the Ecuador embassy. What difference it will make isn’t clear, since it is unlikely to affect the UK legal position.

Born 3 July 1971 3pm Townsville, Australia, he does have tr Uranus moving to trine his MC soon (on this birth time) which does suggest a positive change of direction.

Tr Saturn is continuing down through his 1st house and indeed through his less successful first quadrant for almost six years ahead. So he will tend to sink out of sight.

There’s nothing much showing on his chart until his Solar Arc Jupiter opposes his Sun late 2016 which will buck up his morale. Then 2017/18 he has the upbeat, confident tr Pluto trine his Sun/Jupiter midpoint and the lucky-break tr Uranus opposing his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint from mid 2017 on.  It seems unlikely in the present climate that Sweden will let the investigation drop and his relationship chart with Sweden is immensely stressed this year.

The Dreyfus Affair – state corruption and injustice

The trial and conviction which became the byword for injustice was that of Alfred Dreyfus in France in the 1890s. Robert Harris has written a compelling novel about the military and state corruption and anti-semitism which brought about Dreyfus’s inhumane imprisonment on Devil’s Island for a treason he did not commit. What became known as The Affair, nearly tore France apart with novelist Emile Zola at one point exasperatedly writing his J’Accuse polemic, naming army chiefs and politicians who had lied and then lied further to cover up. Were it not for the efforts of an army intelligence chief Marie-Georges Picquart, who was sidelined for his whistleblowing and sent on a suicide mission to shut him up, Dreyfus would have died. It took 12 years to unravel the fiasco, which would not have happened but for newspaper and public pressure.

Dreyfus, 9 Oct 1859 3pm Mulhouse, France had an 8th house Sun Mercury Venus in Libra square Jupiter in Cancer; and an 8th house Mars in Virgo opposition Moon Neptune in Pisces – so very intense, quite fated, and designed to generate publicity with Mars Neptune. He also had Saturn in Leo opposition a North Node in Aquarius – so at odds with the conventional zeitgeist or at least the authoritarian custodians thereof.

The tr Neptune Pluto conjunction in Gemini, associated with scandal, deception and a tendency to megalomania amongst rulers, covered this period. It was going through Dreyfus’s 4th house during his five year on the unhealthy South American penal colony.

Picquart,6 Sept 1854 7pm Strasbourg, France, had a meticulous, hard-working Sun Mercury in Virgo opposition Moon Neptune in Pisces squaring onto Saturn in Gemini in the 3rd. So a worrier, fair-minded, keen on detail. Backing that up he had a relentlessly determined and courageous Mars in Scorpio opposition Pluto. The tr Neptune Pluto conjunction was moving through his 3rd house conjunct his Saturn as he embarked on his risky whistleblowing exercise.

Picquart didn’t especially like Dreyfus, but felt dragging the truth into the open was the only honourable course, no matter what it cost him.

Novelist and playwright, Emile Zola, 2 April 1840 11pm Paris, was a New Moon in Aries; with Moon Pluto Mars Mercury in Aries in his 5th – so intemperate, loved the spotlight and would be very go-ahead and impulsive. His J’Accuse earned him a libel suit.

Once the dust finally settled, after retrials, semi-apologies and obfuscations Dreyfus was pardoned, and fought in World War 1; Picquart became Minister for War.